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Book ^_1_ 




Joseph  Jones 







No  22$ 



FEW  details  of  the  life  of  Joseph  Jones  are  accessible, 
although  he  appears  to  have  played  a  part  by  no  means 
unimportant  in  Virginia  politics  during  and  subsequent  to 
the  Revolution.  He  was  born  in  Virginia  in  1727,  and 
appears  in  the  colonial  House  of  Burgesses  as  a  represent- 
ative of  King  George  County.  At  the  outbreak  of  the  war 
he  was  a  member  of  the  Committee  of  Safety,  and  in  1776 
served  in  the  Virginia  Convention.  One  year  later  he 
represented  the  State  in  the  Continental  Congress,  resign- 
ing to  accept  the  position  of  judge  of  the  General  Court 
(January  23,  1778),  a  position  that  he  filled  for  more  than 
a  year  (till  October,  1779).  From  1780  to  1783  he  served 
in  Congress,  and  at  a  later  date  appears  to  have  taken  an 
active  interest  in  continental  and  State  affairs,  without 
holding  any  political  appointments.  He  was  a  member 
of  the  Virginia  Convention  in  1788,  and  accepted  an  ap- 
pointment to  the  bench  in  1789.  His  death  occurred 
October  28,  1805. 

The  interest  of  Judge  Jones'  letters  lies  mainly  in  the 
careful  picture  he  gives  of  the  condition  of  Virginia  poli- 
tics subsequent  to  the  treaty  of  peace  with  Great  Britain. 
The  importance  of  that  State  in  deciding  the  course  of 
federal  events  of  that  time  can  hardly  be  overestimated; 
and  the  struggle  of  internal  factions  over  such  questions  as 
the  grant  of  the  impost,  the  cession  of  western  territory  to 
Congress,  the  payment  of  British  debts,  the  commercial 
polity  of  the  States,  and  finally  the  steps  that  led  up  to 
the  Federal  Constitution,  are  not  only  of  great  interest  in 
themselves,  but  of  vital  importance  as  showing  on  how 
little  incidents  the  fate  of  the  Confederation  at  times  de- 
pended during  these  most  critical  years  of  constitutional 
development,  if  the  term  may  be  applied  to  a  period 
when  experience  was  framing  in  a  definite  form  what 
were  the  rudiments  of  an  instrument  of  government. 
The  same  contests  occurred  in  other  States,  but  nowhere 
were  they  conducted  with  such  intense  bitterness,  or  with 
such  an  array  of  talent  on  both  sides,  as  in  Virginia.  The 
correspondents  of  Judge  Jones  were  men  of  note,  the  lead- 
ing spirits  of  the  day;  and  his  position,  from  its  being 
somewhat  outside  of  the  actual  scene  of  strife,  was  ad- 
vantageous for  forming  a  judicial,  though  by  no  means 
unbiased  opinion  on  the  current  events,  as  he  was  a  strong 
partisan.  During  the  administration  of  Washington  he 
naturally  sided  with  the  Jefferson  faction,  which,  mainly 
under  the  influence  of  the  foreign  relations  of  the  States, 
soon  developed  into  the   Republican  party,  and  became 

recognized  as  such  after  the  retirement  of  Edmund  Ran- 
dolph from  the  Cabinet  had  left  no  representative  of  the 
opponents  of  the  Federalists  in  the  council  of  the  Presi- 

The  letters  printed  in  this  volume  are  principally  from 
Judge  Jones  to  Madison,  and  are  given  for  publication 
through  the  kindness  of  their  possessor,  Mr.  F.  B.  Mc- 
Guire.  I  have  added  a  few  others  found  in  the  Washing- 
ton and  Jefferson  collections  deposited  in  the  Department 
of  State,  and  a  small  number  of  letters  from  Washington 
and  Madison  to  Jones.  In  the  Gouverneur  manuscripts 
there  is  a  remarkable  series  of  letters  from  Jones  to  Mon- 
roe, of  which  two  are  printed  in  Mr.  Gilman's  sketch  of 
Monroe's  life;  but  these  manuscripts  are  at  present  not 
open  to  examination.  Short  notes  are  given  where  they 
may  aid  to  an  understanding  of  the  text. 

A  number  of  letters  from  Madison  to  Jones  are  printed 
in  the  first  volume  of  "The  Papers  of  James  Madison" 
(edited  by  Henry  D.  Gilpin),  and  for  the  convenience  of 
the  reader  the  dates  and  subject  matter  are  here  noted, 
with  the  pages  of  volume  in  which  the  letters  may  be 
found : 


Philadelphia,  19  September,  1780  51 

Discussions  in  Congress  on  Mr.  Jones'  resolutions ;  the  Ver- 
mont affair. 

Philadelphia,  17  October,  1780 '    53 

Action  of  Congress  on  the  clause  relating  to  Indian  pur- 
chases; military  news. 


Philadelphia,  20  October,  1780 55 

Uneasiness  occasioned  by  the  disappointment  of  foreign  suc- 
cors;  gloomy  prospects  for  the  army  in  winter;  a  remedy 

Philadelphia,  November,  1780 60 

The  Vermont  business;  new  arrangement  of  the  army. 

Philadelphia,  14  November,  1780 61 

Slate  emissions  of  currency  the  bane  of  every  salutary  ar- 
rangement of  the  public  finances;  defensive  condition  of 
the  magazines;  inroads  of  the  enemy  into  New  York. 

Philadelphia,  21  November,  1780  62 

Suggestions  for  legislation  in  Virginia;  depreciation  of  State 
emissions;  the  policy  Virginia  should  pursue  relative  to  a 
territorial  cession. 

Philadelphia,  25  November,  1780 64 

Instructions  to  Mr.  Jay,  relative  to  the  Mississippi  claims  of 
Spain;  difference  of  opinion  on  the  subject  between  Mr. 
Madison  and  his  colleague. 

Philadelphia,  28  November,  1780 67 

Suggests  the  liberation  of  slaves  to  make  soldiers;  has  in- 
closed to  the  governor  a  copy  of  the  act  of  Connecticut 
ceding  her  territorial  claims  to  the  United  States;  the  as- 
sociation of  merchants  in  fixing  the  depreciation  likely  to 
prove  salutary. 

Philadelphia,  5  December,  1780 69 

Letters  received  from  Mr.  Jay  and  Mr.  Carmichael,  their 
tenor,  and  the  advice  of  the  Georgia  delegates  in  conse- 

Philadelphia,  12  December,  1780 72 

Colonel  Laurens  appointed  Envoy  Extraordinary  to  France ; 
Mr.  Laurens  in  captivity;  M.  Sartine  removed  from  the 
Navy  Department  and  the  Marquis  de  Castries  appointed 
his  successor. 


Philadelphia,  19  December,  1780 76 

Regrets  that  the  Assembly  had  not  taken  up  the  subject  of 
the  Western  lands  in  time  to  have  the  result  communi- 
cated to  the  Legislature  of  Maryland  before  their  rising, 
and  that  so  little  progress  had  been  made  in  levying 

It  will  be  noticed  that  the  letters  are  confined  to  a 
single  year,  but  the  subsequent  communications  appear 
to  have  been  lost.  Writing  to  Monroe,  in  1820,  Madi- 
son said:  "My  correspondence  [with  Judge  Jones]  ran 
through  a  much  longer  period,  of  which  I  have  proofs  on 
hand ;  and  from  the  tenor  of  the  above  letters,  and  my 
intimacy  with  him,  I  have  no  doubt  that  my  communi- 
cations were  often  of  an  interesting  character.  Perhaps 
the  remaining  letters,  or  a  part  ot  them,  may  have  escaped 
your  search."     {Works,  III,  188.) 

Washington,  January,  i88g. 



August  ii. — Jones  to  Washington i 

Recruiting  in  Virginia  —  high  bounties  hurtful. 
September  14. — Jones  to  Washington 2 

Asks  about  phaeton. 
September  17.  —  Washington  to  Jones 2 

Reply  to  question  about  phaeton. 
September  30. — Jones  to  Washington 3 

Phaeton  —  Virginia  recruits  —  suggests  seizure  of  hostile  property  — 
the  right  of  retaliation. 


January  22. — Jones  to  Washington 5 

Resignation  accepted — cabal  against  Washington — drafts  of  Vir- 
ginia—  French  forces  in  the  West  Indies — election  of  delegates  to 
Congress  —  phaeton  —  Washington's  letters  to  committee. 


April  19. — Jones  to  Madison 8 

The  confederation  and  Mississippi  —  supplies  for  the  army  —  personal 

May  23. — Jones  to  Washington 9 

Suggests  that  General  Weedon  be  given  employment  —  affairs  in  the 

May  31.  —  Washington  to  Jones 11 

Necessity  of  increasing  the  powers  of  Congress  —  disintegration  of 
the  confederation  —  General  Weedon. 


June — . — Jones  to  Washington i2 

Financial  distress  in  public  service  —  Congress  has  surrendered  too 
much  power  to  States  —  plan  for  assuming  powers  —  caution  of 
members  —measures  for  aiding  and  increasing  the  army. 

June  30.  —  Jones  to  Jefferson z5 

The  British  in  the  South  —  Sir  Henry  Clinton's  proclamation  —  scheme 
of  finance  in  Virginia  Assembly  —  cession  of  Western  lands  —  awak- 
ening of  people  — dependence  on  France — affairs  in  the  West 
Indies  —  action  at  Springfield  —  scale  of  depreciation  for  loan  office 

July  18. — Jones  to  Washington x9 

Promotion  of  Colonel  Morgan  —  objections  raised  —  action  postponed 
—  Washington's  letter  to  Colonel  Harrison  on  French  affairs  —  Brit- 
ish at  New  York  —  the  scheme  of  finance  and  drafts. 

August — . — Jones  to  Washington 2I 

Relations  with  France  — French  fleet  in  the  Indies  —  operations  in 
the  South  — General  Greene's  refusal  to  act  as  quartermaster-gen- 
eral—his injudicious  conduct— Pickering  appointed  — his  qualifi- 
cations—  Morgan's  rank. 

August  13. — Washington  to  Jones 24 

Greene's  resignation  and  proposition  of  Congress  to  suspend  him  from 
command  —  dangers  of  such  a  step  —  position  of  the  officers. 

September  6. — Jones  to  Washington 27 

Report  on  Greene  —  waste  of  money  in  departments  of  the  army  — 
attack  against  New  York  —  land  cession. 

October  9. —Jones  to  Madison 3° 

Question  before  Congress  — independence  of  Vermont  — money  mat- 
ters—  French  reinforcements  —  personal  matters. 

October  2.  — Jones  to  Washington 32 

Medical  department  — spirit  of  party  in  Congress  — the  confederation 
and  land  cession. 

October  2. — Jones  to  Madison 34 

Land  cessions  — civil  departments  — appointments  in  medical  depart- 
ment —  finance  —  personal . 

October  17. — Jones  to  Madison 37 

Capture  of  Andre  —  personal. 
October  24. — Jones  to  Madison • 38 

Military  operations  in  the  South  —  delegation  to  Congress  —  the  French 

November  5.  — Jones  to  Madison 40 

Delay  in  forming  a  house  —  finance  scheme  of  March  18  — certificate 
system  —  heavy  taxes  and  public  distress  —  military  operations. 

November  10. — Jones  to  Madison 43 

Paper  money  called  in,  and  new  emission  probable  — capture  of  British 
spy  —  operations  in  the  South  —  personal  —  delegates'  accounts. 

November  18. — Jones  to  Madison 46 

Operations  in  the  South  —  bounty  for  negroes  —  finance  —  supplies  for 
army  —  personal. 

November  25. — Madison  to  Jones 50 

Instructions  to  Mr.  Jay  —  the  navigation  of  the  Mississippi  —  contro- 
versy with  Spain  —  suggestions  as  to  revising  instructions. 

November  25. — Jones  to  Madison 5-. 

Raising  drafts  —  dependence  of  South  on  Virginia  —  movements  of 
British  —  funding  scheme  —  appointment  of  judges  —  delegates' 

December  2. — Jones  to  Madison 57 

Bounties  for  recruits  —  taxes  —  delegation  to  Congress  —  British  move- 
ments —  personal. 

Decembers.  —  Madison  to  Jones 60 

Negotiations  with  Spain. 

December  8. — Jones  to  Madison 62 

Continental  recruits —negro  scheme  —  its  dangers  —  condition  of 
Southern  army. 

January  2. — Jones  to  Madison 65 

Special  messenger  to  Congress  from  Assembly  —  personal  —  removal 
of  Sartine. 

January  17.  —  Jones  to  Madison 67 

Ravages  committed  by  British  —  continental  forces  in  opposition  — 
measures  of  Assembly. 

February  21. — Jones  to  Washington 68 

Dr.  Lewis  and  his  parole  —  operations  in  the  South  —  arrival  of  John 
Paul  Jones  —  appointment  of  Robert  Morris  as  superintendent  ot 

February  27. — Jones  to  Washington 70 

Cornwallis  and  Greene  —  the  articles  of  confederation  —  reinforce- 
ments to  the  South. 


April  3. — Jones  to  Madison 72 

Engagement  between  British  and  French  fleets  —  personal  —  British 
forces  in  the  South. 

May  16.— Jones  to  Washington 74 

British  in  Virginia. 
May  31. — Jones  to  Washington 76 

Position  of  the  marquis  —  European  movements  —  necessity  of  greater 

April  16.  —  Jones  to  Jefferson 77 

Completion  of  confederation —  its  defects  —  need  of  some  coercive 
power  in  Congress  —  assumption  of  power  by  that  body  proposed  — 
punishment  of  civil  officers. 

June  20. — Jones  to  Washington 80 

Reinforcements  for  the  South  —  need  of  cavalry  —  Harrison  on  Tarle- 
ton's  raid  at  Charlottesville,  and  unpopularity  of  Steuben. 

July  3. — Jones  to  Washington 84 

Operations  in  the  South  —  militia. 
August  6. — Jones  to  Washington 85 

British  in  Carolina —  European  situation  —  admission  of  Vermont. 


May  21. — Jones  to  Madison 87 

Financial  matters — drain  of  specie  to  the  North  —  personal  —  recruit- 
ing—  Conway's  motion. 

June  25. — Jones  to  Madison 90 

Letters  intercepted  —  delegates  to  Congress  —  Western  territory  — 

July  1. — Jones  to  Madison 92 

Personal  —  scarcity  of  money. 
July  8. — Jones  to  Madison 93 

Personal  —  French  army  —  seizure  of  tobacco  ship. 
July  16. — Jones  to  Madison 95 

Movements  of  French  army. 
July  22. — Jones  to  Madison 95 

Petition  of  Williamsburg  —  military  news. 


J783-  Page. 

February  27. — Jones  to  Washington 97 

Finance  scheme  in  Congress  —  impost  —  difficulties  met  —  public 
creditors  —  rumored  combinations  in  army  —  the  Vermont  ques- 
tion—  attitude  of  Virginia  —  influence  of  Washington  —  half  pay  to 
officers — prospect  of  peace. 

May  6. — Jones  to  Washington 103 

Scheme  of  finance  —  disbanding  the  army — Carleton  and  evacua- 
tion—  claims  for  negroes. 

May  25. — Jones  to  Madison 105 

Taxation  in  Virginia  —  delegation  in  Congress — impost  measure  — 
commerce  with  Great  Britain  —  memorial  of  officers  —  Carleton's 
conduct  —  personal. 

May  31. — Jones  to  Madison 109 

Finance  —  suspension  of  taxation  —  memorial  of  Virginia  line  —  to- 
bacco bill  —  citizen  bill  — Carleton  and  negroes  —  Baylor's  cavalry. 

June  8.  — Jones  to  Madison 112 

Revenue  scheme  —  attitude  of  delegates  —  election  of  delegates  to 
Congress  —  land  grants  to  officers  —  cession  to  Congress  —  opinion 
of  people  —  State  debt  —  Illinois  country  —  English  affairs — citizen 

June  14. — Jones  to  Madison 116 

Scheme  of  finance  —  impost  —  land  cession  of  Virginia  —  deranged 
condition  of  public  affairs  — citizen  bill. 

June  si. — Jones  to  Madison 120 

Debtors'  bill  and  British  d^bjs  —  continental  revenue  —  cession  of 
Virginia  —  pay  of  the  army  —  the  definitive  treaty  —  refugees. 

June  28.  —  Jones  to  Madison 123 

Revenue  measure  —  seat  of  government  —  British  subjects. 
July  14. — Jones  to  Madison 126 

Removal  of  Congress  to  Princeton — need  of  firmness  in  Congress. 
July  si.  —  Jones  to  Madison 128 

Return  of  Congress. 
July  28. — Jones  to  Madison 129 

Treaty  of  commerce  with  Great  Britain  —  mutiny  of  troops  — dignity 
of  Congress  insulted  by  Philadelphia. 

August  4. — Jones  to  Madison 130 

Personal  matters. 



October  30. — Jones  to  Madison 132 

Congress  and  the  Western  country  —  commutation  plan  in  the  East  — 

December  21.  —  Jones  to  Jeffekson 133 

Cession  to  Congress  —  navigation  law. 

December  29. — Jones  to  Jefferson 135 

Cession  of  Western  territory  —  grant  of  the  impost — commerce  with 
Great  Britain  —  British  debts  and  the  treaty  —  confiscation  act.  ^s 


February  28.  —  Jones  to  Jefferson 138 

British  debts  —  periodical  payments  —  interest  —  confiscated  property. 

March  30.  —  Jones  to  Madison 141 

Election  of  minister  to  England  —  foreign  affairs  —  treaty  with  Indi- 
ans —  personal. 

June  12.  —  Jones  to  Madison 143 

Potomac  navigation  —  personal  —  Harrison's  election  —  Congress  and 
the  regulation  oi  commerce. 

June  23. — Jones  to  Madison 145 

Potomac  improvement. 


February  21. — Jones  to  Jefferson 146 

Tucker's  pamphlet  —  port  bill  — circuit  courts  —  commercial  policy  of 
Great  Britain  —  Britislyiebts  —  tobacco  sales. 

May  30. — Jones  to  Madison 148 

Overcrowded  courts  —  the  attorney-general  —  Madison's  trip  to  the 
North  and  proposed  land  purchase. 

June  7. — Jones  to  Madison 150 

Constitutional  convention  —  Lee  suggests  purchase  of  continental  se- 
curities by  State  —  question  of  indents  —  the  Kentucky  country. 

June  29.  — Jones  to  Madison 153 

Indents  and  sales  of  tobacco  —  rescue  of  vessel  from  searcher. 

July  6.  — Jones  to  Madison 155 

Wythe's  (resignation  and  the  vacancy  in  the  convention  — Massachu- 
setts' policy  —  tobacco  sales. 

July  23. — Jones  to  Madison 156 

Continued  session  of  convention  —  tobacco  sales  —  taxes  in  tobacco. 



Philadelphia,  ii  August,  1777 
Dear  Sir, 

Capt.  Monroe  *  leaving  town  this  evening  I  cannot  avoid 
informing  you  by  him  that  as  far  as  his  conduct  has  fallen 
under  my  observation,  and  I  have  not  been  unattentive  to 
it,  he  has  been  diligent  in  endeavoring  to  raise  men ;  but 
such  is  the  present  disposition  of  the  people  of  Virginia 
neither  Capt.  Monroe  or  any  other  officer  preserving  the 
character  a  Gent"  ought  to  support  can  recruit  men.  Some 
men  have  indeed  been  raised,  but  by  methods  I  could  not 
recommend,  and  I  should  be  sorry  he  should  practice.  The 
enlisting  men  for  the  usual  bounty  is  now,  and  will  I  expect 
be  for  some  time,  impracticable;  if  at  any  time  it  should 
mend,  on  account  of  the  high  bounty  given  by  the  militia 
exempts,  a  mode  of  raising  men  very  hurtfull  I  conceive  to 
the  recruiting  business.     I  wish  Cap".  Monroe  could  have 

*  Elizabeth,  the  sister  of  Joseph  Jones,  married  Spence  Monroe,  and  was  the 
mother  of  James  Monroe,  the  captain  of  this  letter,  who  was  afterwards  President 
of  the  United  States. 


made  up  his  company  on  his  own  account,  as  well  as  that 
of  the  public;  but  I  am  satisfied  any  further  prosecution  of 
the  attempt  will  be  equally  unsuccessful  with  his  past  en- 
deavors. It  is  probable  I  may  have  the  gratification  of  see- 
ing you  in  this  city  as  I  cannot  think  the  enemy  mean  to 
carry  on  their  operations  to  the  southward.  A  few  days 
will  I  expect  open  their  designs. 


14  September,  1777 
Dear  Sir, 

Being  in  want  of  a  light  phaeton  I  directed  my  servant 
to  inquire  about  the  city  for  one.  He  tells  me  he  has  found 
a  single  light  carriage  which  belongs  to  you,  and  has  been 
lying  here  for  some  time.  I  have  not  seen  it,  but  from  his 
account  of  it,  expect  it  will  answer  my  purpose;  and  if  you 
choose  to  sell,  will  purchase  and  give  any  price  you  may 
think  it  reasonably  worth.  If  it  is  your  inclination  to  keep 
it  and  get  it  out  of  the  way  of  the  enemy,  I  will  take  it  to 
Lancaster,  if  we  are  obliged  to  move  there,  which  you  will 
please  to  determine  by  a  line. 


Yellow  Springs,  17  September,  1777 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  been  favoured  with  yours  of  the  14th.  I  do  not 
wish  to  sell  my  phaeton,  but  shall  be  happy  if  you  will  take 
and  use  it  'till  I  shall  have  occasion  for  it.  This  I  request 
you  to  do,  as  you  will  thereby  accommodate  yourself  and 
serve  me  at  the  same  time. 


30  September,  1777. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  your  phaeton  here  though  I  was  obliged  to  send 
for  it  after  I  left  Philadelphia,  being  put  to  the  route  the 
night  I  received  your  letter.  The  bolt  that  fastens  the 
pole-part  of  the  long  reins  was  lost,  some  brass  nails  also 
gone,  and  the  lining  much  dirtied  and  in  some  places  torn. 
I  will  get  these  little  matters  repaired,  and  have  the  carriage 
and  harness  kept  clean  and  in  as  good  order  as  I  can,  which 
is  the  least  I  can  do  for  the  use,  though  I  would  rather  buy 
it  if  you  are  not  determined  against  selling,  and  submit  the 
price  to  yourself  or  our  friend  Col.  Harrison,  who  may  view 
it  and  pay  the  cash  upon  demand  to  your  order.  The  har- 
ness, I  observe,  is  not  matched,  though  the  difference  is  not 
very  striking.  Whether  this  happened  at  Philadelphia  since 
you  left  it  there,  or  before,  ycu  can  judge. 

We  have  met  upon  the  road  many  companies  of  Virginia 
militia,  and  more  are  coming,  though  I  am  informed  num- 
bers are  gone  back,  in  consequence  of  your  letters  respect- 
ing those  unarmed.  I  observe  they  are  in  general  bare  of 
clothing,  which,  if  possible,  should  be  furnished  them,  and 
their  stay  at  camp  made  as  comfortable  as  circumstances  will 
admit,  that  when  they  return  home  they  may  not  go  dis- 
gusted, spreading  evil  reports  greatly  to  the  prejudice  of 
the  recruiting  service  and  the  cause  in  general.  These  men 
come  far  to  support  the  rights  and  property  of  an  invaded 
state,  that  makes  little  or  no  exertions  in  its  own  defence, 
but  on  the  contrary  affords  every  succour  and  support  to  the 
enemy ;  and  rather  than  they  should  want  necessaries  or  any 
other  part  of  the  army  at  this  and  the  approaching  inclem- 

ent  season,  I  would  not  scruple  to  take  all  such  neces- 
saries from  the  disaffected  wherever  found.  Our  friends  are 
stripped  by  our  enemies  wherever  they  go,  and  our  foes 
freely  furnish  them  what  they  want.  What  the  last  have 
left  useful  to  the  army  I  would  take,  and  where  the  first  are 
so  exposed  to  the  enemy  as  that  what  necessaries  they  have 
must  unavoidably  fall  into  their  hands,  I  would  demand  a 
surrender  of  them,  paying  the  value  or  giving  certificates 
assigning  the  reason  of  such  proceeding.  The  enemy  sub- 
sists their  army  at  our  expense,  drawing  supplies  from 
around  them  as  they  pass.  I  would  subsist  our  army  from 
around  it  as  far  as  possible,  and  in  the  route  of  the  enemy. 
These  are  my  private  sentiments,  which  I  communicate 
without  reserve,  to  be  regarded  or  disregarded  by  you  as 
you  shall  judge  best.  I  own  to  you  this  conduct  would 
hurt  my  feelings,  as  I  am  satisfied  in  many  instances  it  must 
yours ;  but  where  I  am  satisfied  the  public  good  would  re- 
sult from  the  measure,  I  should  endeavor  to  stifle  those 
emotions  of  humanity  and  tenderness  for  individual  dis- 
tress, which  in  different  circumstances  would  claim  my  at- 
tention and  benevolence.  In  times  like  the  present,  and 
in  situations  like  ours,  rigour  to  internal  foes  is  absolutely 
necessary,  and  I  think  has  been  too  long  delayed.  To 
friends  I  would  afford  every,  possible  support  and  protec- 
tion, to  Tories  and  equivocal  characters  I  would  yield  the 
measure  meted  by  the  enemy  to  our  friends.  I  think  this 
is  the  general  sentiment  of  our  body,  and  of  almost  every 
Whig  I  converse  with.  How  far  you  can  prevail  on  your- 
self to  carry  them  into  execution  your  own  feelings  must 
determine.  The  right  of  retaliation  cannot  be  disputed, 
and  it  is  equally  just  and  wise  to  benefit  ourselves  of  those 


necessaries  which  it  is  probable,  should  we  neglect  to  do  so, 
may  advantage  the  enemy.  In  pursuing  this  line,  individ- 
uals may  suffer  hardship,  but  it  is  a  sacrifice  our  friends 
should  willingly  make  to  the  general  good.  Please  excuse 
these  loose  thoughts.  I  offer  them  with  freedom.  You  are 
equally  free  to  disregard  them.  Success  and  happiness  at- 
tend you. 

Gibson's  battalion  came  in  to-day.     They  are  but  thin. 


Williamsburg,  22  January,  1778. 
Dear  Sir, 

On  my  return  to  Congress  I  found  the  Speaker's  letter 
informing  me  my  resignation  was  accepted  by  the  House 
of  Delegates,  and  that  I  might,  as  soon  as  I  pleased,  return 
home,  which  I  did  after  staying  about  a  week  to  put  the 
business  we  had  been  sent  upon  to  camp  in  a  proper  train, 
the  issue  of  which  I  had  then  every  reason  to  expect  would 
be  according  to  the  wishes  of  the  army.*  But  what  the 
event  has  been  I  have  not  yet  been  informed.  Many  rea- 
sons pressed  me  to  retire  from  Congress,  and  if  I  felt  a 
concern,  it  was  only  that  in  case  I  continued,  I  might  pos- 
sibly be  of  some  use  in  obstructing  or  endeavoring  at  best 
to  prevent,  the  mischievous  consequences  of  those  base  arts 
and  machinations,  that  are  but  too  prevalent  among  some 

*On  November  28,  1777,  Congress  appointed  a  committee  to  repair  to  the  army, 
and  "  in  a  private  confidential  consultation  with  General  Washington,  to  consider 
the  best  and  most  practicable  means  tor  carrying  on  a  winter's  campaign  with  vigor 
and  success,  an  object  which  Congress  have  much  at  heart."  Robert  Morris, 
Joseph  Jones,  and  Mr.  Gerry  constituted  the  committee,  and  made  their  report  De- 
cember 18. 


people,  and  which  it  is  the  duty  of  every  good  man  to  re- 
sent and  suppress.  I  knew  not  so  much  of  these  matters 
before  I  went  to  camp  as  I  discovered  there,  and  after  my 
return ;  for  it  was  on  my  return  only  that  I  had  the  first 
intimation  given  me  of  the  conduct  and  language  of  a  cer- 
tain popular  Pennsylvanian,*  lately  appointed  to  the  new 
Board  of  War,  of  the  disposition  and  temper  of  another 
gentleman  of  that  Board,  whose  name  the  fortunate  events 
of  last  fall,  hath  greatly  exalted  I  had  before  heard. f  But 
whatever  may  be  the  design  of  these  men,  and  however 
artfully  conducted,  I  have  no  doubt  but  in  the  end  it  will 
redound  to  their  own  disgrace.  You  stand  too  high  in  the 
public  opinion  to  be  easily  reached  by  their  attempts;  and 
the  same  equal  and  disinterested  conduct,  the  same  labor 
and  attention,  which  you  have  manifested  in  the  public 
service  from  the  first  of  the  contest,  will  shield  and  protect 
you  from  the  shafts  of  envy  and  malevolence.  There  may 
be  instances,  and  these  your  good  sense  will  point  out  to 
you,  which  require  your  notice,  and  the  public  welfare  may 
be  injured  if  passed  over  in  silence;  but  in  all  other  respects 
such  petty-larceny  attacks,  as  these  may  be  called,  deserve, 
as  they  will  ever  meet,  your  contempt. 

Two  thousand  men  are  ordered  to  be  drafted  to  fill  up  our 
battalions,  and  five  thousand  volunteers  raised  to  join  you, 
and  serve  for  six  months;  also  a  State  battalion  in  the  room 
of  Mathews',  taken  by  the  enemy;  and  the  counties  where 
draughts  were  deficient  the  last  fall  are  ordered  to  make 
them  good,  besides  their  proportion  of  the  new  levy.  Col. 
Braxton  has  a  letter  of  the  1 7th  last  month  from  Cap1.  Cham- 

*  Mifflin. 

f  Gates.     The  "Conway  cabal"  is  intended. 


berlaine  in  one  of  the  French  islands,  informing  him  that 
6000  French  troops  were  then  in  the  pay  of  Spain,  that 
about  the  like  number  were  daily  expected ;  that  the  Span- 
iards had  at  Hispaniola  about  10,000  men  and  12  ships  of 
the  line,  and  it  was  imagined  by  some  they  meditated  an 
attack  upon  Jamaica.  Mr.  Chamberlaine  may  be,  as  I  sus- 
pect he  is,  equally  sanguine  with  Mr.  Bingham. 

Every  exertion  is  made  use  of  to  get  a  supply  of  provis- 
ions for  the  army.  We  are  this  day  to  choose  a  Delegate 
to  Congress  to  serve  from  10th  of  May  to  11th  of  August,  as 
R.  H.  Lee  was  chosen  only  to  that  time,  and  as  some  thing 
[think~\  he  ought  not  to  be  longer  continued,  as  he  will  then 
have  served  three  years.  Mr.  Mercer  is  the  other  gentle- 
man proposed. 

I  am  sorry  to  hear  it  is  probable  the  enemy  have  got  pos- 
session of  Mr.  Pleasants'  portmantua,  as  there  were  letters 
of  Col.  Harrison's  to  you  and  myself  in  it,  and  containing 
some  things  I  should  wish  them  not  to  know. 

Having  left  my  chair  with  Greentree  in  the  city  to  be 
sold,  and  not  having  been  able  yet  to  provide  myself  with 
such  a  one  as  would  suit  me,  I  am  obliged  to  make  use  of 
your  carriage  until  I  do.  I  shall  send  it  to  Mt.  Vernon  as 
soon  after  I  am  provided  as  lies  in  my  power.  As  I  am 
pretty  confident  I  could  rely  on  Col.  Bannister  and  Mr. 
Harvie  respecting  the  conduct  and  secrecy  of  any  business 
I  should  mention  to  them,  it  may  perhaps  be  in  my  power 
to  be  useful  to  my  country  by  communications  to  them  of 
any  matter  you  may  think  necessary,  and  which  you  may 
conceive  to  have  been  neglected  or  not  duly  attended  to. 
In  this  or  any  other  matters  wherein  I  may  be  possibly  use- 
ful, pray  exercise  your  pleasure  with  freedom. 

P.  S. 

P.  S.  The  letters  you  delivered  the  Committee  were  called 
for  by  Congress ;  being  in  my  possession  they  were  by  order 
of  Congress  delivered.  How  the  members  got  informed  the 
letters  were  in  our  custody,  I  know  not,  unless  from  Mr. 

G y,*  as  he  and  myself  were  the  only  persons  of  the 

Com:  in  town,  and  I  never  mentioned  them  to  any  person. 
But  he,  as  a  member  of  the  Com :  wanted  them  to  be  re- 
ferred to  in  the  report  and  of  course  produced. 


19  April,  1780 
Dear  Sir, 

I  must  Request  you  will  so  far  oblige  me  as  to  enclose  me 
every  week  Dunlap's  paper,  or  either  of  the  others  contain- 
ing anything  worth  reading.  Mr.  Dunlap  told  me  he  would 
furnish  you  with  the  paper  for  me.  I  must  also  request  you 
to  send  me  the  monthly  Journals  as  soon  as  printed  and 
such  information  of  the  proceedings  from  time  to  time  as 
you  may  think  necessary.  Particularly  be  pleased  to  in- 
form me  of  the  state  of  the  resolutions  left  on  the  table 
when  I  came  off  respective  the  Confederation  and  the  ob- 
jections that  governed  the  House,  if  any  of  them  are  re- 
jected. I  should  also  be  glad  to  know  whether  the  report 
respecting  the  Mississippi  has  been  considered.  Mr.  Hill 
told  me  he  would  not  forget  to  propose  to  the  Committee  of 
the  Admiralty  the  ordering  the  frigates  to  sail  in  and  scour 
the  Chesapeake  Bay.  I  fear  it  was  forgot,  as  they  have  not 
yet  done  it  and  the  enemy's  armed  vessels  still  swarm  here. 
In  return  for  your  communications,  I  shall  from  time  to 

*Mr.  Gerry. 

f  Madison  had  been  chosen  to  Congress  March  4,  and  had  reached  Philadelphia 
on  the  18th. 


time  give  you  whatever  may  be  new  and  worth  mentioning. 
The  recommendation  to  the  States  for  filling  up  the  defi- 
ciencies in  the  Army  and  laying  up  in  time  the  necessary 
magazines,  if  not  already  [done],  should  be  despatched  and 
forwarded  without  delay.  I  did  not  get  the  copy  of  the 
Report  passed  the  day  before  I  came  away  respecting  the 
cession  of  the  back  Lands.  Pray  send  it  me  and  the  reso- 
lutions, if  passed. 

Pray  present  my  compliments  to  the  worthy  Mistress  and 
Gentlemen  of  the  family  at  the  house  the  corner  of  Fifth 
street  in  Market  street;  to  the  old  Lady  if  she  is  returned, 
and  inform  me  whether  my  friend  the  General,  and  his 
Friend  Buckley  have  finished  the  dispute,  and  whether 
there  is  any  hope  for  the  old  Lady's  getting  rid  of  her 

P.  S.  From  Wilmington  I  inclosed  you  a  Letter  for  Genl 
Washington  wch  I  omitted  to  leave  with  you  for  the  I 

also  had  two  letters  from  Col.  Meade  for  Fitzhugh;  left 
them  behind  I  think,  as  I  cannot  find  them  —  if  they  are 
found  pray  inclose  them.  Griffin  requested  me  to  send 
you  the  Letters  with  compliments  to  Walker  &  Bland. 


23  May,  1780 
Dear  Sir, 

Col.  Grayson  has  mentioned  to  me  his  receiving  a  letter 
from  Genl.   Weedon*  desiring  to  serve  in  the  northern 

*General  Weedon  had  been  permitted  to  retire,  to  retain  his  rank,  and  be  called 
into  service  whenever  an  opportunity  should  arise  (resolution  15  August,  1778).  On 
June  14,  1780,  the  Board  of  War  decided  to  order  him  to  the  Southern  Department, 
to  be  under  the  command  of  Gates. 


army,  if  any  employment  can  be  carved  out  for  him.  This 
Gentleman  for  whom,  as  an  officer,  I  entertain  a  regard,  has 
attributed  the  regulation  of  his  rank,  which  has  occasioned 
his  retiring,  in  great  part  to  me;  tho',  God  knows,  I  did 
no  more  in  the  matter  than  was  my  duty,  by  moving  in 
Congress  that  the  dispute  be  referred  to  a  board  of  General 
Officers.  He  has  ever  since  his  return,  kept  himself  aloof 
from  me.  About  this,  I  have  no  concern.  I  promised 
Col.  Grayson  I  would  mention  the  proposal  to  you,  and 
had  no  doubt,  if  a  place  could  be  found  for  him,  you  would 
call  him  into  service.  His  only  objection,  it  seems,  is  his 
serving  under  Woodford.  If  you  shall  find  an  opening  for 
Gen'l  Weedon,  I  believe  it  will  be  agreeable  and  conven- 
ient to  him ;  but  I  request  it  may  not  be  known  to  him  that 
I  had  any  concern  in  the  business. 

Various  letters  from  the  southward  received  yesterday, 
mention  the  enemies  assaulting  our  lines  at  Charles  Town 
on  the  25th  last  month,  and  were  repulsed  with  the  loss  of 
300  killed,  and  from  150  to  250  prisoners.  This  account 
though  by  various  communications  originates  with  the  post- 
master at  Edenton.  Col.  Blaine  shewed  me  a  letter  re- 
ceived yesterday  from  Col.  Forsyth  at  Richmond,  in  Vir- 
ginia, dated  the  16th  mentioning  that  a  Col.  Henderson  had 
come  out  from  Charles  Town  the  28th  ult0.,  when  no  mate- 
rial change  had  happened  except  the  loss  of  Col.  Parker  of 
our  line,  by  a  random  shot.  General  not  without  and  un- 
der him  about  400  light  infantry,  some  horse  and  about 
1,500  militia;  provision  in  the  garrison  till  July;  4,000 
N.  Carolina  militia  ordered  down,  but  no  arms,  for  which 
a  Major  Eaton  had  come  to  Virginia,  and  was  the  bearer  of 
the  news  brought  by  Henderson.     A  bill  had  been  twice 


read  for  sending  2500  militia  from  Virginia.  Thus  far 
these  accounts.  If  any  assault  had  been  made  the  25th,  it 
would  have  reached  N.  York,  and  you  would  have  heard  it 
ere  now. 


Morristown,  31  May,  1780. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  been  honored  with  your  favor  in  answer  to  my 
letter  respecting  the  appointment  of  a  committee,  with  two 
others  of  later  dates.  Certain  I  am,  unless  Congress  speak 
in  a  more  decisive  tone,  unless  they  are  vested  with  powers 
by  the  several  States  competent  to  the  great  purposes  of  war, 
or  assume  them  as  matter  of  right,  and  they  and  the  States 
respectively  act  with  more  energy  than  they  have  hitherto 
done,  that  our  case  is  lost.  We  can  no  longer  drudge  on 
in  the  old  way.  By  ill  timing  the  adoption  of  measures,  by 
delays  in  the  execution  of  them,  or  by  unwarrantable  jeal- 
ousies, we  incur  enormous  expenses  and  derive  no  benefit 
from  them.  One  State  will  comply  with  a  requisition  of 
Congress;  another  neglects  to  do  it;  a  third  executes  it  by 
halves ;  and  all  differ  either  in  the  manner,  the  matter,  or  so 
much  in  point  of  time,  that  we  are  always  working  up  hill; 
and,  while  such  a  system  as  the  present  one  or  rather  want 
of  one  prevails,  we  shall  ever  be  unable  to  apply  our  strength 
or  resources  to  any  advantage. 

This,  my  dear  Sir,  is  plain  language  to  a  member  of  Con- 
gress; but  it  is  the  language  of  truth  and  friendship.  It  is 
the  result  of  long  thinking,  close  application,  and  strict  ob- 
servation.    I  see  one  head  gradually  changing  into  thirteen. 

I  see 

I  see  one  army  branching  into  thirteen,  which,  instead  of 
looking  up  to  Congress  as  the  supreme  controlling  power  of 
the  United  States,  are  considering  themselves  as  dependent 
on  their  respective  States.  In  a  word,  I  see  the  powers  of 
Congress  declining  too  fast  for  the  consideration  and  re- 
spect, which  are  due  to  them  as  the  great  representative 
body  of  America,  and  I  am  fearful  of  the  consequences. 

Till  your  letter  came  to  hand,  I  thought  General  Weedon 
had  actually  resigned  his  commission ;  but,  be  this  as  it  may, 
I  see  no  possibility  of  giving  him  a  command  out  of  the  line 
of  his  own  State.  He  certainly  knows,  that  every  State  that 
has  troops  enough  to  form  a  brigade,  claims  and  has  uni- 
formly exercised  the  privilege  of  having  them  commanded 
by  a  brigadier  of  their  own.  Nor  is  it  in  my  power  to  de- 
part from  this  system,  without  convulsing  the  army,  which 
at  all  times  is  hurtful,  and  at  this  it  might  be  ruinous. 


[In  June,  1780.] 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  your  favor  of  the  31st  ult°.  in  answer  to  my  several 
letters,  and  was  then  impressed  and  still  feel  great  anxiety 
on  account  of  our  public  affairs.  The  present  distress  is  to 
be  ascribed  in  great  part  to  the  resolution  not  to  issue  any 
more  bills  of  credit  before  a  sufficiency  of  money  was  pro- 
vided, and  supplies  secured  for  the  army.  Had  proper 
precaution  been  taken  in  these  matters,  and  the  new  scheme 
of  finance  been  ready  for  the  public  consideration,  the  de- 
termination not  to  increase  the  quantity  of  money  and  the 
alteration  introduced  by  the  new  system  would  not  have 



been  so  sensibly  felt,  or  occasioned  the  distress  in  the  sev- 
eral Departments  they  have  produced.  From  these  I  think 
we  are  nearly  emerging,  as  the  new  money  is  coming  into 
use  in  the  several  states,  and  will  probably  greatly  relieve 
us.  But  by  these  and  several  other  proceedings  Congress 
have  been  gradually  surrendering,  or  throwing  upon  the 
several  States,  the  exercise  of  powers  they  should  have  re- 
tained, and  to  their  utmost  have  exercised  themselves,  until 
at  length  they  have  scarce  a  power  left  but  such  as  concerns 
foreign  transactions ;  for  as  to  the  army,  the  Congress  is  at 
present  little  more  than  the  medium  through  which  the 
wants  of  the  army  are  conveyed  to  the  States.  This  body 
never  had,  or  at  least  in  few  instances  ever  exercised,  pow- 
ers adequate  to  the  purposes  of  war ;  and  such  as  they  had, 
have  been  from  embarrassments  and  difficulties  frittered 
away  to  the  States,  and  it  will  be  found,  I  fear,  very  diffi- 
cult to  recover  them.  A  resolution  passed  the  other  day 
desiring  the  States  to  inform  us  what  they  had  done  upon 
certain  requisitions  for  some  time  past,  that  we  might  know 
what  we  had  to  rely  on.  This  may  probably  serve  as  a  basis 
for  assuming  powers,  should  the  answers  afford  an  opening. 
Other  resolutions  are  now  before  us.  By  one  of  them  the 
States  are  desired  to  give  express  power  for  calling  forth 
men,  provisions,  money  for  carrying  on  the  war  for  the 
common  defence.  Others  go  to  the  assumption  of  them 
immediately.  The  first  I  have  no  doubt  will  pass  this  body, 
but  will  I  expect  sleep  with  the  States.  The  others  I  believe 
will  die  where  they  are ;  for,  so  cautious  are  some  of  offend- 
ing the  States  in  this  respect,  a  gentleman  the  other  day 
plainly  told  us,  on  a  proposition  to  order  some  armed  ves- 
sels to  search  the  vessels  going  out,  to  prevent  the  exporta- 


tion  of  flour,  that  if  an  embargo  was  laid  in  the  Delaware 
as  in  this  State,  he  consented  to  the  measure ;  otherwise  he 
never  would  agree  to  such  exercise  of  power. 

The  merchants  bankers  in  this  city  are  making  generous 
exertions  to  procure  and  send  forward  to  the  army  a  supply 
of  flour,  and  will  afford  us  great  help  in  that  article.  The 
Massachusetts  delegates  read  us  letters  whereby  it  appears 
their  State  have  raised  4,000  men  for  the  army  and  are  em- 
bodying 4,000  more  to  be  ready,  if  wanting.  Gates,  Wee- 
don  and  Morgan,  are  ordered  to  the  Southern  department; 
5000  militia  are  required  from  Virginia  to  join  that  army, 
and  3600  to  be  held  in  readiness;  from  N.  Carolina  4,000, 
and  two  thousand  to  be  held  in  readiness.  2500  of  the  Vir- 
ginia militia  were  to  march  yesterday.  By  our  accounts  it 
would  seem  that  States  are  somewhat  roused  from  their 
slumber,  but  have  rejected  the  scheme  of  finance  of  the 
18th  March  last,  which  I  fear  will  have  a  bad  effect  on  the 
credit  of  the  "money  of  the  other  States  that  have  agreed 
to  the  measure.  Governor  Jefferson  has  transmitted  us  a 
state  of  the  Virginia  troops  taken  from  the  last  returns,  by 
which  it  appears  we  have  in  the  different  corps  4000  men 
in  service  to  the  30th  September,  and  for  the  war  or  longer 
period  than  the  30*  September  next,  including  those  cap- 
tured in  Charles  Town.  This  surprises  me,  but  the  fact  ap- 
pears to  be  so,  and  where  they  are,  or  what  has  become  of 
them  is  strange.  I  cannot  inform  you  whether  our  legisla- 
ture have  ordered  a  draught  to  fill  up  the  deficiencies,  as 
we  have  no  mail  this  week  from  the  southward,  it  stopping 
at  Annapolis  for  want-  of  a  rider  to  bring  it  to  this  place, 
the  late  rider  having  quitted  the  business. 

.       T5 


Phila:   30th  June,  1780. 
Dear  Sir, 

The  troops  left  by  Sir  Henry  Clinton  in  South  Carolina, 
amounting  to  about  3500  men  besides  1500  sent  to  Georgia, 
cannot  be  sufficient,  unless  increased  by  the  accession  of 
Tories,  to  overawe  that  State,  especially  when  the  inhab- 
itants shall  find  themselves  supported  by  the  regulars  and 
militia  going  to  their  assistance.  The  5000  militia  recom- 
mended by  Congress  to  be  raised  by  Virginia  to  join  the 
southern  army,  including  the  2500  then  or  about  to  be 
raised,  and  the  additional  body  to  be  kept  in  readiness.  If 
your  intelligence  corresponds  with  the  above  state  of  the 
enemy's  strength,  it  cannot  now  be  necessary,  the  requisi- 
tion being  made  upon  a  proposition  a  much  greater  force 
would  have  continued  in  South  Carolina.  The  alteration 
of  circumstances  will  justify  alteration  of  measures,  and  by 
lessening  the  drafts  of  militia  increase  the  number  of  re- 
cruits for  the  regular  army  upon  which,  and  not  upon 
militia,  is  our  great  dependence.  Besides  the  calling  forth, 
if  it  can  be  safely  avoided,  such  large  bodies  of  militia, 
lessens  the  productions  of  the  earth  and  generally  produces 
great  distress  to  a  number  of  families.  Sir  Henry  Clinton's 
proclamation  exempting  the  inhabitants  of  S.  Carolina  not 
taken  in  the  town  from  their  paroles,  evince  his  design  and 
expectation  of  gaining  the  people  to  his  side,  and  that  they 
will  take  up  arms  in  support  of  the  British  government.  It 
is  not  improbable  his  threats  and  promises  may,  in  their 
present  unsupported  situation,  induce  many  to  do  so,  un- 
less the  approach  of  the  American  troops  shall  afford  them 



hopes  of  protection,  in  which  case  I  am  inclined  to  think 
he  will  be  disappointed,  as  the  people  cannot  but  feel  re- 
sentment at  the  sudden  transition  from  assumed  lenity  to  a 
demand  of  bearing  arms  in  manifestation  of  their  loyalty, 
or  being  exposed  to  confiscation  of  property  and  punish- 
ment for  supposed  enemies. 

We  hear  our  Assembly  are  about  to  reconsider  their  de- 
termination respecting  the  scheme  of  finance  recommended 
by  Congress,  and  that  it  was  expected  the  measure  would 
yet  be  adopted.  I  am  happy  to  hear  it,  being  confident  the 
rejection  of  the  proposition  and  the  emission  of  more  paper 
money  could  not  fail  of  producing  the  worst  of  conse- 
quences. Let  us  not  depart  from  the  determination  not  to 
increase  the  quantity.  That  resolution  has  already  appre- 
ciated the  money,  and  a  steady  adherence  to  the  measure 
will  at  length  effectually  do  it.  The  present  is  the  season 
for  accomplishing  the  great  work  of  confederation.  If  we 
suffer  it  to  pass  away,  I  fear  it  will  never  return.  The  ex- 
ample of  New  York  is  worthy  of  imitation.  Could  Vir- 
ginia but  think  herself  as  she  certainly  is  already  full  large 
[enough]  for  vigorous  government,  she  too  would  moderate 
her  desires,  and  cede  to  the  United  States,  upon  certain 
conditions,  her  territory  beyond  the  Ohio.  The  act  of 
New  York,  the  instructions  of  Maryland  to  their  delegates, 
and  the  declaration  of  the  State  upon  the  subject,  and  the 
late  remonstrance  of  Virginia,  are  now  before  a  Committee, 
and  I  expect  they  will  report  that  it  be  recommended  to  the 
States  having  extensive  western  unappropriated  claims,  to 
follow  the  example  of  New  York,  and  by  law  authorize 
their  delegates  to  make  the  cession.  I  some  time  past  sent 
Mr.  Mason  a  copy  of  the  New  York  act. 


Gloomy  as  the  prospect  of  our  affairs  has  been  and  in  fact 
still  is  when  compared  with  the  objects  we  have  in  view 
through  the  course  of  this  campaign,  I  yet  feel  myself  re- 
vived by  the  accounts  lately  received  from  our  State,  that 
the  people  are  at  length  awakened  from  their  slumber  and 
appear  to  act  with  becoming  spirit  and  order  at  this  impor- 
tant conjuncture,  especially  as  the  States  in  general,  for  the 
present  moment  seem  to  be  roused  and  impressed  with  the 
necessity  of  great  and  immediate  exertions;  and  if  the 
spirit  is  kept  up  for  a  while  we  may  reasonably  hope  for  the 
happiest  consequences.  I  have  been  much  and  still  am  de- 
pressed to  think  that  America  should  do  so  little  for  herself 
while  France  is  proposing  to  do  so  much;  that  she  should, 
contending  for  everything  dear  and  valuable  to  her,  look  on 
with  folded  arms  and  suffer  other  powers  almost  unassisted 
by  us,  to  work  out  our  salvation  and  independence.  The 
idea  is  humiliating;  the  fact  must  be  dishonourable,  and 
our  posterity  will  blush  to  read  it  in  future  story. 

Letters  from  Martinique,  so  late  as  the  3d  and  4th  of  this 
month,  inform  us  of  the  arrival  of  a  Spanish  frigate  an- 
nouncing that  12  Spanish  ships  of  the  line,  4-50  gun  and 
six  frigates,  with  about  10,000  troops,  were  about  200 
leagues  to  windward  when  the  frigate  left  them,  coming  for- 
ward to  join  the  French  fleet  and  forces.  The  Count 
Guichen  was  going  out  with  16  sail  of  the  line  to  meet 
them.  Upon  the  junction  of  these  fleets,  the  superiority 
of  the  combined  force  will  be  decided,  and  we  may  expect 
soon  to  hear  of  some  important  stroke  made  in  that  quar- 
ter. It  was  conjectured  their  first  attempt  would  be  St. 
Lucie,  if  the  approach  if  the  hurricane  months  did  not 
discourage  the  enterprise.     Then  Jamaica,  and  from  thence 

2  ^ 

come  round  and  by  uniting  the  whole  forces,  sweep  the  coast 
of  North  America.     The  is  grand  and  opens  so 

pleasing  a  prospect  to  us,  I  will  not  lessen  your  pleasure  by 
a  doubt  of  it  being  verified.  These  letters  further  inform 
us  that  the  armament  carrying  on  at  Brest,  and  which  they 
expected  was  for  the  West  Indies,  is  for  North  America,  and 
that  it  was  expected  to  sail  about  the  15th  April.  It  is  said 
to  consist  of  ten  ships  of  the  line  and  a  large  body  of 
troops.  No  doubt  they  will  make  it  as  large  as  they  well 
can,  as  it  is  evident  the  war  will  be  principally  here  and  in 
the  West  Indies.  Between  the  12th  and  19th  of  last  month, 
Rodney  and  Guichen  have  had  three  engagements;  the 
last  a  severe  action  in  which  the  Count  kept  the  sea.  For 
further  particulars  I  refer  you  to  the  inclosed  paper,  as 
well  as,  for  the  account  so  far  as  we  are  yet  informed  of  the 
action  at  Springfield  in  the  Jerseys,  between  our  troops  and 
militia  under  Gen1.  Greene  and  the  British  and  Hessians 
under  Knyphausen.  The  Jersey  militia  acquired  immortal 
fame,  as  indeed  they  do  upon  almost  every  occasion  when 
they  are  engaged  with  the  enemy. 

Congress  have  formed  the  scale  of  depreciation  to  apply 
to  Loan  Office  certificates: 

from  the  Ist  Sep'  1777  to  Ist  March,  1778,  at if 

thence  to  Sept.  Ist  '78 4 

thence  to  March  Ist  '79 10 

thence  to  Sept  Ist  '79 18 

thence  to  March  18th  '80 40 

The  intermediate  time  of  the  respective  periods  to  be 
calculated  in  geometrical  proportion.  The  resolves  will  be 
immediately  published.  This  will  reduce  the  principal  of 
loans  from  46,559,235  to  11,053,573. 



Phila:    i 8  July,  17S0 
Dear  Sir, 

A  report  from  the  Board  of  War  in  consequence  of  a 
letter  of  General  Gates  to  Congress,  referred  to  the  Board, 
respecting  the  promotion  of  Col.  Danl.  Morgan*  to  the 
office  of  Brigadier  General,  now  lies  upon  the  table,  at  my 
request.  The  Board  have  stated  his  former  services,  his 
being  first  colonel  of  our  line,  and  the  deficiency  of  that 
state  at  present  in  her  quota  of  troops.  If  a  promotion  of 
general  officers  is  to  take  place,  and  to  be  made  through  the 
line  of  the  army,  Morgan  has  many  before  him  ;  but  if  the 
promotions  are  to  be  made  through  the  line  of  the  State, 
that  officer  it  appears  stands  first.  General  Gates  has  men- 
tioned his  intention  of  giving  Morgan  the  command  of  a 
body  of  light  infantry,  but  as  the  state  has  given  the  com- 
mand of  the  militia  lately  sent  to  the  southward  to  Col. 
Stevens,  who  was  Morgan's  junior  officer  in  the  Continental 
line,  with  the  commission  of  Brigadier  General,  he  will 
command  Col.  Morgan,  and  this  Gates  thinks,  will  disgust 
him,  and  therefore  with  great  earnestness  and  warmth  presses 
his  promotion.  I  shall  thank  you  for  your  confidential 
communications  upon  the  matter,  as  the  report,  I  think, 
will  not  be  pressed  or  taken  up  until  the  Virginia  delegates 
are  fully  informed,  as  it  was  upon  my  motion  to  obtain  time 
for  information,  it  lies  upon  the  table.  Besides,  as  he  left 
the   army  in   disgust  under   your   immediate  command,   I 

*  Morgan  had  resigned  in  1779  because  the  command  of  the  light  infantry  had 
been  given  to  another,  but  received  a  furlough  until  he  might  be  called  into  service. 
On  June  14,  1780,  the  Board  of  War  recommended  that  he  be  sent  to  the  southward 
to  serve  under  Gates,  and  later  endorsed  the  suggestion  of  Gates  to  give  him  a  com- 
mission as  brigadier-general.     Congress  so  ordered.—  Journals,  October  13,  1780. 


did  not  like  the  present  mode  of  his  obtaining  the  promo- 
tions without  that  I  know  of  any  alteration  of  circumstances, 
at  the  pressing  instance  of  General  Gates.  Pray,  my  dear 
sir,  do  you  recollect  the  purport  of  a  letter  lately  written  to 
Col.  Harrison,  speaker  of  the  Delegates,  representing  the 
deranged  state  of  the  French  finances;  their  as  well  as 
Spain's  declining  navy,  and  the  increasing  strength  of  the 
British  navy.  I  have  heard  of  such  a  letter  that  gentleman 
received  from  you,  and  had  shewn  it  to  many  of  the  mem- 
bers of  our  Assembly,  and  that  it  was  like  to  prejudice 
rather  than  promote  the  service.*  I  mention  this  in  confi- 
dence, as  the  purport  of  the  letter  may  have  been  misrep- 
resented, and  I  have  it  not  directly  from  one  who  saw  it  or 
heard  it  read.  Between  ourselves,  I  fear  that  worthy  man 
is  no  zealous  friend  of  the  Alliance.  I  may  be  mistaken, 
but  it  is  my  present  opinion. 

An  account  transmitted  to  the  Admiralty  Board  by  Gen- 
eral Foreman  makes  the  British  on  the  N.  York  station,  nine 
line  of  battle  ships,  two  or  three  fifties,  and  1 7  frigates  and 
other  armed  vessels.  Should  this  intelligence  be  true,  the 
French  fleet  as  we  have  been  told  (though  we  have  not  yet 
the  particulars  of  their  strength)  will  be  unequal  to  the  un- 
dertaking. My  letters  from  Virginia  speak  of  our  people  as 
being  roused.  A  bill  had  passed  the  Delegates  by  a  major- 
ity of  3  only  adopting  the  scheme  of  finance  recommended 
by  Congress;  thirteen  of  the  senate  only  were  present,  the 
opinion  of  ten  of  these  publicly  known  —  five  for  and  five 
against  the  bill.  It  was  conjectured  the  others  were  in 
favor  of  the  measure.     Every   15  th  militia  man  is  to  be 

*  This  letter  was  probably  of  the  same  purport  as  that  from  Washington  to  Joseph 
Reed,  May  28,  1780,  printed  in  Sparks'  "Writings  of  Washington,"  vii.,  58. 



drafted  to  fill  up  the  deficiency  of  our  line ;  this  bill  was 
also  before  the  senate.  I  hope  you  find  the  recruits  coming 
in  fast ;  the  news  of  the  arrival  of  the  fleet  will  accelerate 


[August,  1780.]* 
Dear  Sir, 

Your  letter  to  Col.  Harrison  turns  out  as  I  expected  be- 
fore I  received  your  full  information.  If  the  whole  had 
been  read  and  attended  to,  it  was  impossible  to  put  any 
other  construction  on  your  manner  of  treating  the  subject 
than  to  convince  your  correspondent  of  the  absolute  neces- 
sity of  great  exertions  this  campaign,  while  we  had  a  prom- 
ising prospect  before  us,  lest  by  remissness  and  delay  we 
should  find  our  ally,  as  well  as  ourselves,  embarrassed  with 
greater  difficulties  than  at  present;  and  I  very  sincerely 
wish,  should  this  summer  pass  away  without  some  signal 
advantage  gained  on  our  part,  we  may  not  find  your  con- 
jectures verified  in  event.  I  have  my  hopes  we  shall  yet 
be  able  to  do  something  important  upon  the  arrival  of  the 
French  reinforcement,  as  I  presume  their  fleet  will  then 
command  the  water,  without  which,  I  confess,  I  have  no 
sanguine  expectations.  With  the  command  of  the  water, 
the  enterprise  may  be  successful.  Mr.  Bingham  has  re- 
ceived a  letter  from  Martinique  informing  him  the  com- 
bined fleet  fell  to  leeward  on  the  5th.  July,  supposed  for 
Jamaica — thirty-three  or  thirty-six  ships  of  the  line  and 

♦Probably  the  6th.  On  the  5th  Pickering  was  chosen  quartermaster-general  in 
place  of  Greene,  and  on  the  7th  his  acceptance  was  communicated  to  Congress. 
Jones  writes  before  that  acceptance  was  known. 


12,000  troops.  They  expected  a  reinforcement  of  a  few 
thousand  troops  more.  If  this  account  be  true,  it  is  prob- 
able Jamaica  will  fall  and  that  we  may  have  them  along 
our  coast. 

You  are  desired  by  some  late  resolutions  to  turn  your 
thoughts  towards  the  recovery  of  S.  Carolina  and  Georgia, 
as  soon  as  the  operations  of  the  campaign  in  this  quarter 
have  been  executed.*  Gates'  and  De  Kalb's  letters  repre- 
sent the  distresses  of  the  Southern  Department  in  a  very 
gloomy  light  as  to  provisions  and  equipments.  The  Vir- 
ginia recruits,  when  raised,  are  ordered  to  join  that  army. 
If  this  interferes  with  your  plans,  you  should  let  us  know 
it,  as  they  will  not  be  ready  to  march  until  the  beginning 
of  next  month.  The  law  passed  by  the  legislature  will 
probably  bring  into  the  field  about  3,000.  A  Colonel  or 
Major  Pinckney  of  South  Carolina,  writes  Col.  Motte,  a 
delegate  of  that  State,  that  the  enemy  are  not  more  than 
2500  strong  at  their  ports  in  the  country,  exclusive  of  horse, 
of  which  they  have  a  strong  corps,  and  about  800  or  1000 
men  in  Charles  Town.  Of  our  2500  militia,  not  above 
1500  had  reached  Hillsborough  in  N.  Carolina;  but  Mr. 
D.  Jameson  of  the  Virginia  Privy  Council  writes  us  that 
many  of  the  deserters  had  been  taken  up  and  sent  forward 
to  Hillsborough.  Caswell  had  about  1200  militia  under 
him;  Baylor's  and  Bland's  dragoons  nearly  equipped;  so 
that  if  they  can  get  provisions  sufficient  and  forage,  which 
by  this  letter  it  is  probable  they  are  furnished  with,  they 
will  be  in  condition  to  face  the  enemy,  and  I  hope  drive 
them  into  the  town. 

♦Journals,  August  5,  1780. 



We  have  been  greatly  perplexed  the  last  week  with  Gen- 
eral Greene's  refusal  to  act  in  the  office  of  Quarter  Master 
General,  unless  the  new  system  was  totally  repealed,  and 
he  was  allowed  to  conduct  it  under  your  direction  in  such 
manner  as  he  thought  most  conducive  to  the  public  service; 
besides,  Congress  were  to  request  Pettit  and  Cox  to  resume 
their  offices.  If  General  Greene  thought  the  new  system 
wanted  amendment  and  had  pointed  out  the  defect,  Con- 
gress would  have  considered  the  matter,  and  I  doubt  not 
would  have  made  the  necessary  alteration.  But  the  man- 
ner of  these  demands,  made  in  such  peremptory  terms,  at 
the  moment  of  action,  when  the  campaign  was  opened,  the 
enemy  in  the  field,  and  our  ally  waiting  for  co-operation, 
has  lessened  General  Greene  not  only  in  the  opinion  of 
Congress,  but  I  think  of  the  public ;  and  I  question  whether 
it  will  terminate  with  the  acceptance  of  his  refusal  only. 
On  Saturday,  Col.  Pickering  was  appointed  to  the  office  of 
Quarter  Master  General,  with  the  rank  of  Colonel  and  the 
pay  and  rations  of  a  Brigadier-General,  and  to  hold  his 
place  at  the  Board  of  War  without  pay  or  right  to  act  while 
in  the  office  of  Quarter  Master  General.  This  gentleman's 
integrity,  ability  and  attention  to  business,  will  I  hope  not 
only  prevent  the  evils  to  be  apprehended  from  a  change  in 
so  important  a  department  at  this  time,  but  will  I  hope  be 
able  to  reform  some  of  the  abuses  crept  into  that  business 
and  lessen  the  amazing  expenditure  of  the  department.  He 
must,  if  he  accepts,  have  a  disagreeable  office  in  the  present 
state  of  our  finances,  but  we  must  support  him  all  we  can. 

The  promotion  I  mentioned  has  not  taken  place,  though 
if  we  take  up  the  business,  I  suppose  it  will  be  done,  as  M. 
is  the  oldest  Colonel  and  Gates  is  the  only  Major  General 



belonging  to  Virginia,  and  the  State  has  a  right  to  two. 
But  I  see  no  occasion  of  stirring  in  it  at  present,  as  if  taken 
up,  it  must  be  upon  the  general  principles  of  promotion, 
and  then  not  only  Virginia  but  Maryland  and  other  States 
will  expect  to  partake  of  the  same  privilege  of  bringing 
forward  their  officers,  when  I  believe,  there  are  few  States 
whose  lines  are  so  full  as  to  justify  the  promotions. 


Head-Quarters,  Tappan,  13  August,  1780. 
Dear  Sir, 

The  subject  of  this  letter  will  be  confined  to  a  single 
point.  I  shall  make  it  as  short  as  possible,  and  write  it 
with  frankness.  If  any  sentiment  therefore  is  delivered, 
which  might  be  displeasing  to  you  as  a  member  of  Con- 
gress, ascribe  it  to  the  freedom  which  is  taken  with  you  by 
a  friend,  who  has  nothing  in  view  but  the  public  good. 

In  your  letter  without  date,  but  which  came  to  hand  yes- 
terday, an  idea  is  held  up,  as  if  the  acceptance  of  General 
Greene's  resignation  of  the  quartermaster's  department  was 
not  all  that  Congress  meant  to  do  with  him.  If  by  this  it 
is  in  contemplation  to  suspend  him  from  his  command  in 
the  line,  of  which  he  made  an  express  reservation  at  the  time 
of  entering  on  the  other  duty,  and  it  is  not  already  enacted, 
let  me  beseech  you  to  consider  well  what  you  are  about  be- 
fore you  resolve.  I  shall  neither  condemn  nor  acquit  Gen- 
eral Greene's  conduct  for  the  act  of  resignation,  because  all 
the  antecedent  correspondence  is  necessary  to  form  a  right 
judgment  of  the  matter;  and  possibly,  if  the  affair  is  ever 



brought  before  the  public,  you  may  find  him  treading  on 
better  ground  than  you  seem  to  imagine ;  but  this  by  the 
by.  My  sole  aim  at  present  is  to  advertise  you  of  what  I 
think  would  be  the  consequences  of  suspending  him  from 
his  command  in  the  line  (a  matter  distinct  from  the  other) 
without  a  proper  trial.  A  procedure  of  this  kind  must  touch 
the  feelings  of  every  officer.  It  will  show  in  a  conspicuous 
point  of  view  the  uncertain  tenure  by  which  they  hold  their 
commissions.  In  a  word,  it  will  exhibit  such  a  specimen  of 
power,  that  I  question  much  if  there  is  an  officer  in  the  whole 
line,  that  will  hold  a  commission  beyond  the  end  of  the  cam- 
paign, if  he  does  till  then.  Such  an  act  in  the  most  despotic 
government  would  be  attended  at  least  with  loud  complaints. 

It  does  not  require  with  you,  I  am  sure,  at  this  time  of 
day,  arguments  to  prove,  that  there  is  no  set  of  men  in  the 
United  States,  considered  as  a  body,  that  have  made  the 
same  sacrifices  of  their  interest  in  support  of  the  common 
cause,  as  the  officers  of  the  American  army;  that  nothing 
but  a  love  of  their  country,  of  honor,  and  a  desire  of  seeing 
their  labors  crowned  with  success,  could  possibly  induce 
them  to  continue  one  moment  in  service;  that  no  officer 
can  live  upon  his  pay;  that  hundreds,  having  spent  their 
little  all  in  addition  to  their  scanty  public  allowance,  have 
resigned,  because  they  could  no  longer  support  themselves 
as  officers ;  that  numbers  are  at  this  moment  rendered  unfit 
for  duty  for  want  of  clothing,  while  the  rest  are  wasting 
their  property,  and  some  of  them  verging  fast  to  the  gulf 
of  poverty  and  distress. 

Can  it  be  supposed,  that  men  under  these  circumstances, 
who  can  derive  at  best,  if  the  contest  ends  happily,  only  the 
advantages  which  accrue  in  equal  proportion  to  others,  will 



sit  patient  under  such  a  precedent?  Surely  they  will  not; 
for  the  measure,  not  the  man,  will  be  the  subject  of  consid- 
eration, and  each  will  ask  himself  this  question ;  If  Congress 
by  its  mere  fiat,  without  inquiry  and  without  trial,  will  sus- 
pend an  officer  to-day,  and  an  officer  of  such  high  rank, 
may  it  not  be  my  turn  to-morrow,  and  ought  I  to  put  it  in 
the  power  of  any  man  or  body  of  men  to  sport  with  my 
commission  and  character,  and  lay  me  under  the  necessity 
of  tamely  acquiescing,  or,  by  an  appeal  to  the  public,  ex- 
posing matters,  which  must  be  injurious  to  its  interests? 
The  suspension  of  Generals  Schuyler  and  St.  Clair,  though 
it  was  preceded  by  the  loss  of  Ticonderoga,  which  contrib- 
uted not  a  little  for  the  moment  to  excite  prejudices  against 
them,  was  by  no  means  viewed  with  a  satisfactory  eye  by 
many  discerning  men,  though  it  was  in  a  manner  supported 
by  the  public  clamor;  and  the  one  in  contemplation  I  am 
almost  certain  will  be  generally  reprobated  by  the  army. 

Suffer  not,  my  friend,  if  it  is  within  the  compass  of  your 
abilities  to  prevent  it,  so  disagreeable  an  event  to  take  place. 
I  do  not  mean  to  justify,  to  countenance,  or  excuse,  in  the 
most  distant  degree,  any  expressions  of  disrespect,  which 
the  question,  if  he  has  used  any,  may  have  offered  to  Con- 
gress ;  no  more  than  I  do  any  unreasonable  matters  he  may 
have  required  respecting  the  quartermaster-general's  depart- 
ment; but,  as  I  have  already  observed,  my  letter  is  to  pre- 
vent his  suspension,  because  I  fear,  I  feel,  that  it  must  lead 
to  very  disagreeable  and  injurious  consequences.  General 
Greene  has  his  numerous  friends  out  of  the  army  as  well  as  in 
it;  and,  from  his  character  and  consideration  in  the  world, 
he  might  not,  when  he  felt  himself  wounded  in  so  summary 
a  way,  withhold  himself  from  a  discussion,  that  could  not 



at  best  promote  the  public  cause.  As  a  military  officer  he 
stands  very  fair,  and  very  deservedly  so,  in  the  opinion  of 
all  his  acquaintance.  These  sentiments  are  the  result  of  my 
own  reflections,  and  I  hasten  to  inform  you  of  them.  I  do 
not  know  that  General  Greene  has  ever  heard  of  the  matter, 
and  I  hope  he  never  may;  nor  am  I  acquainted  with  the 
opinion  of  a  single  officer  in  the  whole  army  upon  the  sub- 
ject, nor  will  any  tone  be  given  by  me.  It  is  my  wish  to 
prevent  the  proceeding;  for,  sure  I  am,  that  it  cannot  be 
brought  to  a  happy  issue,  if  it  takes  place. 


Phila:   6  September,  1780 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  received  your  favour  of  the  13th  ult°.  upon  the 
subject  of  a  report  respecting  a  certain  gentleman,  and 
thank  you  for  the  freedom  and  candid  manner  of  your 
communications.  The  resentment  discovered  against  the 
gentleman  alluded  to  began  to  subside  before  your  letter 
came  to  hand,  and  though  for  some  time  it  was  occasion- 
ally mentioned  in  conversation,  it  has  lately  died  away,  and 
will  I  expect  not  be  revived.  The  report  of  the  committee 
not  only  accepted  his  resignation,  but  went  further,  and  I 
believe  had  it  been  then  determined,  the  gentleman  would 
have  been  informed  his  services  in  the  line  of  the  army 
would  have  been  dispensed  with,  that  he  might  have  leisure 
to  attend  to  the  settlement  of  his  accounts.  Had  this  step 
been  taken,  it  is  probable  a  resignation  would  have  ensued 
and  perhaps  a  public  discussion  in  the  papers,  which  could 
have  produced  no  good ;  and  upon  the  whole  I  am  well 



pleased  the  matter  was  carried  no  further  than  it  has  been. 
But  unacquainted  as  I  am  with  antecedent  circumstances, 
and  judging  from  what  was  before  me,  my  opinion  was  the 
gentleman  was  justly  reprehensible  for  the  manner  of  his 
conduct  as  a  servant  of  the  public,  employed  as  an  impor- 
tant officer,  or  as  a  citizen,  embarked  in  the  common  cause 
of  America.  The  amazing  sums  of  money  gone  into  that 
department  under  his  superintendance,  about  eighty  mill- 
ions, and  it  is  said,  about  thirty  millions  unpaid,  the  whole 
of  which  is  unaccounted  for,  have  excited  uneasiness  not 
only  in  this  body  but  the  people  at  large,  who  call  out  for 
a  settlement  of  the  public  accounts.  And  although  repeated 
endeavours  have  been  used  to  bring  the  officers  in  the  great 
departments  of  the  army  to  account,  none  have  been  ren- 
dered nor  any  likelihood  of  bringing  them  to  a  settlement. 
The  embezzlement  and  waste  of  public  property  in  these 
departments  have  greatly  contributed  to  enhance  our  debt 
and  depreciate  the  currency,  and  these  abuses  demand  in- 
quiry and  punishment;  but  I  see  no  fair  prospect  of  obtain- 
ing satisfaction  for  past  transgressions  and  shall  be  happy 
to  find  we  shall  be  able  to  avoid  the  like  practices  in  future. 
A  reform  or  an  attempt  to  reform  seemed  absolutely  neces- 
sary for  the  satisfaction  of  the  public,  and  although  the  new 
system  was  pronounced  a  physical  impossibility  in  execu- 
tion, others  who  have  served  long  in  the  army  and  were  of 
the  committee  that  made  the  alterations,  entertained  a  con- 
trary opinion,  and  they  affirm  the  gentleman  now  in  office, 
if  he  can  be  supported  with  money,  can  fully  carry  the  new 
system  into  execution.  In  short,  I  have  seen  some,  and 
have  been  told  of  so  many  abuses  in  the  Q.  Master's  Com- 
missaries' and  Medical  departments  in  the  course  of  the  last 



two  years  that  I  candidly  confess  I  feel  a  degree  of  resent- 
ment against  the  conduct  of  many  in  those  departments 
bordering  on  prejudice  so  nearly  that  I  have  resolved  to 
condemn  no  person  even  in  opinion  without  clear  proof  of 
delinquency,  lest  I  should  injure  the  character  of  some 
honest  men  in  the  general  censure  which  unhappily  is  but 
too  prevalent. 

What  I  feared  for  some  time  is  at  length  but  too  evident, 
that  our  designs  against  New  York  must  wait  for  more 
favourable  circumstances  to  attempt  carrying  them  into  ex- 
ecution. Perhaps  something  may  in  the  course  of  the  win- 
ter be  done  to  the  south.  Should  we  be  in  a  situation  to 
recover  our  losses  there  and  be  in  time  provided  with  a  well 
appointed  regular  army  and  magazine  of  provisions  laid  up, 
it  is  to  be  hoped  we  shall  in  the  spring  before  the  enemy 
can  be  reinforced  and  obtain  supplies,  be  in  a  condition  to 
act  offensively  against  New  York.  Your  letters  of  the  20th 
last  month  and  the  27th  circular  to  the  States,  are  before  a 
committee  and  will  in  a  day  or  two  be  reported  upon  as 
to  flour  and  meat.  The  great  objects  of  drawing  forth  in 
time  a  competent  regular  army  and  laying  up  magazines 
will  soon  come  in  and  I  hope  soon  go  through  Congress, 
that  the  several  states  may  proceed  to  make  the  necessary 
provisions.  I  shall  leave  this  place  on  Thursday  for  Vir- 
ginia and  mean  to  attend  our  next  session  of  Assembly  in 
hopes  of  promoting  a  cession  on  the  part  of  the  state  of 
their  claim  to  the  lands  to  the  N.  W.  of  the  Ohio  to  the 
United  States,  which  will  be  recommended  to  all  the  States 
having  unappropriated  western  territory  for  the  purpose  of 
completing  the  Confederation.  I  shall  be  glad  to  hear 
from  you  while  there  upon  any  matters  that  may  occur  and 
you  shall  think  proper  to  communicate. 



Spring  Hill  9th  Octr.  1780 
Dear  Sir, 

I  think  you  acted  very  prudently  in  declining  to  press 
on  the  part  of  Virginia  the  Resolutions  I  left  for  the  con- 
sideration of  Congress.  Had  I  been  present,  I  should  have 
done  the  same,  as  I  had  no  intention  when  they  were  offered 
that  Virginia  should  appear  anxious  about  them.  Whatever 
my  opinion  might  be  as  to  their  propriety  or  justice,  I 
meant  to  leave  them  to  the  candor  of  Congress  and  to  those 
impartial  reflections  which  might  ever,  and  upon  such  great 
questions  I  trust  will,  generally,  govern  their  Councils.  I 
wished  also  to  feel  the  pulse  of  that  Body  upon  these  points 
and  to  know  the  reasons  that  governed  their  resolutions; 
that  if  the  resolutions  were  any  of  them  rejected  and  the 
ground  upon  which  they  were  overruled  good.  The  Assem- 
bly of  Virgn.  might  in  their  deliberation  on  the  subject  per- 
haps be  influenced  by  like  considerations.  I  thought  I 
could  discover  a  strong  propensity  among  some  of  the  mem- 
bers to  give  independence  to  the  people  of  Vermont.  This 
affair  ought  to  be  a  warning  to  Congress  how  to  act  in  simi- 
lar situations  in  future.  To  be  remiss  and  indecisive  upon 
such  pretensions  as  these,  serves  only  to  support  and  not  dis- 
courage the  claimants.  It  does  more  it  shews  the  weakness 
or  wickedness  of  Government  and  must  ultimately  produce 
dishonor  and  contempt.  I  have  sent  forward  your  letter  to 
the  auditors  and  inclosed  my  account  whereby  the  balance 
due  to  me  is  ^3000  which  I  have  directed  to  be  applied  to 
your  use  and  requested  the  money  might  be  forwarded  to 
you  as  speedily  as  possible  as  I  well  knew  you  wanted  it. 



The  fourth  of  the  eight  thousand  pounds  drawn  for  is  in- 
cluded in  the  three  thousand  pounds,  and  so  I  have  informed 
the  auditors ;  so  that  when  Meade's  orders  are  paid  you  must 
take  on  my  account  two  thousand  pounds.  Out  of  Mrs. 
House's  account  of  8000  some  odd  dols.  is  to  be  deducted 
what  I  advanced  for  wine  —  $s  hard  money  overpaid  at  the 
former  settlem'  and  the  money  advanced  by  me  for  the 
family,  the  amount  of  which  I  gave  you  in  the  first  instance 
and  Mrs.  Trist  in  the  second.  I  shall  go  off  to  Richmd.  if 
Mrs.  Jones  gets  wholly  well  abc  the  middle  of  next  week, 
from  whence  you  shall  regularly  hear  from  me.  Have  no 
reasons  been  assigned  by  the  Minister  for  the  disappoint- 
ments respecting  the  reported  reinforcement.  If  there  are 
anv  that  are  worthy  notice  I  should  be  glad  to  be  furnished 
with  them  that  I  may  do  justice  to  the  good  intentions  of 
France  and  to  their  exertions  in  the  common  cause,  which 
some  are  but  too  apt  to  suspect  upon  the  present  occasion, 
and  though  I  am  not  among  the  number  I  must  confess  I 
am  at  a  loss  how  fully  to  satisfy  the  doubts  of  some  and  to 
silence  the  insinuations  of  others  who  ground  their  observ- 
ations upon  the  transactions  of  the  present  year,  and  par- 
ticularly the  promised  reinforcements.  I  have  mentioned 
this  matter  in  confidence  to  you  that  if  you  think  it  proper 
you  may  take  occasion  to  intimate  to  the  proper  persons, 
how  much  it  would  contribute  to  the  satisfaction  of  the 
friends  of  the  alliance  to  be  able  to  give  some  satisfactory 
reasons  for  our  disappointments,  not  only  of  the  aid  to 
come  to  the  Continent,  but  of  our  expectations  of  advan- 
tages to  be  obtained  over  an  enemy  by  the  combined  forces 
in  the  W.  Indies  —  in  short  their  inactivity  there  as  well  as 
in  Europe.     These  I  know  are  delicate  matters,  but  they  are 



such  as  we  ought  to  know,  as  well  for  our  future  government, 
as  for  silencing  those  who  throw  out  insinuations  injurious 
to  France. 

Be  pleased  to  present  my  compliments  to  Mr.  Pleasants 
and  inform  him  he  shall  receive  an  answer  from  me  respect- 
ing his  house  soon  after  my  arrival  at  Richmond,  which  I 
expected,  would  be  the  beginning  of  this  month  from  the 
usual  time  of  the  Assembly's  meeting;  but  their  adjourning 
to  a  later  day  has  prevented  my  doing  it  so  soon  as  I  in- 
tended. In  the  meantime  will  you  be  pleased  to  sound  Mr. 
Pemberton  as  to  his  house,  and  the  terms  if  he  is  inclined 
to  let  it  with  stable  room  for  four  horses,  a  chariot  house, 
garden  and  small  pasture,  with  such  furniture  as  he  can 
spare.  This  information  I  shall  thank  you  for  as  soon  as 
possible.  The  report  here  is  that  Congress  has  suspended 
Gates  from  his  command  until  his  conduct  is  inquired  into. 
Our  recruits  I  am  told  are  going  on  to  the  southern  camp; 
our  militia,  I  believe,  are  returned,  and  another  division  is 
I  understand  preparing  to  take  their  place.  Compliments 
to  the  delegation. 


Virga  2  October  1780. 
Dear  Sir, 

The  Medical  Department  was  under  the  consideration  of 
a  committee  before  I  left  Congress  and  will,  it  is  probable, 
undergo  a  change  that  may  curtail  the  number  of  the  pres- 
ent appointments.  Should  this  be  the  case,  and  the  new 
arrangement  take  place  before  I  return  (which  at  present  it 
is  my  intention  to  do  before  Christmas)  I  shall  recommend 



to  the  support  of  the  Virginia  delegates  the  gentlemen  you 
have  been  pleased  to  mention,  whose  long  services  and  well 
known  characters  intitle  them  to  be  among  the  first  officers 
in  the  establishment. 

If  I  am  not  mistaken,  the  spirit  of  party  is  much  abated 
in  Congress.  Some  instances  of  the  old  prejudices  and 
partialities  that  disgusted  and  must  ever  disgrace  their  coun- 
cils I  think  have  been  discovered ;  but  they  are  few,  and  I 
entertained  hopes  the  flame  was  nearly  extinguished.  And 
although  some  restless  tempers,  as  some  there  are,  and  ever 
will  be  in  public  assemblies  of  men,  may  attempt  to  revive 
these  disputes,  which  were  carried  to  such  height  between 
the  contending  factions  as  to  neglect  the  more  important 
concerns  of  the  public,  there  are  I  trust  a  sufficient  number 
of  mild  spirits  who  will  oppose  and  repress  such  dishonour- 
able attempts  and  confine  themselves  to  the  discussion  alone 
of  such  matters  as  justice  and  the  general  welfare  require. 
I  am  certain  the  important  objects  now  before  Congress  are 
sufficient  to  engage  their  attention  and  employ  their  time 
without  perplexing  themselves  by  a  revival  of  old  and  ex- 
piring controversies.  It  was  with  reluctance  I  left  Phila- 
delphia before  the  report  upon  your  letter  respecting  the 
army  and  magazines  was  complete,  and  the  arrangements 
of  the  civil  officers  of  Congress  were  digested ;  but  an  ap- 
prehension that  the  Assembly  was  to  meet  the  first  Monday 
in  October  as  usual,  and  a  desire  of  spending  a  short  time 
with  my  family  before  I  went  to  Richmond,  determined  me 
to  set  out  so  as  to  reach  home  about  the  middle  of  Septem- 
ber. I  now  find  I  might  have  stayed  a  fortnight  longer,  as 
the  session  does  not  commence  until  the  third  Monday  in 
this  month.     Congress  having  taken  some  steps  towards 



completing  the  Federal  Union,  which  I  anxiously  wish  to 
accomplish,  induced  me  to  be  here  early  in  the  session,  that 
the  sense  of  this  State  upon  that  interesting  question  might 
be  taken.  That  if  the  proposition  was  approved,  it  might 
be  divulged  to  the  other  States  without  delay,  and  Virginia 
being  more  interested  than  any  other  in  a  cession  of  unap- 
propriated territory,  the  example  would  not  fail  to  have 
weight,  and  be  followed  by  others.  We  are  already  too 
large  for  the  energy  of  republican  government,  and  I  fear 
shall  be  so  if  the  Assembly  shall  relinquish  their  claim  to 
the  northwest  of  the  Ohio,  to  the  Continent.  I  wished  too 
to  be  [at]  the  beginning  of  the  session  to  urge  the  filling 
up  our  battalions  immediately,  and  providing  magazines  in 
time,  as  the  ensuing  winter  to  the  south  and  the  approach- 
ing spring  to  the  north,  if  our  ally  shall  command  the 
water,  might  afford  us  favourable  opportunities  of  acting  to 
advantage.  But  alas  !  instead  of  the  French  commanding 
the  water,  we  have  the  mortification  to  hear  Rodney,  with 
12  ships  of  the  line  and  four  frigates,  has  arrived  at  the 
Hook.  Where,  for  God's  sake,  is  Count  Guichen  with  his 
great  and  formidable  fleet?  surely,  not  inactive. 


2  October,  1780. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  thank  you  for  your  favor  of  the  19th  ult.  and  the  incis- 
ures. It  was  really  a  mortifying  circumstance  to  find  the 
French  Fleet  converted  into  twelve  British  ships  of  the  line 
and  four  frigates  from  which  nothing  can  effectively  relieve 
us  but  the  arrival  of  a  superior  number  of  French  battle 



ships.  And  unless  these  come  I  fear  many  of  our  people 
not  only  here  but  in  other  States  will  entertain  unfavourable 
opinions  of  the  ability  at  least,  if  not  the  inclination,  of  our 
ally  to  give  us  effectual  support.  The  alteration  of  ye  reso- 
lutions I  left  are  not  I  think  material  excepting  the  one  post- 
poned, not  to  be  taken  up,  which  I  am  certain  will  be  made 
a  condition  by  Virginia  in  any  cession  she  may  make,  as 
there  are  jealousies  entertained  of  certain  individuals  greatly 
interested  in  that  question.  Congress  cannot  in  honor  or 
justice  delay  their  determination  on  the  Vermont  dispute. 
Had  the  Territorial  claims  of  New  York  and  N.  Hampshire 
been  settled  in  the  first  instance,  the  step  of  Vermont  would 
not  at  this  day,  have  been  known.  Delay  has  given  them  a 
name  and  made  them  formidable.  Such  excrescences  should 
be  taken  off  on  their  first  appearance,  as  then  the  work  is  easy 
and  less  dangerous  than  when  they  have  grown  to  a  head. 
We  know  not  what  may  be  the  consequences  if  Congress 
shall  countenance  by  precedent  the  dismembering  of  States, 
because  the  people  blown  up  into  discontents  by  designing 
ambitious  men  shall  ask  or  demand  it ;  fix  the  boundaries 
of  these  States  and  let  the  people  who  live  within  their  re- 
spective limits  know  they  are  their  citizens  and  must  submit 
to  their  Government.  I  was  one  of  a  Committee  to  whom 
the  General's  long  Letter  on  very  important  matters  was  re- 
ferred. We  had  come  to  some  resolutions  before  I  left  Con- 
gress but  no  Report  made.  Pray  inform  me  what  has  been 
done,  and  whether  any  recommendation  has  gone  to  the 
States  to  fill  up  their  Battalions  immediately  and  lay  up 
magazines  in  time.  I  was  also  of  a  Committee  to  arrange 
or  reform  the  civil  departments  of  Congress,  and  it  was  in 
contemplation  to  place  at  the  head  of  the  Foreign  Affairs, 



the  Admiralty,  and  Treasury,  some  respectable  persons  to 
conduct  the  Business  and  be  responsible.  Has  any  thing 
been  done  in  these  matters,  they  are  important  and  should 
not  be  forgotten.  We  shall  never  have  these  great  depart- 
ments well  managed  until  something  of  this  kind  is  done. 
I  cannot  forget  Mr.  L l's*  very  candid  confession  respect- 
ing Dr.  Franklin's  complaint  of  want  of  information  of  our 
affairs.  Is  there  a  Report  made  respecting  the  medical  de- 
partment, and  is  there  any  hope  of  getting  that  branch  re- 
formed? If  any  removals  are  to  take  place  and  persons  shall 
be  wanting  to  fill  the  higher  offices  of  that  department,  there 
are  two  gentlemen  mentioned  to  me  who  from  their  long 
and  faithful  services  deserve  the  attention  of  Congress.  I 
mean  Dr.  Craik  and  Dr.  Cochran.  Col.  Mason  wrote  to 
us  about  Mr.  Harrison  in  case  a  Consul  should  be  wanting 
for  Spain.  I  have  since  received  a  letter  from  Col.  Meade 
upon  the  same  subject  and  have  assured  him  should  any 
such  appointment  take  place  Mr.  Harrison  should  be  recom- 
mended but  there  was  no  reason  to  expect  this  would  soon 
be  the  case.  This  reminds  me  of  the  report  respecting  the 
Mississippi — what  has  been  done  with  it? 

Has  Dr.  Lee  made  his  appearance  and  does  he  attempt  to 
revive  the  old  disputes?  Would  not  the  publication  of  ex- 
tracts of  the  several  acts  of  the  States  that  have  adopted  the 
Scheme  of  Finance,  specifying  the  Funds  established  for 
support  of  redemption  of  the  money,  be  of  use?  As  the 
money  is  to  circulate  through  all  the  States,  all  the  States 
should  be  properly  and  fully  informed  of  the  solidity  of  the 
Funds.  Much,  very  much,  depends  on  our  supporting  the 
credit  of  the  new  money. 



The  Assembly  adjourned  to  the  3d  Monday  of  this  month 
instead  of  the  first,  their  usual  time  of  meeting.  Had  I 
known  it  I  might  have  staid  a  week  or  two  longer  with  you. 
I  have  heard  nothing  of  Mr.  Henry  and  cannot  inform  you 
when  he  intends  to  Congress.  I  found  Mrs.  Jones  and  my 
little  Boy  in  bad  health  when  I  got  Home.  She  has  been 
so  ever  since  July,  and  still  in  a  low  state.  He  is  something 
better  though  not  quite  well.  I  shall  prevail  on  her  for  her 
Health'  sake  if  nothing  else  to  visit  the  north  next  spring  if 
I  do  so  myse.lf  of  which  I  shall  soon  inform  you  and  give 
you  the  trouble  of  securing  either  Mr.  Pemberton's  or  Mr. 
Pleasant' s  House,  as  she  will  not  take  the  small  pox  by  in- 
oculation, and  by  living  in  the  country  she  may  avoid  it. 

We  have  a  report  that  the  French  Fleet  is  arrived  at 
Newport.  I  hope  for  a  confirmation  of  it  by  the  post  to- 
morrow. Make  my  compliments  to  Gen1.  Scott  and  the 
other  gentlemen  of  the  family  of  my  acquaintance.  Also 
to  the  good  lady  of  the  house. 


Virga-  1 7th  October,  1 780. 
Dear  Sir, 

We  must  place  the  taking  Col.  Andre  among  the  fortu- 
nate occurrences  during  the  present  war.  A  more  wicked 
and  ruinous  combination  could  hardly  have  been  formed  if 
the  accounts  published  in  the  papers  are  generally  true;  and 
the  three  honest  militia  men,  who  rendered  us  the  service 
should  be  rewarded. 

An  attack  early  the  last  week  of  the  ague  and  fever  will 
prevent  my  being  in  Richmond  until  next  Sunday;  at  which 



time  I  determine  to  be  there, .if  my  family's  and  own  health 
will  permit.  We  have  suffered  more  sickness  this  fall  in 
Virginia  than  was  perhaps  ever  known.  There  is  scarce  a 
family  at  this  late  season  but  are  part  of  them  sick,  and  one 
remarkable  symptom  of  which  all  complain  of  is  a  constant 
sickness  of  the  stomach  and  loathing  of  almost  everything 
offered  them.  This  is  found  to  be  obstinate  and  difficult  to 
remove.  I  hope  you  continue  well  and  that  the  family 
are  so. 

N.  B.  I  forgot  to  mention  and  recommend  to  your  atten- 
tion Drs.  Cochran  and  Craik  in  the  Medical  Department, 
as  I  expect  from  the  system's  being  formed  the  appoint- 
ments will  take  place.  These  are  recommended  to  me  by 
a  good  judge  of  their  services  and  qualifications. 


Virga-  24  October  1780. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  very  sincerely  thank  you  for  your  friendly  and  regular 
correspondence.  When  I  am  in  Richmond,  which  I  am  in 
hopes  to  be  the  last  of  this  week  (being  sufficiently  recov- 
ered from  my  late  indisposition  as  to  be  able  to  take  the 
bark),  I  will  endeavour  to  make  you  amends  by  a  commu- 
nication from  time  to  time  of  our  proceedings  in  Assembly, 
and  such  southern  intelligence  as  may  be  worth  mentioning. 

I  presume  the  last  post  carried  you  the  account  of  our 
success  against  Ferguson's  party  by  a  body  of  North  Caro- 
lina militia.  It  is  said  the  news  came  to  our  Governor  by 
express  from  Genl.  Gates.  From  Richmond  Genl.  Muhlen- 
berg communicated  the  intelligence  by  express  to  Genl. 

Weedon  ; 


Weedon ;  but  no  doubt  the  Governor  has  given  the  Presi- 
dent full  information.  Our  account  was  that  Ferguson  and 
150  of  the  enemy  were  slain,  810  prisoners  with  a  large 
number  of  arms  taken.  Genl.  Weedon,  who  has  hitherto 
remained  in  Fredericksburg,  is  now  under  marching  orders 
and  is  set  out  this  week;  from  whence  I  conclude  there  are 
sufficient  of  our  new  levies  gone  forward  to  give  him  em- 
ployment and  to  form  two  brigades,  as  Muhlenberg  being 
his  senior,  of  course  commands  the  first.  I  expect  you  will 
soon  have  Mr,  Smith,  to  succeed  Mr.  Walker.  I  hope  he 
will  avoid  entering  into  and  reviving  those  party  conten- 
tions that  when  he  was  in  Congress  before  so  much  dis- 
graced that  body.  And  I  trust  the  gentlemen  of  our  dele- 
gation will  in  general  check  every  attempt  that  may  be  made 
to  renew  former  disputes,  or  to  do  anything  more  than  what 
justice  shall  require.  I  own  I  have  my  fears  Congress  will 
again  be  drawn  into  sects  and  divisions. 

What  has  been  done  with  the  Alliance,  and  what  with 
Cap'.  Landais?  In  a  former  letter  I  wished  to  be  informed 
what  was  the  real  cause  of  the  disappointment  that  the  2d  [?] 
division  of  the  French  force  did  not  come  out;  the  inac- 
tive campaign  in  the  W.  Indies  and  the  combined,  or  rather, 
the  fleets  of  France  and  Spain,  not  combining  in  the  Brit- 
ish Channel.  I  should,  if  it  can  be  obtained,  be  glad  to 
hear  the  sentiments  of  certain  gentlemen  on  these  matters. 

Mrs.  Jones'  indisposition  has  at  length  terminated  in  the 
third  day,  ague  and  fever.     My  little  boy  is  somewhat  bet 
ter,  but  his  mother  is  by  a  long  and  severe  illness  reduced 
to  a  skeleton. 



Richmond,  5th  November,  1780. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  thank  you  for  your  two  last  letters.  The  first  I  received 
at  home,  the  last  (Octr.  24th)  found  me  in  this  place,  where 
I  have  been  since  the  31st  ult.  waiting  with  about  64  others, 
members  of  the  House  of  Delegates,  to  make  a  House  to 
proceed  upon  business,  but  as  yet  we  are  eight  or  ten  short, 
and  I  see  no  likelihood  of  the  number  speedily  increasing, 
as  it  has  not  increased  for  three  or  four  days.  For  the 
members  who  reside  in  the  counties  upon  the  seaboard,  or 
contiguous  thereto,  some  excuse  may  be  assigned;  and  so 
there  may  for  some  of  the  frontier  counties,  from  the  dis- 
turbances and  apprehensions  of  the  enemy  in  that  quarter. 
But  I  am  at  a  loss  to  make  an  excuse  for  those  of  the  inte- 
rior part  of  the  State,  many  of  whom  are  still  absent.  This 
neglect  of  public  duty  is  the  more  criminal  in  our  present 
situation,  which  must  necessarily  require  the  exertions  of 
the  Legislature  in  aid  of  the  Executive,  to  repel  the  inva- 
sion of  the  enemy,  but  it  is  exceedingly  prejudicial  to  the 
common  cause,  in  delaying  to  adopt  and  prosecute  with 
becoming  spirit  those  measures  necessary  for  furnishing  men 
and  supplies  to  the  Army.  The  late  practice  of  granting 
certificates  for  supplies  and  transportation  for  the  support 
of  the  army  and  the  internal  police  of  the  respective  States, 
transferable  and  allowed  to  discharge  taxes,  together  with 
the  late  emissions  of  some  of  the  States,  however  expedient 
and  necessary  the  practice  was  found  at  the  time — all  cer- 
tainly tend  to  counteract  the  scheme  of  finance  of  March 
the  18th,  to  increase  the  circulating  medium  and  precipitate 



our  ruin.  Some  course  must  be  taken  to  stop  the  progress 
of  this  traffic,  or  we  never  shall  get  the  new  money  into  cir- 
culation, as  the  whole  collections  are  forestalled  by  certifi- 
cates, auditor's  warrants,  &c.  all  which  now  circulate  as 
freely  in  payment  of  taxes  as  the  old  currency.  And  when 
money  is  paid  the  collectors,  rather  than  hazard  the  loss  of 
the  bad  bills,  readily  exchange  the  money  in  the  country 
for  certificates,  whereby  the  treasury  is  almost  totally  de- 
prived of  money  collections. 

If  our  people,  knowing  the  public  distress,  will  not 
forego  the  advantage  or  convenience  of  present  payment  for 
their  supplies,  they  must  abide  the  consequences ;  but  my 
hopes  are,  they  will  submit  to  any  regulations  the  Assembly 
may  adopt  for  raising  either  men,  supplying  magazines,  or 
supporting  the  credit  of  the  currency,  all  of  which  are  the 
great  objects  we  shall  bend  our  minds  to,  as  soon  as  we  have 
a  House.  These  are  also  the  objects  every  other  State 
should  seriously  attend  to,  and  in  particular  the  putting  a 
stop  to  the  circulation  of  the  certificates,  &c.  you  mention, 
for  the  measure  should  be  general.  You  will  therefore 
oblige  me  with  information :  what  steps  are  taking  in  other 
States  on  this  head ;  what  prospects  for  speedily  recruiting 
the  army  and  laying  up  magazines  to  the  S.  and  middle  dis- 
trict for  the  supply  of  the  main  army.  The  States  never 
were  blessed  with  greater  plenty  or  had  it  more  in  their 
power  to  lay  up  ample  stores  of  provisions  for  the  army, 
than  at  present ;  and  if  the  people  will  not  lend  them  to  the 
public  and  await  for  future  payment,  they  must  be  taken; 
but  they  should  be  so  taken  as  to  occasion  as  little  disgust 
as  possible,  which  a  regular  apportionment  of  specific  arti- 
cles may  effect.     Some  vent  should  be  found  for  the  surplus 



of  the  earth's  production  or  I  fear  the  collection  of  heavy 
taxes  will  be  found  oppressive  and  produce  clamour  and 
discontent  —  if  their  collection  shall  be  found  practicable 
at  any  rate.  Whether  this  can  be  effected  by  internal  de- 
mand and  consumption  I  doubt;  and  if  it  can  not,  no  other 
mode  will  answer  but  opening  the  ports.  In  laying  specific 
taxes  I  am  inclined  to  think  double  the  quantity  wanted 
should  be  required  from  the  people;  as  our  half  may  be 
allowed  for  the  expence  of  collecting,  transporting,  com- 
missaries wages  and  the  waste  unavoidable,  besides  some- 
times a  total  loss  by  water  and  the  damage  in  the  storehouses. 
These  things  make  a  specific  tax  less  eligible  than  others, 
could  it  be  avoided. 

Letters  from  Muhlenberg  of  the  2d.  which  arrived  this 
morning  mention  the  enemy  all  in  Portsmouth;  the  ships 
in  the  road;  different  accounts  as  to  their  fortifying  at 
Portsmouth ;  certain  intelligence  is  expected  every  moment 
from  Col.  Gibson,  who  is  down  with  a  party  for  that  pur- 
pose ;  accounts  from  head  quarters  came  in  last  night  in- 
forming that]  4,000  more  troops  had  sailed  from  N.  York 
southerly.  A  few  days  past  we  had  very  flattering  accounts 
from  the  south  (Cornwallis  and  his  whole  army  in  captivity). 
The  hope  of  its  being  true,  though  not  strong  in  me  from 
the  imperfections  in  the  intelligence,  has  died  away  in  every 
one  for  want  of  confirmation.  One  64  and  three  frigates 
would  have  taken  the  whole  fleet  in  our  bay,  as  there  are 
only  a  44  and  2  frigates,  with  a  20  gun  ship  of  Goodrich's. 

We  have  reason  to  think  Dunlap's *  are  in  the  hands 

of  the  enemy.     Compliments  to  the  family. 

*Men  or  mail. 



Richmond,  10th  November,  1780. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  your  favor  by  the  last  post.  We  have  had  a  House 
since  Monday,  and  in  committee  of  the  whole  this  day  have 
voted  the  raising  the  deficiency  of  our  continental  troops  for 
the  war,  and  to  recruit  them  by  a  bounty,  which  I  expect  will 
be  very  high ;  but  the  members  in  general  seem  to  prefer  that 
method  to  any  other,  let  the  expence  be  what  it  will.  What 
may  be  the  ultimate  determination  is  yet  very  uncertain,  as 
there  is  no  accounting  for  the  whim  and  caprice  of  some ; 
but  from  the  unanimity  with  which  the  question  was  carried 
to-day  (not  a  voice  dissenting)  I  presage  a  happy  issue  to  the 
business.  We  have  recommended  the  bringing  in  the  old 
paper  currency  to  exchange  for  the  new  bills  just  arrived. 
By  this  operation,  if  it  succeeds,  we  lose  one-half  the  sum  we 
expected  to  have  the  first  use  of;  but  of  which  we  have  been 
deprived  by  the  necessity  of  anticipating  the  taxes  by  which 
channel  alone  the  old  money  would  come  in.  And  now 
from  an  empty  treasury  and  the  amazing  expence  incurred 
by  calling  forth  men  to  oppose  and  repel  the  invasion,  and 
the  pressing  necessity  for  money,  it  will  be  unavoidable  I 
fear  the  making  a  further  emission,  and  which  was  also  re- 
solved this  day  in  committee.  Every  one  seems  to  be  sensi- 
ble of  the  evils  of  this  measure,  but  they  see  or  think  they 
see,  greater  evils  in  our  present  situation  will  result  to  the 
community  from  the  want  of  money  than  from  the  increase 
of  it.  And  indeed  I  can  not  see  a  way  of  carrying  on  our 
operations  at  this  juncture  so  indispensably  necessary,  with- 
out money.     Of  the  evils  that  present  themselves  we  think 

we  choose  the  least. 



On  the  fourth  instant  one  of  our  light  horsemen  met  and 
closely  interrogated  a  suspected  person  whose  conscious  guilt 
at  length  manifested  itself  and  induced  the  horseman  to 
search  him,  when  he  found  in  his  possession  a  letter  written 
on  very  thin  or  silk  paper  from  Gen1.  Leslie  to  Lord  Corn- 
wallis,  informing  his  Lordship  he  had  taken  post  at  Ports- 
mouth and  waited  his  orders.*  The  person  apprehended  is 
it  seems  a  citizen  employed  by  Leslie  who  informs  Corn- 
wallis  he  was  to  receive  a  handsome  reward  if  he  succeeded 
in  his  embassy.  Unfortunately  for  the  embassador,  he  was 
in  a  fair  way  to  receive  the  compliment  of  the  bowstring, 
alias  the  halter,  on  the  8th  instant.  Three  other  fellows  were 
apprehended  yesterday  about  ten  miles  below  this  place; 
the  one  a  sergeant  of  British  grenadiers,  the  others  soldiers, 
and  all  deserters  from  the  barracks  the  last  summer  and  got 
into  New  York.  They  were  part  of  the  British  army  at 
Portsmouth,  and  it  is  supposed  were  on  their  way  to  the 
barracks  —  whether  sent  with  written  or  verbal  instructions 
has  not  yet  come  out. 

Our  force  below  on  each  side  James  River  must  be  for- 
midable. Ten  thousand  of  the  militia  were  I  am  informed 
ordered  out,  but  the  draughts  from  several  counties  have 
been  countermanded  as  soon  as  satisfactory  information  was 
obtained  of  the  strength  of  the  enemy.  Six  thousand,  it  is 
thought,  will  be  a  number  very  sufficient  to  secure  us  against 
the  armament  now  at  Portsmouth.  It  is  supposed  this  party 
was  to  have  attempted  a  junction  with  the  army  under  Corn- 
wallis  somewhere  in  North  Carolina,  but  our  present  force 
in  the  field  here  and  the  unpromising  [prospects]  that  pre- 
sent themselves  to  Cornwallis  in  the  south,  will  prove  strong 

*This  intercepted  letter  is  printed  in  "Jefferson's  Works,"  i.,  271,  note. 



impediments  to  the  execution  of  the  project.  Our  militia 
are  commanded  by  our  supernumerary  and  other  expe- 
rienced officers.  Col.  Lawson  has  a  corps  of  about  700 
Volunteer  horse  and  infantry  —  about  300  of  them  under 
my  nephew  Col.  Monroe  compose  part  of  the  light  infantry 
commanded  by  Col.  Gibson.  If  the  enemy  stay  as  by  the 
intercepted  letter  it  would  seem  they  mean  to  do,  there  must 
soon  be  skirmishing,  if  nothing  more ;  but  I  hope  our  peo- 
ple will  be  cautious,  until  they  are  somewhat  used  to  skir- 
mishing, of  venturing  a  more  general  action. 

I  enclose  you  an  answer  to  Mr.  Pleasants  which  you  will 
be  pleased  to  deliver,  unless  you  can  engage  for  me  Pem- 
berton's  house  upon  moderate  terms  with  coach  house,  sta- 
bling for  four  horses,  and  the  use  of  a  small  pasture  with  the 
garden  ;  also  a  hayloft  and  as  much  furniture  for  kitchen  and 
house  as  he  can  spare.  Pemberton's  place  is  more  conven- 
ient and  would  suit  me  rather  better  than  the  other,  but 
is  I  fear  not  so  healthy,  which  is  a  great  object  not  only  to 
myself  but  to  Mrs.  Jones  who  has  this  summer  undergone  a 
long  and  tedious  illness  from  which  she  is  not  yet  recovered, 
having  terminated  in  the  third  day  ague  and  fever.  I  know 
not  what  sort  of  house  on  the  inside  Pemberton's  is  and 
wish,  if  you  are  likely  to  engage  for  it,  you  would  take  the 
trouble  of  looking  into  the  house.  If  his  demands  are  un- 
reasonable, I  would  at  any  rate  take  Pleasants'.  You  will 
observe  I  propose  to  pay  the  rent  quarterly,  which  Mr. 
Pleasants  required  should  be  all  paid  at  the  commencement 
of  the  year.  If  he  will  not  consent  to  this  I  will  agree  to 
pay  the  first  quarter  at  the  commencement  and  so  proceed 
on  to  the  first  of  November. 



Mr.  Henry,  I  believe,  returns  to  Philadelphia  as  I  hear 
nothing  of  his  intention  to  resign.  He  sent  to  the  treasurer 
for  ^8,000  to  enable  him  to  set  out,  but  could  not  obtain 
it.  I  have  done  what  I  could  since  I  have  been  here  to  for- 
ward money  to  the  delegates,  but  could  not  effect  it.  Mr. 
Jameson  yesterday  informed  me  they  would  be  able  speedily 
to  send  you  a  supply.  Our  accounts  have  not  yet  been  be- 
fore the  Assembly,  but  expect  them  to-day  or  Monday. 
The  account  from  the  books  should  be  stated  and  sent 
forward  agreeable  to  the  resolve.  I  shall  endeavor  to  get 
matters  so  settled  as  that  our  supply  be  regular.  With 
compliments  to  the  gentlemen  of  the  delegation  and  the 
family  at  Mrs.  House's. 


Richmond,  18th  November,  1780 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  your  favour  by  the  last  post  and  very  sincerely 
wish  the  State  news  may  prove  true,  but  I  cannot  yet  believe 
the  Dutchmen  will  go  to  war.  The  Generals  Greene  and 
Steuben  are  here  on  their  way  to  the  southward.  From  that 
quarter  we  are  destitute  of  intelligence,  and  from  the  army 
to  the  eastward  in  this  State  we  have  nothing  material  to 
mention.  The  enemy  still  at  or  near  Portsmouth  and  our 
people  at  convenient  distance  on  the  south  side  James 
River,  between  Suffolk  and  Portsmouth ;  both  parties  eat- 
ing their  bread  and  beef  in  quiet  without  any  quarreling 
that  we  hear  of.  The  design  that  was  formed  to  attack 
about  200  of  the  enemy  at  an  outpost  since  called  in,  mis- 
carried by  the  disagreement  between  Colonels  Gibson  and 



Parker  about  rank — a  fair  and  perhaps  the  only  opportu- 
nity our  people  will  have  of  striking  the  enemy  to  advan- 
tage, and  which  has  been  lost  by  a  contention  about  rank. 
It  was  not  so  between  the  five  Colonels  whose  militia  united 
to  attack  Ferguson,  for  there  the  command  was  given  to 
Campbell  by  several  colonels,  himself  only  a  lieutenant 

In  a  private  committee  we  have  gone  through  the  outlines 
of  a  bill  [to]  supply  the  deficiency  of  our  quota  of  the  Con- 
tinental army  for  the  war.  The[y]  made  a  bounty  of  a 
negro  not  younger  than  ten  or  older  than  40  years  for  each 
recruit  —  these  to  be  required  from  all  negro  holders  having 
twenty  and  upwards  in  their  possession,  in  the  proportion 
of  every  twentieth  negro  at  such  prices  as  [are]  settled  by 
the  bill  in  hard  money,  to  be  paid  for  in  eight  years,  the 
payment  to  commence  the  fifth  year,  with  an  interest  of  5 
<P>  ct.  to  go  in  payment  of  taxes.  The  persons  furnishing 
the  negros  to  be  exempted  from  future  draughts,  unless 
upon  invasion  or  insurrection ;  and  if  they  do  not  by  a  cer- 
tain period  voluntarily  surrender  them,  compulsion  is  to  be 
used.  This  plan  if  it  can  be  so  digested  in  the  bill  as  to 
appear  practicable  in  execution,  will  I  believe  produce  the 
men  for  the  war,  and  from  what  I  can  learn,  be  palatable 
to  the  Delegates  whatever  it  may  be  to  the  Senate.  Strong 
objections  certainly  lie  against  it  and  the  negro  holders  in 
general  already  clamour  against  the  project  and  will  encoun- 
ter it  with  all  their  force.  But  you  know  a  great  part  of 
our  House  are  not  of  that  class,  or  own  so  few  of  them  as 
not  to  come  within  the  law  should  it  pass.  The  scheme 
bears  hard  upon  those  wealthy  in  negroes,  as  that  property 
is  sacrificed  to  the  exoneration  of  other  property.     It  is  in 



nature  of  a  loan  to  the  state  and  will  aid  the  public  exigence 
for  money,  but  will  not,  I  am  pretty  certain,  come  under 
the  denomination  of  the  ancient  mode  of  benevolence. 
Though  determined  to  join  in  any  scheme  that  shall  be 
practicable  for  raising  them  for  the  war,  I  confess  I  am 
no  great  friend  to  the  one  I  have  stated,  though  in  Com- 
mittee I  have  given  it  my  assistance  towards  making  it  per- 
fect, as  a  majority  of  the  committee  adopted  the  plan.  But 
my  notion  is,  and  I  think  the  mode  would  be  more  just  and 
equably  certain  in  procuring  the  men,  to  throw  the  militia 
into  divisions  as  by  the  last  law,  and  require  the  divisions 
to  find  a  negro  of  a  certain  value  or  age,  or  money  equiva- 
lent to  that  value ;  and  on  failure  of  obtaining  a  recruit  by 
a  limited  time,  the  division  to  be  drafted  with  a  small 
bounty  to  the  soldier  whose  lot  it  may  be  to  serve  for  three 
years.  But  the  negro  bounty  cannot  fail  to  procure  men 
for  the  war  under  either  scheme,  with  the  draught  as  the 
dernier  resort. 

Some  doubts  having  arisen  on  the  construction  of  the 
law  for  issuing  and  funding  the  new  money  under  the 
scheme  of  18th  March  last,  a  bill  was  brought  in  to  explain 
and  amend  it.  While  under  consideration  of  a  committee 
of  the  whole  the  speaker  proposed  an  amendment  whereby 
the  new  bills  as  well  as  those  emitted  by  act  of  the  last  ses- 
sion called  the  2  million  act,  should  be  a  legal  tender  in 
payment  of  all  debts,  and  that  the  last,  which  was  not  pay- 
able in  taxes  until  twelve  months  hence,  should  now  be  re- 
ceived for  taxes.  After  long  debate  the  Committee  of  the 
Whole  divided,  when  about  ten  appeared  in  favor  of  the 
amendment;  so  that  the  House  and  Senate  agreeing  to  the 
clause,  the  new  money  of  Congress  and  the  late  emission  of 



this  State,  and  I  suppose  of  course  the  emission  of  this  ses- 
sion, will  all  be  a  lawful  tender  in  payment  of  debts  —  for 
such  is  the  state  of  things  here  a  further  emission  becomes 
indispensable.  Thus  you  will  see  the  scheme  of  the  18th 
of  March  will  be  in  great  measure  defeated  by  their  pro- 
ceedings, and  not  have  a  fair  chance  to  produce  by  its  vig- 
orous execution  those  advantages  to  the  public  it  was  well 
calculated  to  effect. 

The  executive  are  pursuing  vigorous  courses  to  lay  up  a 
sufficiency  of  beef  and  we  have  authorized  them  to  send  a 
Commissary  into  North  Carolina  to  concert  with  the  execu- 
tive there  the  laying  up  proper  supplies  of  pork,  as  it  seems 
the  legislature  of  that  State  had  prohibited  the  removal  of 
that  article  from  the  State,  and  in  Virginia  there  will  be 
very  little  pork  obtained,  though  I  think  we  have  plenty  of 
beef  and  of  every  kind  of  grain. 

Col.  Lee  has  this  moment  received  a  line  from  Weedon 
informing  him  the  enemy  were  all  embarked  but  wherefor 
is  uncertain.  Some  conjectured  up  James  River,  but  as 
they  are  all  on  board  they  must  mean  to  leave  us.  Can  you 
contrive  me  the  journals  of  Congress  for  August  and  Sep- 
tember, and  indeed  October  if  printed.  I  mentioned  in 
my  last  my  terms  for  Pemberton's  or  Pleasants'  house.  Let 
me  hear  from  you  on  the  subject  as  soon  as   you  can. 

Neither or  Henry  are  I  believe  yet  set  out.     I  repeat 

your  sending  a  copy  of  the  account  from  the  books  of  the 
delegates.  These  accounts  are  not  yet  laid  before  the  House 
by  the  auditor,  so  that  I  can  give  you  no  information  how 
they  are  relished.  I  am  charged  by  the  auditor  with  2000/ 
on  account  the  8,000/  drawn  in  favor  of  George  Meade  & 
Co,  and  which  you  were  to  receive  for  me,  but  I  cannot 



find  by  the  treasurer's  account  that  he  has  paid  the  war- 
rants. Has  the  money  been  received  by  the  delegates? 
The  executive  informs  me  a  bill  for  20,000/  had  been  sent 
for  the  use  of  the  delegation. 

madison  to  jones. 

Philadelphia,  Nov.  25,  1780. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  informed  you  some  time  ago  that  the  instructions  to 
Mr.  Jay  had  passed  Congress,  in  a  form  which  was  entirely 
to  my  mind.  I  since  informed  you  that  a  committee  was 
preparing  a  letter  to  him,  explanatory  of  the  principles  and 
objects  of  the  instructions.  This  letter  also  passed  in  a  form 
equally  satisfactory.  I  did  not  suppose  that  anything  fur- 
ther would  be  done  on  the  subject;  at  least,  until  further 
intelligence  should  arrive  from  Mr.  Jay.  It  now  appears 
that  I  was  mistaken.  The  delegates  from  Georgia  and 
South  Carolina,  apprehensive  that  a  uti  possidetis  may  be 
obtruded  on  the  belligerent  Powers  by  the  armed  neutrality 
in  Europe,  and  hoping  that  the  accession  of  Spain  to  the 
alliance  will  give  greater  concert  and  success  to  the  mili- 
tary operations  that  may  be  pursued  for  the  recovery  of 
their  States,  and  likewise  add  weight  to  the  means  that  may 
be  used  for  obviating  a  uti  possidetis,  have  moved  for  a  re- 
consideration of  the  instructions,  in  order  to  empower  Mr. 
Jay,  in  case  of  necessity,  to  yield  to  the  claims  of  Spain  on 
condition  of  her  guarantying  our  independence  and  afford- 
ing us  a  handsome  subsidy.  The  expediency  of  such  a 
motion  is  further  urged  from  the  dangerous  negotiations 
now  on  foot,  by  British  emissaries,   for  detaching  Spain 



from  the  war.  Wednesday  last  was  assigned  for  the  con- 
sideration of  this  motion,  and  it  has  continued  the  order 
of  the  day  ever  since,  without  being  taken  up.  What  the 
fate  of  it  will  be  I  do  not  predict ;  but  whatever  its  own 
fate  may  be,  it  must  do  mischief  in  its  operation.  It  will 
not  probably  be  concealed  that  such  a  motion  has  been 
made  and  supported,  and  the  weight  which  our  demands 
would  derive  from  unanimity  and  decision  must  be  lost.  I 
flatter  myself,  however,  that  Congress  will  see  the  impro- 
priety of  sacrificing  the  acknowledged  limits  and  claims  of 
any  State,  without  the  express  concurrence  of  such  State. 
Obstacles  enough  will  be  thrown  in  the  way  of  peace,  if  it 
is  to  be  bid  for  at  the  expense  of  particular  members  of  the 
Union.  The  Eastern  States  must,  on  the  first  suggestion, 
take  the  alarm  for  their  fisheries.  If  they  will  not  support 
other  States  in  their  rights,  they  cannot  expect  to  be  sup- 
ported themselves  when  theirs  come  into  question. 

In  this  important  business,  which  so  deeply  affects  the 
claims  and  interests  of  Virginia,  and  which  I  know  she  has 
so  much  at  heart,  I  have  not  the  satisfaction  to  harmonize 
in  sentiments  with  my  colleague.  He  has  embraced  an 
opinion  that  we  have  no  just  claim  to  the  subject  in  con- 
troversy between  us  and  Spain,  and  that  it  is  the  interest  of 
Virginia  not  to  adhere  to  it.  Under  this  impression,  he 
drew  up  a  letter  to  the  Executive  to  be  communicated  to 
the  Legislature,  stating,  in  general,  the  difficulty  Congress 
might  be  under,  and  calling  their  attention  to  a  revision  of 
their  instructions  to  their  Delegates  on  the  subject.  I  was 
obliged  to  object  to  such  a  step,  and,  in  order  to  prevent  it, 
observed,  that  the  instructions  were  given  by  the  Legisla- 
ture of  Virginia  on  mature  consideration  of  the  case,  and 



on  a  supposition  that  Spain  would  make  the  demands  she 
has  done;  that  no  other  event  has  occurred  to  change  the 
mind  of  our  constituents  but  the  armed  neutrality  in  Europe 
and  the  successes  of  the  enemy  to  the  southward,  which  are 
as  well  known  to  them  as  to  ourselves ;  that  we  might  every 
moment  expect  a  third  Delegate  here,  who  would  either  ad- 
just or  decide  the  difference  in  opinion  between  us,  and  that 
whatever  went  from  the  delegation  would  then  go  in  its  pro- 
per form  and  have  its  proper  effect ;  that  if  the  instructions 
from  Virginia  were  to  be  revised,  and  their  ultimatum  re- 
duced, it  could  not  be  concealed  in  so  populous  an  assem- 
bly, and  everything  which  our  minister  should  be  authorized 
to  yield  would  be  insisted  on ;  that  Mr.  Jay's  last  despatches 
encouraged  us  to  expect  that  Spain  would  not  be  inflexible 
if  we  were  so ;  that  we  might  every  day  expect  to  have  more 
satisfactory  information  from  him ;  that,  finally,  if  it  should 
be  thought  expedient  to  listen  to  the  pretensions  of  Spain, 
it  would  be  best,  before  we  took  any  decisive  step  in  the 
matter,  to  take  the  counsel  of  those  who  best  know  the  in- 
terests, and  have  the  greatest  influence  on  the  opinions,  of 
our  constituents;  that,  as  you  were  both  a  member  of  Con- 
gress and  of  the  Legislature,  and  were  now  with  the  latter, 
you  would  be  an  unexceptionable  medium  for  effecting  this ; 
and  that  I  would  write  to  you  for  the  purpose  by  the  first  safe 

These  objections  had  not  the  weight  with  my  colleague 
which  they  had  with  me.  He  adhered  to  his  first  determin- 
ation, and  has,  I  believe,  sent  the  letter  above  mentioned, 
by  Mr.  Walker,  who  will,  I  suppose,  soon  forward  it  to  the 
Governor.  You  will  readily  conceive  the  embarrassments 
this  affair  must  have  cost  me.     All  I  have  to  ask  of  you  is, 



that  if  my  refusing  to  concur  with  my  colleague  in  recom- 
mending to  the  Legislature  a  revision  of  their  instructions 
should  be  misconstrued  by  any,  you  will  be  so  good  as  to 
place  it  in  its  true  light;  and  if  you  agree  with  me  as  to 
the  danger  of  giving  express  power  to  concede,  or  the  in- 
expediency of  conceding  at  all,  that  you  will  consult  with 
gentlemen  of  the  above  description  and  acquaint  me  with 
the  result. 

I  need  not  observe  to  you  that  the  alarms  with  respect  to 
the  inflexibility  of  Spain  in  her  demands,  the  progress  of 
British  intrigues  at  Madrid,  and  the  danger  of  a  uti  possi- 
detis, may,  with  no  small  probability,  be  regarded  as  artifices 
for  securing  her  objects  on  the  Mississippi.  Mr.  Adams,  in 
a  late  letter  from  Amsterdam,  a  copy  of  which  has  been  en- 
closed to  the  Governor,  supposes  that  the  pretended  success 
of  the  British  emissaries  at  Madrid  is  nothing  but  a  minis- 
terial finesse  to  facilitate  the  loans  and  keep  up  the  spirits 
of  the  people. 

This  will  be  conveyed  by  Col.  Grayson,  who  has  promised 
to  deliver  it  himself;  or  if  anything  unforseen  should  pre- 
vent his  going  to  Richmond,  to  put  it  into  such  hands  as 
will  equally  insure  its  safe  delivery. 


Richmond,  25th  November,  1780 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  yours  of  the  14th  and  from  my  soul  wish  I  could 
inform  you  we  proceed  with  that  vigour  and  dispatch  the 
urgency  of  the  public  wants  requires.  The  bill  for  filling 
up  the  quota  of  our  Continental  troops  has  not  yet  been 



reported  although  we  have  been  in  a  Corrunittee  upon  it  a 
fortnight.  Such  various  opinions  prevail  as  to  the  mode  of 
raising  them  as  well  as  the  bounty  to  be  given  that  I  can 
hardly  yet  venture  to  say  what  will  be  the  result.  I  think 
however  we  shall  give  a  bounty  in  negros  to  such  soldiers 
as  will  enlist  for  the  war,  the  negro  not  to  be  transferred 
but  forthcoming  if  the  soldier  shall  desert  the  service,  and 
in  that  case  to  revert  to  the  public  to  recruit  another  man 
in  his  room.  If  in  thirty  days  men  are  not  recruited  by 
bounty  for  the  war,  a  draught  to  take  place.  It  seems  to 
be  the  prevailing  opinion  for  three  years,  though  I  expect 
this  long  period  upon  a  draft  will  be  opposed,  but  I  have 
my  hopes  it  will  be  carried  for  that  time.  This  bill  will, 
however,  go  into  the  House  to  morrow  or  Monday.  We 
shall  then  take  up  finance,  and  I  see  clearly  we  shall  totally 
defeat  the  scheme  of  the  18th  of  March  last  by  the  large 
emissions  the  urgent  and  present  demands  of  the  State  ren- 
der unavoidable,  I  think  at  least  5  M.  pounds. 

Almost  the  sole  support  and  succour  of  the  Southern  de- 
partment depend  upon  Virginia,  and  perplexed  and  sur- 
rounded with  difficulties  as  we  are,  there  yet  appears  among 
people  in  general  a  disposition  to  make  exertions  to  their 
utmost  ability,  and  I  have  my  hopes  we  shall  accomplish 
a  great  proportion,  if  not  the  whole  required  from  us. 
Methods  are  pursuing  by  the  executive  to  obtain  a  good 
store  of  beef,  and  we  have  directed  a  Commissary  to  go  to 
North  Carolina  to  concert  with  that  government  the  laying 
up  a  sufficiency  of  pork,  as  that  article  is  rather  scarce  here, 
but  in  much  greater  purity  there.  The  executive  will  be 
armed  with  powers  competent  to  drawing  forth  every  re- 
source, and  if  we  can  but  furnish  money  for  transportation 



and  other  contingent  charges,  the  great  specific  supplies 
that  will  be  furnished  will  I  hope  keep  matters  in  a  way  that 
will  not  let  the  army  suffer  for  want  of  our  assistance. 

The  enemy  have  left  us  without  leaving  behind  them  as 
heretofore  those  marks  of  ravage  and  devastation  that  have 
but  too  generally  attended  their  progress.  All  the  unrigged 
vessels  remain  unhurt ;  no  burnings  and  but  little  plunder- 
ing, and  this  when  done,  was  by  the  Tories  in  general  and 
reprobated,  we  are  informed,  by  Leslie  and  the  Commodore 
as  well  as  the  principal  officers  of  their  army  and  fleet. 
Surely  this  sudden  and  most  extraordinary  change  in  the 
behaviour  of  the  enemy  has  a  meaning  which,  though  we 
are  yet  at  a  loss  to  unfold,  will  ere  long  be  made  manifest. 
We  have  no  late  accounts  from  the  southward.  The  last 
from  Gates,  Smallwood  and  Mason  [or  Magen]  speak  of 
our  force  being  inconsiderable  and  almost  naked  and  fre- 
quently without  provisions.  Genl.  Greene  is  gone  forward, 
leaving  Baron  Steuben  here  to  arrange  matters  with  the 
State,  and  then  to  follow  him. 

We  have  had  a  warm  debate  in  the  House  upon  a  bill  to  ex- 
plain and  amend  the  act  of  the  last  session  for  funding  the  new 
bills  of  credit  of  Congress,  under  the  scheme  of  the  18th 
of  March.  The  question  agitated,  whether  those  bills,  as 
well  as  the  two  million  of  State  money  issued  last  session, 
should  be  a  tender  in  payment  of  debts ;  and  determined 
that  they  should  be  a  legal  tender.  H-n-y  for  the  ques- 
tion, R.  H.  L.  against  it,  and  both  aided  by  the  auxiliaries, 
took  up  two  days  or  nearly  in  discussing  the  question.  In- 
deed we  lose  a  great  deal  too  much  time  in  idle  unnecessary 

Mr.  Blair  was.  yesterday  chosen  to  succeed  Mr.  Nicholas 



in  the  Chancery,  and  to  morrow  we  fill  up  the  vacancy  in 
the  General  Court,  which  I  plainly  see  will  be  the  lot  of 
Mr.  Fleming.  I  had  thought  of  G— f—  n,*  but  found  it 
was  in  vain  to  propose  him.  I  expected  somebody  would 
mention  Mr.  James  Henry,  but  it  has  not  been  done.  I 
believe  that  would  be  also,  unless  as  you  know  the  advan- 
tage a  member  has  over  an  absent  person.  I  this  day  pre- 
sented [a  bill]  for  relief  to  Mr.  Dunlap  for  his  loss,  but 
am  very  doubtful  whether  it  will  be  attended  with  success. 
I  wish  to  hear  what  he  says  about  getting  another  apparatus. 
or  whether  he  declines  the  business  altogether.  I  should  be 
sorry  he  should  do  so,  as  I  am  certain  he  would  be  very  use- 
ful to  the  State,  and  will  in  the  end  find  his  account  in  un- 
dertaking the  business. 

Mrs.  Jones  I  find  is  not  yet  well  of  the  ague  and  fever 
which,  being  of  the  third  day,  will  I  fear  continue  on  her 
for  some  time,  as  it  has  already  been  her  companion  through 
the  fall.  The  extract  of  your  letter  to  the  governor  re- 
specting supply  of  money  was  laid  before  the  House,  as 
well  as  Col.  Bland's  quere  for  his  satisfaction  upon  a  scruple 
respecting  commerce.  They  are  referred  to  a  committee, 
and  so  are  the  delegates'  accounts.  M.  M.  S'sf  account 
lodged  in  the  auditor's  office,  occasions  speculation.  You 
would  do  well,  if  not  already  done,  to  transmit  a  state  of 
the  accounts  from  the  book,  and  in  particular  M.  S. ,  as  it 
is  said  it  was  never  examined  according  to  custom  by  the 
delegates.  This  last  upon  second  thoughts  should  not  come 
alone.  It  will  appear  pointed.  It  would  be  better  to  get 
the  whole  transcribed  by  some  person  and  pay  him,  charg- 

*Mr.  Griffin. 

f  Meriwether  Smith.  . 



ing  the  State.  I  shall  endeavour,  if  the  matter  comes  on 
before  I  leave  Richmond  to  get  the  delegates,  supply  of 
money  fixed  upon  some  sure  and  certain  fund,  that  they  may 
no  longer  be  exposed  to  the  difficulties  lately  experienced. 
R.  H.  Lee  talks  of  lessening  the  number  to  save  the  ex- 


Richmond,  2  December,  1780. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  no  letter  from  you  by  this  week's  post,  although  I 
expect  you  sent  one,  as  Mr.  Griffin  informs  me  what  news 
here  was  worth  communicating,  especially  the  contents  of 
Mr.  Adams'  letter,*  you  had  mentioned.  I  have  been  much 
indisposed  the  greater  part  of  this  week,  and  not  able  to  give 
much  assistance  in  the  business  upon  hand,  which  is  chiefly 
the  bills  for  recruiting  the  army,  and  emitting  and  funding 
I  suppose  six  millions  of  pounds.  The  first  was  reported  to 
the  House  near  a  week  past,  and  has  been  the  subject  of 
debate  every  day.  It  went  in  a  plan  for  giving  negro 
bounties  and  has  been  rejected  by  an  amendment  from  the 
word  whereas.  The  amendment  proposes  to  give  a  bounty 
of  five  thousand  pounds  to  each  recruit  for  the  war  or  three 
years,  which  is  uncertain,  but  I  expect  will  be  the  last  and 
this  money  to  be  demanded  from  all  persons  having  a  possi- 
ble property  above  500/  specie  value  at  the  rate  of  2  pr  ct. 
At  present  it  stands  no  lower  than  those  having  property 

*  Giving  information  that  General  Provost  had  sailed  from  England  with  a  few 
frigates  for  Cape  Fear,  and  that  the  British  ministry  were  determined  to  make  an 
active  winter  campaign  in  the  Southern  States.  Adams  to  Congress,  August  23, 



above  three  hundred,  but  I  expect  it  will  be  brought  to 
ioo/.  The  money,  or  some  specifics  which  are  allowed  to 
be  paid  in  lieu  of  money,  are  to  be  collected  by  the  last 
of  January.  The  collection,  added  to  the  tax  to  be  paid  by 
the  people  under  the  act  of  the  last  session  will  be  very 
difficult  for  them  to  comply  with,  but  the  situation  of  the 
treasury  without  money  and  the  demands  now  due  from  the 
public  and  the  late  expences  occasioned  by  the  invasion, 
will  soon  exhaust  the  new  emission,  which  will  be  gone  as 
soon  and  as  fast  as  they  can  make  it.  For  almost  the  whole 
burthen  of  the  southern  army  will  and  must,  as  Gen1.  Greene 
informs  us,  fall  on  this  State.  I  am  in  hopes  the  bounty  of 
5  will  be  reduced  to  three  thousand  pounds,  which  will  then 
for  3000  men  amount  to  9,000,000  —  an  amazing  sum  for  a 
bounty.  But  our  legislators  are  timid,  or  affect  many  of 
them  to  be  timid,  about  a  draft  which  had  better  be  made 
of  the  militia,  to  serve  two  years  without  bounty,  unless  a 
very  small  one,  and  that  body  or  any  other  that  may  be 
necessary,  supplied  from  the  militia  by  rotation,  to  be  at 
camp  by  the  time  the  others  are  to  come  away,  and  to  serve 
other  two  years.  In  the  meantime  let  an  exemption  from 
draft,  or  even  militia  duty  out  of  the  State,  be  offered  by 
the  law  to  every  person  who  recruits  a  soldier  for  the  war, 
whereby  a  number  of  our  people  will  be  constantly  endeav- 
ouring to  enlist  soldiers  for  the  war,  and  a  great  number  I 
have  no  doubt  might  be  so  enlisted  for  a  much  less  sum  than 
the  bounty  proposed  to  be  offered.  If  we  raise  the  3000 
only  for  three  years,  it  is  intended  to  furnish  money  to  the 
officers  or  some  proper  person  to  take  the  proper  occasion 
of  enlisting  as  many  of  them  for  the  war  as  they  can,  and 
there  are  moments  when  most  of  them  may  be  enlisted. 

It  is 


It  is  in  contemplation  to  send  some  proper  person  to  lay 
before  Congress  the  resources  of  this  State  and  its  ability  to 
maintain  the  southern  war,  in  which  embassy  perhaps  North 
Carolina  may  join  that  more  dependence  may  not  be  placed 
on  us  than  we  are  able  to  bear,  lest  a  disappointment  may 
ensue,  as  we  have  no  doubt  the  great  operations  of  this  win 
ter  and  next  spring  will  be  to  the  south.  The  person  is  also 
to  press  the  making  strong  remonstrances  to  France  and 
Spain  for  their  co-operation,  with  proper  force  by  sea  and 
land,  to  recover  S.  Carolina  and  Georgia.  A  resolution  to 
this  effect  now  lies  on  the  table. 

Mr.  Henry  has  sent  in  his  resignation ;  no  proposal  yet  of 
filling  his  place  and  am  doubtful  whether  it  will  be  done,  as 
some  think  to  save  expence  the  number  should  be  lessened. 
Our  accounts,  as  well  as  those  of  the  preceding  delegates 
are  before  a  committee.  No  step  yet  taken  about  the  ces- 
sion of  lands,  but  will  be  taken  up  so  soon  as  the  recruiting 
and  supply  bills  are  passed.  Mr.  Mason  has  not  yet  ap- 
peared, and  I  do  not  expect  he  will  this  session,  as  he  has 
the  remains  upon  him  of  a  severe  attack  of  the  gout.  How- 
ever, I  have  my  hopes  we  shall  obtain  a  cession  of  all  beyond 
the  Ohio. 

Certainly  if  Leslie  is  gone  to  the  southward  and  another 
reinforcement  from  New  York  and  also  one  reported  from 
England  in  that  quarter,  Congress  or  the  commander  in 
chief  should  send  on  to  the  southward  the  Pennsylvania 
line  before  it  is  too  late.  For  if  these  reinforcements  ar- 
rive they  will  go  where  they  please,  as  our  army  will  be 
unable  to  withstand  them  and  the  severity  of  the  approach- 
ing season  will  retard  the  march  exceedingly  of  any  succour 
by  land. 



Mrs.  Jones  still  continues  to  suffer  the  assaults  of  the  ague 
and  fever,  and  she  writes  me  it  has  so  weakened  and  reduced 
her  she  fears  she  will  not  be  in  condition  to  go  north.  If 
her  state  of  health  should  be  such  as  to  render  her  unable  to 
travel,  I  think  I  shall  decline  it  myself.  Have  you  fixed  any- 
thing with  Pemberton  or  Pleasants?  If  you  have  not  and 
either  of  them  are  disposed  to  rent  upon  the  terms  I  men- 
tioned, endeavour  to  make  it  conditional,  that  if  in  a  month 
or  six  weeks  I  should  decline  the  bargain,  I  may  be  at  lib- 
erty, as  they  should  if  any  other  offered,  to  rent  their  places. 
As  soon  as  I  return  home,  or  soon  after,  you  shall  hear  fur- 
ther from  me  upon  this  subject.  I  send  for  my  horses  to- 
day, and  shall  return  about  the  10th  or  12th.  Your  letters 
after  the  receipt  of  this  please  to  direct  to  Fredericksburg 
until  further  informed.  I  have  [this]  moment  your  letters 
which  I  expect  by  some  mistake  went  on  to  Petersburg,  as 
this  is  the  day  for  the  return  of  the  post  from  there.  I  find 
you  have  engaged  Pleasants'  house  for  me  and  must  abide 
by  it.  I  thank  you  for  your  trouble  in  the  matter,  and  shall 
be  ready  to  return  you  the  favour  wherever  in  my  power. 


December  5th,  1780. 
Dear  Sir, 

We  had  letters  yesterday  from  Mr.  Jay  and  Mr.  Carmi- 
chael,  as  late  as  the  4th  and  9th  of  September.  Mr.  Jay  in- 
forms us  that  it  is  absolutely  necessary  to  cease  drawing 
bills  on  him;  that  150,000  dollars,  to  be  repaid  in  three 
years,  with  some  aid  in  clothing,  &c,  is  all  that  the  court 



will  adventure  for  us.  The  general  tenor  of  the  letter  is, 
that  our  affairs  there  make  little  progress;  that  the  court  is 
rather  backward;  that  the  navigation  of  the  Mississippi  is 
likely  to  prove  a  very  serious  difficulty ;  that  Spain  has  her- 
self been  endeavoring  to  borrow  a  large  sum  in  France,  on 
which  she  meant  to  issue  a  paper  currency ;  that  the  terms 
and  means  used  by  her  displeased  Mr.  Neckar,  who,  in  con- 
sequence, threw  such  discouragements  on  it,  as,  in  turn, 
were  not  very  pleasing  to  the  Spanish  minister;  that  Mr. 
Cumberland  is  still  at  Madrid,  laboring,  in  concert  with 
other  secret  emissaries  of  Britain,  to  give  unfavorable  im- 
pressions of  our  affairs ;  that  he  is  permitted  to  keep  up  a 
correspondence  by  his  couriers  with  London ;  that  if  nego- 
tiations for  peace  should  be  instituted  this  winter,  as  Spain 
has  not  yet  taken  a  decided  part  with  regard  to  America, 
England  will  probably  choose  to  make  Madrid,  rather  than 
Versailles,  the  seat  of  it.  However  unfavorable  many  of 
these  particulars  may  appear,  it  is  the  concurrent  represen- 
tation of  the  above  ministers  that  our  disappointment  of 
pecuniary  succor  at  Madrid  is  to  be  imputed  to  the  want  of 
ability,  and  not  of  inclination,  to  supply  us;  that  the  steadi- 
ness of  his  Catholic  Majesty  is  entirely  confided  in  by  the 
French  ambassador;  and  that  the  mysterious  conduct  of 
Mr.  Cumberland,  and  of  the  court  of  Spain  towards  him, 
seems  to  excite  no  uneasiness  in  the  ambassador.  The  let- 
ters add,  that,  on  the  pressing  remonstrance  of  France  and 
Spain,  Portugal  had  agreed  to  shut  her  ports  against  Eng- 
lish prizes,  but  that  she  persisted  in  her  refusal  to  accede  to 
the  armed  neutrality. 

The  receipt  of  the  foregoing  intelligence  has  awakened 
the  attention  of  the  Georgia  delegates  to  their  motion,  of 



which  I  informed  you  particularly  by  Col.  Grayson.  It 
has  lain  ever  since  it  was  made  undisturbed  on  the  table. 
This  morning  is  assigned  for  the  consideration  of  it,  and  I 
expect  it  will,  without  fail,  be  taken  up.  I  do  not  believe 
Congress  will  adopt  it  without  the  express  concurrence  of 
all  the  States  immediately  interested.  Both  my  principles 
and  my  instructions  will  determine  me  to  oppose  it.  Vir- 
ginia and  the  United  States  in  general  are  too  deeply  inter- 
ested in  the  subject  of  controversy  to  give  it  up  as  long  as 
there  is  a  possibility  of  retaining  it.  And  I  have  ever  con- 
sidered the  mysterious  and  reserved  behaviour  of  Spain, 
particularly  her  backwardness  in  the  article  of  money,  as 
intended  to  alarm  us  into  concessions  rather  than  as  the 
effect  of  a  real  indifference  to  our  fate,  or  to  an  alliance 
with  us.  I  am  very  anxious,  notwithstanding,  to  have  an 
answer  to  my  letter  by  Grayson. 


Richmond,  8  December,  1780. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  yours  of  November  28th  by  the  post,  and  wish  I 
could  inform  you  the  Assembly  had  yet  fixed  the  plan  of 
recruiting  our  quota  of  Continentals,  but  such  various  opin- 
ions and  modes  are  proposed  that  great  delay  has  been  the 
consequence.  The  present  proposition  is  a  bounty  of  5,000 
for  the  war,  2500  for  three  years  if  it  comes  to  a  draft  for 
that  period  —  the  whole  to  be  collected  from  the  taxable 
property  by  the  last  of  January,  each  division  to  clothe  the 
soldier  and  find  him  a  beef.  It  is  expected  this  mode  will 
raise   us   3000  men  and  as  many  beeves  to   feed    them. 



Whether  this  will  pass  I  cannot  pretend  to  say,  but  am  told 
it  is  the  most  agreeable  of  any  thing  that  has  been  pro- 
posed. My  speaking  thus  doubtfully  proceeds  from  my 
non-attendance  in  the  House  this  week,  being  confined  by 
a  slight  but  lingering  fever.  I  am  somewhat  better  to  day, 
and  hope  in  a  few  days  to  be  in  the  House  again,  though  I 
shall  continue  a  very  short  time,  having  sent  for  my  car- 
riage to  go  home. 

The  finance  bill  was  under  consideration  of  the  commit- 
tee of  the  whole  yesterday.  I  have  not  heard  whether  they 
got  through  it.  This  finished,  the  next  great  object  will  be 
to  take  up  the  question  of  ceding  the  back  country.  This 
I  want  done  before  I  go,  and  also  to  have  some  mode  fixed 
for  the  delegates  being  regularly  supplied.  I  mean  to  take 
a  few  days  of  next  week  for  these  purposes  before  I  set  out. 
I  have  already  requested  your  future  letters  to  be  addressed 
to  me  at  Fredericksburg  until  I  give  you  notice  of  my  being 
about  to  leave  Virginia  for  Pennsylvania.  This  I  expect 
yet  to  do,  as  by  the  last  post  Mrs.  Jones  informs  me  she  and 
my  son  are  both  upon  the  mend.  You  need  not,  therefore, 
if  not  already  done,  say  anything  to  Mr.  Pleasants,  as  I 
expect  Mrs.  Jones  may  be  prevailed  upon  —  her  health  being 
in  some  measure  restored  —  to  venture  north. 

The  negro  scheme  is  laid  aside  upon  a  doubt  of  its  prac- 
ticability in  any  reasonable  time,  and  because  it  was  gener- 
ally considered  as  unjust,  sacrificing  the  property  of  a  part 
of  the  community  to  the  exoneration  of  the  rest.  It  was 
reprobated  also  as  inhuman  and  cruel.  How  far  your 
idea  of  raising  black  regiments,  giving  them  freedom  would 
be  politic,  in  this  and  the  negro  States,  deserves  well  to  be 
considered,  so  long  as  the  States  mean  to  continue  any  part 



of  that  people  in  their  present  subjection;  as  it  must  be 
doubtful  whether  the  measure  would  not  ultimately  tend  to 
increase  the  army  of  the  enemy  as  much  or  more  than  our 
own.  For  if  they  once  see  us  disposed  to  arm  the  blacks 
for  the  field  they  will  follow  the  example  and  not  disdain 
to  fight  us  in  our  own  way,  and  this  would  bring  on  the 
southern  States  probably  inevitable  ruin.  At  least  it  would 
draw  off  immediately  such  a  number  of  the  best  labourers 
for  the  culture  of  the  earth  as  to  ruin  individuals,  distress 
the  State,  and  perhaps  the  Continent,  when  all  that  can  be 
raised  by  their  assistance  is  but  barely  sufficient  to  keep  us 
jogging  along  with  the  great  expence  of  the  war.  The 
freedom  of  these  people  is  a  great  and  desirable  object. 
To  have  a  clear  view  of  it  would  be  happy  for  Virginia ; 
but  whenever  it  is  attempted,  it  must  be  I  conceive  by  some 
gradual  course,  allowing  time  as  they  go  off  for  labourers 
to  take  their  places,  or  we  shall  suffer  exceedingly  under 
the  sudden  revolution  which  perhaps  arming  them  would 
produce.  Adieu.  I  hope  my  head  will  be  easier  when  I 
next  write. 

Maj.  Lee  is  now  here  on  his  way  to  the  south.  Our  army 
we  are  told  is  very  weak  in  that  quarter,  and  we  hear  the 
enemy  are  reinforcing  from  New  York.  I  am  apprehensive 
all  Virginia  can  do  will  not  be  sufficient  to  make  head 
against  them,  if  it  be  true  what  is  said,  that  they  will  be 
eight  thousand  strong.  Clothing  and  blankets  are  exceed- 
ingly wanting  in  our  army.  For  want  of  these  not  above 
400  of  800  and  upwards  of  our  levies  can  yet  go  forward 
since  the  enemy  left  us. 



2nd  January,  1781. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  was  not  in  a  condition  to  visit  Fredericksburg  the  last 
week,  or  you  should  then  have  been  informed  that  Mr.  Brax- 
ton has  taken  the  warrant  upon  the  treasurer  and  agreed  to 
give  bills  payable  in  Philadelphia  for  the  amount  of  10,000/. 
Mr.  Fitzhugh  was  to  bring  them  up,  but  it  is  not  yet  arrived, 
unless  he  came  yesterday,  which  may  be  the  case,  as  Braxton 
wrote  me  it  was  expected  they  would  rise  on  Saturday  last. 
That,  however,  I  think  doubtful,  as  I  am  pretty  certain  they 
would  if  possible,  take  up  the  question  of  the  back  lands  as 
well  as  the  Mississippi  affair  with  Spain. 

It  seems  there  was  a  ballot  for  a  person  to  repair  to  Con- 
gress and  the  General,  in  consequence  of  the  resolution  I 
before  mentioned  to  you,  the  day  Braxton  wrote,  and  the 
House  having  divided  between  the  Speaker  and  R.  H.  Lee, 
the  question  could  not  be  decided.  As  the  Speaker  being 
the  person  in  question  could  not  [vote]  in  his  own  case,  after 
much  debate  and  perplexity  Lee  withdrew  his  pretensions, 
so  that  Harrison  stood  elected.  Braxton  says  the  old  fellow 
was  so  disgusted  with  the  vote  that  he  believed  he  would  re- 
sign his  appointment.  Should  that  be  the  case  I  question 
whether  any  one  undertakes  the  embassy,  especially  as  it  is 
in  great  part  superseded  by  Col.  Laurens'  appointment.  No 
doubt  but  the  delegates  in  Congress  by  proper  instructions 
could  have  done  everything  this  agent  can  do,  but  as  he  is  to 
attend  the  governor  and  our  delegation  thin,  it  was  thought 
best  to  appoint  some  person  not  of  the  delegation,  as  he 



would  necessarily  be  absent  for  some  time  on  the  visit  to 
Head  Quarters.  I  told  Mr.  Henry,  the  father  of  the  propo- 
sition, I  had  no  doubt  but  every  proper  measure  was  already 
taken  and  that  I  did  not  believe  any  good  would  result  from 
it,  further  than  might  be  expected  from  the  state  the  Com- 
monwealth could  give  of  its  ability  to  comply  with  the  requi- 
sitions of  Congress  ;  that  if  more  was  laid  upon  her  than  she 
could  bear  some  other  course  might  in  time  be  taken  to  sup- 
ply what  she  would  likely  fall  short,  but  this  could  be  done 
by  a  representation  of  the  matter  by  the  Executive  to  the 
Delegates  as  well  as  in  any  other  way. 

I  have  not  heard  the  issue  of  the  report  on  the  delegates' 
accounts  and  their  future  allowance.  If  nothing  unforeseen 
prevents,  I  shall  hope  to  be  able  to  leave  this  about  the  12th 
instant  for  Philadelphia.  Mrs.  Jones'  third  day  ague  and 
fever  still  pursues  her,  and  she  is  so  reduced  as  to  be  scarcely 
able  to  take  exercise,  which  makes  it  rather  disagreeable  to 
leave  her.  But  as  she  has  agreed  to  try  the  northern  air 
next  spring  her  power  and  several  things  are  wanting 
for  housekeeping,  it  makes  a  trip  on  my  part  necessary  pre- 
vious to  her  going,  as  she  cannot  venture  into  the  city  until 
I  could  make  the  proper  provision  for  fear  of  the  small  pox. 

It  is  to  be  hoped  the  removal  of  Sartine*  and  the  intro- 
duction of  this  new  man  of  distinguished  abilities  into  the 
management  of  the  naval  department  of  France,  will  pro- 
duce a  more  active  and  vigorous  prosecution  of  the  war  in 
favour  of  America  than  we  have  yet  experienced.  I  fear 
from  the  great  delays  in  the  Assembly,  our  new  levies  will 
be  late  in  the  field. 

*M.  de  Sartine  was  succeeded  by  the  Marquis  de  Castries. 



17  January,   1781. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  was  in  doubt  whether  to  write  you  by  this  post  or  not, 
as  I  intend  setting  out  in  a  day  or  two  for  Philadelphia,  and 
should  probably  have  the  pleasure  of  taking  you  by  the  hand 
before  my  letter  would  arrive.  But  as  we  have  yet  in  this 
quarter  received  no  certain  account  of  the  departure  of  the 
enemy,  and  it  is  expected  they  intend  to  pay  us  a  visit  up 
Potomack,  I  may  possibly  delay  my  journey  a  few  to  see  the 
event  of  this  affair. 

We  hear  they  have  done  great  injury  to  the  houses  of 
Col.  Harrison  of  Berkeley,  and  carried  away  all  his  val- 
uable negros.  If  they  attempt  to  visit  Fredericksburg,  I 
believe  they  will  have  reason  to  repent  the  enterprise,  as 
there  now  is  there  and  in  the  neighbourhood  a  considerable 
force,  and  a  further  reinforcement  expected  to-day.  I  have, 
I  confess,  no  expectation  they  will  come  up  Potomack  River. 
Their  Force  is  inadequate  to  any  attack  where  the  country 
has  been  previously  alarmed  which  is  here  and  I  believe  in 
most  other  parts  the  case.  If  they  do  us  any  injury  it  must 
be  by  plundering  private  persons  of  their  property  along 
the  shores  and  receiving  the  negroes  who  may  run  away 
and  join  them.  It  is  not  improbable  this  days  post  may 
bring  us  information  of  their  departure.  I  have  a  letter 
from  Col.  Anthony  Thruston  for  you  with  I  presume  the 
cash  inclosed  you  advanced  his  son.  The  assembly  have 
come  to  a  set  resolution  relinquishing  to  the  States  the 
lands  beyond  the  Ohio  upon  certain  conditions.  They 
have  also  changed  the  allowance  to  the  Delegates  to  46 

specie  ^  day. 



Be  pleased  to  renew  a  ticket  in  the  lottery  for  Mr.  H. 
Ballaile  No.  12153  @  price  of  40  doll  and  for  J.  J.  the 
number  inclosed. 


Phila:  21st  February,  17S1. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  beg  leave  to  mention  to  you  a  young  gentleman  cap- 
tured by  the  enemy  when  the  Buckskin  fell  into  their  hands 
in  Chesapeake  Bay,  and  who  was  put  on  shore  under  parole 
and  wishes  to  be  discharged  from  the  obligation  as  soon  as 
possible,  as  he  conceives  it  restrains  him  not  only  from  act- 
ing in  the  field,  should  the  situation  of  his  country  require 
his  services,  but  even  from  attending  the  hospital  for  his  in- 
struction, which  he  is  very  desirous  of  doing.  The  person 
I  speak  ot  is  Dr.  Jno.  Lewis,  a  son  of  the  late  Mr.  Charles 
Lewis,  whose  name  I  mentioned  to  you  some  years  ago 
while  he  was  in  New  York,  and  being  refused  the  liberty  of 
coming  out  was  at  length  obliged  to  return  to  Great  Britain. 
His  parole  is,  I  think,  irregular,  as  it  extends  only  to  his  not 
doing  or  speaking  anything  to  the  prejudice  of  the  enemy, 
without  the  clause  of  rendering  himself  when  called  for. 

You  will  receive  from  the  president  a  copy  of  a  report 
which  has  passed  in  Congress,  in  consequence  of  Col.  Har- 
rison's communications;  and  you  will  also  be  informed  of 
the  arrival  of  Provost  with  a  reinforcement  to  the  enemy  in 
the  south,  and  of  his  progress  since  his  arrival.  Arnold's 
position  at  Portsmouth,  Provost  in  North  Carolina,  and 
Cornwallis  in  South  Carolina,  will  I  fear  effectually  ob- 


struct  the  supplies  from  our  State,  or  so  delay  them  as  to 
render  Greene's  situation  critical.  If  the  French  ships 
from  Rhode  Island  shall  succeed  in  their  enterprise  in  the 
Chesapeake,  the  event  will  be  propitious  and  produce  the 
happiest  effects.  Our  State  will  be  thereby  further  aided  by 
a  supply  of  5000  men,  arms  and  some  stores,  retaken  in 
and  sent  forward  in  one  of  the  French  frigates.  The  arrival 
of  Provost  and  the  great  want  of  arms  in  the  southern  States, 
it  must  be  confessed,  present  a  rather  gloomy  prospect  and 
under  this  temper  of  mind  you  will  receive  a  letter  reiter- 
ating what  has,  I  think,  been  several  times  intimated,  a 
desire  that  you  will  pay  particular  attention  to  the  southern 
department.  I  wish  we  could  but  content  ourselves  with  a 
communication  of  facts  and  any  reflections  upon  them  for 
illustration,  leaving  the  combination  and  execution  of  the 
various  operations  of  a  campaign  to  those  whose  business  it 
is  to  project  and  execute  them.  P.  Jones's  arrival  gives  us 
no  relief  in  cloathing  and  arms,  a  disappointment  the  more 
to  be  regretted  as  our  wants  increase.  Yet  we  know  not 
whom  to  blame.  Jones  will,  I  expect,  unfold  this  dark  and 
as  yet  mysterious  business.  I  presume  you  must  have  been 
informed  that  Virginia  has  receded  from  her  former  instruc- 
tions to  her  delegates  in  Congress  respecting  the  claim  on 
her  part  to  the  free  navigation  of  the  Mississippi,  which,  if 
approved  by  Congress,  will  probably  bring  about  an  alliance 
with  Spain  and  an  acknowledgement  of  our  independence. 
No  doubt  this  event,  if  it  takes  place,  will  give  us  more 
credit  in  Europe. 

We  are  about  appointing  the  officers  who  are  to  be  at 
the  head  of  our  great  departments.    Yesterday  Mr.  Morris, 



without  a  vote  against  him  (tho'  S.  A.*  and  his  colleague, 
General  W.f  declined  to  ballot)  was  chosen  financier.  I 
cannot  say  he  will  accept,  but  have  some  hopes  he  will. 
Our  finances  want  a  Neckar  to  arrange  and  reform  them. 
Morris  is,  I  believe,  the  best  qualified  of  any  our  country 
affords  for  the  arduous  undertaking.  We  shall  in  a  day  or 
two  appoint  the  officers  for  the  foreign  affairs  and  the  marine. 
I  wish  we  had  men  in  these  offices  as  well  qualified  to  exe- 
cute them  as  Morris  in  the  treasury.  Some  however  that 
are  nominated,  if  they  can  be  chosen  will  do  very  well. 
We  are  under  difficulties  about  the  war  office,  least  any 
person  we  could  now  put  into  it  may  answer  so  well  as  the 
present  commissioners.  This  may,  and  I  expect  will,  post- 
pone that  appointment. 


Phila:  27th  February,  1781. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  missed  the  opportunity  by  the  express  of  sending  you 
the  letter  of  the  21st,  which  is  now  inclosed,  as  it  contains 
a  request  respecting  Dr.  Lewis,  and  will  serve  to  shew  you 
I  meant  to  pay  my  compliments  to  you  as  soon  as  I  was 
certain  after  my  arrival,  you  had  declined  your  visit  to  R. 
Island.  Lord  Cornwallis  has  put  every  thing  to  the  hazard, 
and  if  the  people  of  Virginia  and  North  Carolina  have  not 
the  spirit  to  turn  and  support  Gen1.  Greene  under  the 
present  fair  prospect  of  totally  ruining  his  Lordship's  army, 
they  deserve  not  the  blessings  we  are  contending  for.     Gen1. 

*  Samuel  Adams, 
f  Artemas  Ward. 



Greene's  conduct  has  been  judicious.  Indeed  from  the  wise 
measures  concerted  by  him  for  the  arrangement  and  support 
of  the  southern  department  and  which  were  communicated 
by  him  to  the  Assembly  while  I  was  at  Richmond,  I  enter- 
tained very  favorable  sentiments  of  that  gentleman's  fitness 
for  the  command  of  the  southern  army ;  and  his  behaviour 
since  has  manifested  he  is  equal  to  the  appointment.  If  he 
is  properly  supported  he  will  give  us  a  good  account  of  Corn- 
wallis.  I  was  concerned  when  I  came  to  Congress  to  hear 
so  small  a  favor  was  refused  Gen1.  Greene,  then  going  to  his 
new  command,  as  that  of  granting  his  request  respecting  Dr. 
McHenry.  From  my  conversations  with  gentlemen  on  the 
subject,  many  think  the  Gen1,  should  have  been  indulged, 
and  if  it  can  be  done,  the  question  will  probably  be  revived. 
This,  however  the  Dr.  should  not  be  acquainted  with,  least 
the  attempt  should  be  unsuccessful.  Thursday  next  is  ap- 
pointed for  the  Maryland  Delegates  to  subscribe  the  Articles 
of  Confederation,  an  event  that  cannot  fail  to  produce  happy 
consequences  both  at  home  and  abroad.  The  Articles,  it  is 
certain,  are  defective  and  amendments  and  additional  pow- 
ers are  necessary,  and  these  will  be  and  must  be  speedily 
proposed  to  the  States  for  their  concurrence,  and  no  time 
perhaps  more  convenient  for  their  meeting  the  attention 
and  approbation  of  the  States  than  the  present,  when  they 
are  generally  convinced  of  the  want  of  full  powers,  and  are 
disposed  to  grant  them.  Any  defects  that  have  occurred  to 
you,  and  no  doubt  many  have  from  your  situation  and  long 
service,  you  will  oblige  me  in  pointing  out  when  you  have 
leisure  to  write  a  few  lines  on  the  subject.  It  is  of  import- 
ance to  make  the  articles  of  our  union  as  complete  as  may 
be,  and  adequate  to  the  great  objects  of  the  Confederacy,  or 



we  shall  suffer  from  internal  divisions  and  foreign  machina- 

I  am  happy  to  find  a  strong  reinforcement  is  going  south. 
If  Arnold  does  not  escape  before  their  arrival,  that  aban- 
doned man  will  probably  meet  the  fate  he  deserves.  The 
British  affairs  to  the  southward  are  now  in  a  critical  situa- 
tion, and  if  we  improve  the  advantages  the  conjunction 
opens  to  us,  all  will  soon  be  restored  there  to  the  power  of 
the  States,  Charles  Town  excepted,  and  even  that,  if  our 
ally  can  succour  us  by  water,  I  have  my  hopes  may  be  re- 
covered. These  are  my  conjectures;  how  practicable  or 
well  founded,  you  are  the  best  judge. 

The  officers  to  the  other  departments  are  not  yet  chosen. 


Fredericksburg,  3d  April,  17S1. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  arrived  here  the  7th  day  after  my  departure  from  Phila- 
delphia. The  sanguine  hopes  entertained  before  I  set  out 
of  taking  Arnold  and  his  party  at  Portsmouth  lessened  as  I 
advanced  and  at  length  were  entirely  lost  by  certain  infor- 
mation that  the  British  fleet  were  in  the  Bay  after  engaging 
that  of  the  French  off  the  Capes.  The  issue  of  the  conflict 
has  been  variously  reported  —  the  account  which  obtains 
most  credit  is  that  the  French  disabled  one  of  the  British 
74's  but  as  the  fleet  left  the  bay  in  two  days  after  she  en- 
tered it  in  quest  as  it  is  said  of  the  French  fleet  the  presump- 
tion is  they  were  not  much  injured.  A  report  prevails  that 
a  second  engagement  took  place  the  24th  near  the  Capes  as 

a  heavy 


a  heavy  cannonade  was  then  heard  in  that  quarter — of  this 
as  well  as  the  first  engagement  it  is  probable  you  are  better 
informed  than  we  are  as  I  met  two  expresses  with  despatches 
for  Congress  and  Govr.  Lee  giving  an  account  it  was  said  of 
the  above  transaction  and  of  the  battle  between  Generals 
Greene  and  Cornwallis.  I  bespoke  a  pair  of  leather  breeches 
of  a  breeches  maker  whose  name  I  have  forgot  but  who  lives 
on  the  right  hand  side  of  Market  street  as  you  go  to  the 
market  and  the  corner  of  4th  street,  they  are  for  Col.  Tali- 
ferro  and  the  price  600  dols.  Be  pleased  to  get  them  and 
deliver  to  the  late  General  Woodford's  servant,  Daniel, 
when  he  calls  for  them. 

Mrs.  Woodford,  as  well  as  myself,  will  thank  you  for  in- 
formation when  she  is  to  apply  for  payment  of  the  allowance 
made  the  widows  of  deceased  officers,  what  the  allowance  is, 
and  at  what  periods  payable. 

Since  writing  the  above  I  have  your  letter  by  the  post  and 
find  my  conjectures  true,  that  you  knew  more  of  the  above 
transactions  than  we  did.  A  letter  from  Weedon  informs 
that  23  transports  with  troops  commanded  by  Gen'l  Phillips 
arrived  Sunday  week  (the  25th  ult.)  at  Lynhaven  Bay,  con- 
voyed by  the  Chatham,  Roebuck,  Rainbow,  the  Hancock 
and  4  other  frigates.  Weedon  further  writes  that  a  letter 
from  Greene  of  the  23d  ult.  mentions  that  his  army  is  in 
high  spirits  and  ready  for  another  action,  the  enemy  retreat- 
ing and  his  army  advancing.  They  left  our  wounded  and 
70  of  their  own. 


Phila:    i  6th  May,  1781. 
Dear  Sir, 

Having  returned  to  Congress  a  few  days  only,  and  pri- 
vate matters  requiring  my  attention  for  great  part  of  the 
time,  I  have  not  been  able  regularly  to  attend  to  business, 
or  to  acknowledge  the  receipt  of  your  favour  transmitted  to 
Philadelphia  after  leaving  it  and  sent  after  me  to  Virginia 
by  Mr.  Madison.  The  moment  for  successful  operations 
against  our  enemies  was  certainly  immediately  after  the 
disaster  in  Gardner's  Bay,  when,  had  it  been  embraced,  the 
post  at  Portsmouth  and  the  troops  under  Arnold,  as  well  as 
the  British  ships  then  in  Virginia  must  have  fallen  an  easy 
conquest  to  our  united  efforts.  For  which  purpose  the 
State  was,  I  believe,  in  readiness.  Abortive  as  the  project 
has  proven,  we  yet  hope  for  the  best  and  that  while  it  may 
be  in  the  power  of  our  ally  to  give  us  effectual  aid  in  Chesa- 
peake, and  believe  me,  at  no  time  was  it  more  necessary 
than  at  present  when  all  the  lower  country  of  our  State 
from  its  great  navigable  waters  are  exposed  to  the  ravage 
and  rapine  not  only  of  British  ships  of  war  but  of  the  ves- 
sels employed  by  the  Board  of  Refugee  Commissioners  in 
New  York.  To  you  it  is  unnecessary  to  describe  the  dis- 
tress of  the  inhabitants  upon  the  navigable  waters  of  Vir- 
ginia. Your  knowledge  of  the  country  enables  you  suffi- 
ciently to  judge  of  it  exclusive  of  such  information  as  I 
doubt  not  you  receive  from  that  quarter.  Had  we  a  suffi- 
cient stock  of  arms  distressing  as  it  is  to  our  militia  to  be  so 
generally  out  on  duty  as  it  must  be  to  them  at  this  season  of 
the  year,  I  think  they  would  do  much  in  opposition  to  the 
enemy,  supported  even  by  no  considerable  body  of  regu- 


lars.  But  wanting  arms,  their  negroes  flying  from  them, 
and  their  prospects  of  making  little  or  nothing  from  their 
estates  to  support  their  families  and  bear  the  burdens  of  the 
war,  may  shake  their  fidelity  and  attachment  to  the  cause  so 
far  as  to  slacken  their  exertions  if  some  succor  is  not  afforded 
them  by  water  to  restrain  the  ravage  of  these  plunderers. 
I  mention  these  things  as  facts  falling  under  my  own  obser- 
vations before  I  left  the  State,  that  if  they  have  not  been 
more  particularly  communicated  by  others  you  might  have 
some  intimation  of  them. 

The  late  movements  of  Cornwallis  and  Philips  indicate 
a  junction  of  their  armies  on  the  Roanoke  from  whence 
they  may  direct  their  operations  north  or  south  as  they  shall 
see  best,  without  the  fear  of  successful  opposition,  or  may, 
it  would  seem  cut  off  all  communication  between  Virginia 
and  the  other  southern  States  and  reduce  Gen'l  Greene  to 
the  greatest  extremity.  From  these  dangers  that  at  present 
threaten  us  a  naval  force  sent  to  the  Chesapeake  would  at 
once  relieve  us  and  admit  Virginia  to  afford  that  succour  to 
the  other  southern  States  they  so  much  need.  The  great 
object  of  the  enemy  is  undoubtedly  the  southern  States, 
and  it  is  submitted  to  your  reflection  how  far  you  can  sup- 
port them  by  your  influence  in  the  destination  of  such  aids 
as  may  arrive  from  Europe  or  the  operation  of  that  force 
now  here.*  We  are  told  all  the  ships  of  war  have  left  New 
York  with  about  2,000  troops,  after  having  once  put  back. 
Adieu.  Pardon  the  haste  of  this  letter  which  is  written  in 
Congress  in  consequence  of  the  President's  information  our 
express  was  going  off  for  Head  Quarters. 



Phila:  31  May  1781 
My  dear  Sir, 

I  am  this  moment  informed  that  Mr.  Rutledge  is  going 
to  Head  Quarters  and  have  stolen  out  of  Congress  to  give 
you  a  few  lines  to  impress  on  you  the  necessity  of  taking 
some  immediate  steps  for  the  succour  of  the  southern  de- 
partment. The  Marquis'  letter  will  inform  you  of  his  sit- 
uation and  will  of  itself,  without  being  enforced  by  me, 
shew  the  distress  that  must  soon  fall  upon  our  State  if  not 
speedily  succoured.  For  some  days  I  have  waited  with  im- 
patience to  hear  from  you,  not  doubting  your  anxiety  for 
the  southern  States  had  determined  you  to  measures  for 
their  support  as  far  as  you  have  the  means  in  your  power. 
This  expectation  and  an  opinion  entertained  that  you  must 
be  fully  informed  of  the  late  intelligence  from  Europe,  have 
delayed  my  writing  to  mention  these  matters.  The  pro- 
posed mediation  of  the  Imperial  courts  cannot  be  declined 
by  the  belligerent  Powers,  although  delayed  by  France  and 
Spain  for  a  short  time,  to  know  the  dispositions  of  the 
States.  The  most  powerful  exertions  are  necessary  not  only 
to  give  weight  to  the  negociations  of  our  plenipotentiary, 
but  to  recover  our  lost  territory  to  prevent  the  difficulties 
of  the  proposition  of  uti  possidetis.  Congress  are  giving 
the  necessary  communications  to  the  States  and  are  en- 
deavoring to  stimulate  them  to  emulation  at  this  conjunct- 
ure, which  more  than  ever  calls  for  our  own  exertions  in 
consequence  of  our  disappointment  from  France.  The  aid 
in  money  though  will,  it  is  to  be  hoped,  enable  us  to  do 
something  what  it  would  otherwise  be  in  our 

power  to  effect.     Virginia  receiving  so  little  aid  from  the 



north  occasions  many  of  her  citizens  in  their  letters  to  the 
delegates  to  insinuate  that  as  they  are  not  and 

safety,  they  care  not  for  the  southern  States,  This  notion 
is  but  too  prevalent  and  is  of  dangerous  tendency  to  slacken 
the  of  the  people  and  more  readily  dispose  them 

to  submission.  I  hope  your  deliberations  with  C*.  Rocham- 
beau  have  determined  upon  relinquishing  the  idea  of  a  cer- 
tain conquest  for  the  present  and  shew  yourself  in  Virginia, 
where  I  think  your  name  and  presence  would  be  of  infinite 
service.  But,  my  dear  Sir,  I  mention  these  things  with  the 
utmost  deference  to  your  own  judgment  and  feelings  which 
I  am  sure  are  equally  touched  with  my  own  for  the  distress 
of  numbers  in  Virginia  and  as  prompt  to  relieve  them  as 
any  person  on  earth,  and  I  am  satisfied  will  do  so  for  us  in 
your  power  consistent  with  the  general  welfare. 

We  have  before  us  a  proposition  for  sending  on  an  aid  of 
militia  from  this  State  and  Maryland,  but  of  all  assistances 
these  are  the  worst  and  would  avoid  them  if  there  was  a 
prospect  of  more  effectual  support.  Supplies  of  arms  are 
gone  on  and  getting  ready  to  go  on,  but  these  have  been 
greatly  delayed  for  want  of  money.     .     .     .* 


Spring  Hill,  16th  April,  1781. 
Dear  Sir, 

The  alliance  of  the  American  States  being  now  completed 
by  the  assent  of  the  State  of  Maryland  to  the  Articles  of 
Confederation,  the  future  proceedings  of  Congress  must  be 

*The  ink  of  this  letter  has  so  faded  as  to  be  almost  undecipherable. 



governed  by  those  rules,  and  every  deviation  from  them 
become  matter  of  complaint  or  jealousy  to  the  States.  It 
would  be  wise,  therefore,  where  defects  appear  to  have  them 
supplied  in  time,  and  while  the  temper  of  the  States  from 
recent  experience  of  the  want  of  competent  powers  in  Con- 
gress for  the  purposes  of  war  disposes  them  to  do  so.  It 
appears  to  me  indispensably  necessary  for  the  general  wel- 
fare in  time  of  war  that  Congress  should  be  vested  with  a 
controlling  power  over  the  States  sufficient  to  compel  obe- 
dience to  requisitions  for  men  and  money  apportioned  agree- 
able to  the  rules  laid  down.  Without  a  coercive  power  for 
these  purposes  clearly  vested  in  that  body  all  future  wars,  as 
the  present  has  done,  must  languish  for  want  of  proper  au- 
thority to  call  forth  the  resources  of  the  States.  These  aids 
should  be  as  regularly  and  fully  furnished  by  those  States  at 
ease  and  removed  from  danger  as  by  those  attacked  and 
immediately  exposed  to  it.  Yet  we  have  found  these  only 
when  necessity  and  self  preservation  impelled  them  to  exer- 
tions rendering  those  supplies  the  interest  and  safety  of  the 
whole  required.  And  while  some  have  strained  every  nerve 
and  exhausted  almost  their  whole  strength  in  the  struggle, 
others  have  been  negligent  and  remiss  in  furnishing  the 
proportions  assigned.  These  delinquencies  occasion  dis- 
contents, prolong  the  war  and  expose  the  willing  and  obe- 
dient States  to  hardships,  when  justice  requires  that  all 
contribute  their  property.  How  can  this  be  effected  with- 
out a  controlling  power  in  Congress  for  the  purpose,  I  know 
not.  Yet  I  know  that  without  it  we  shall  be  a  rope  of  sand, 
and  the  union  be  dissolved.  It  was  made  a  question  in 
Congress  before  I  came  away;  I  expect  it  will  not  be  deter- 
mined before  I  return,  whether  the  United  States  in  Con- 


gress  assembled  had  such  a  power;  if  not,  whether  it  was 
not  necessary  they  should  have  it.  As  the  States  have 
yielded  to  that  body  the  right  of  making  requisitions,  does 
it  follow  Congress  have  the  power  by  implication  of  enforc- 
ing obedience?  If  they  now  have  this  power,  or  not  having 
it,  the  States  should  grant  it  them,  how  should  the  disobe- 
dient be  punished?  By  shutting  the  ports,  by  a  body  of 
armed  men,  by  deprivation  of  privileges  or  by  what  other 
method  ?  These  are  nice  and  tender  points  to  handle,  but 
are  unavoidable  in  the  discussion  of  this  question.  How 
far  it  would  be  prudent  to  open  them  to  the  States,  I  know 
not.  Could  the  business  be  effected  without  coming  from 
Congress,  by  a  voluntary  declaration  of  the  respective  States 
of  their  sentiment  upon  the  right  of  Congress  to  exercise  such 
a  power,  it  would,  I  think,  be  better;  for  I  suspect  such  a 
recommendation  coming  from  Congress  would  excite  fears 
in  the  States,  that  there  was  a  disposition  in  Congress  to 
grasp  dangerous  powers.  It  is  certainly  a  transcendent 
power,  never  to  be  used  but  in  cases  of  absolute  necessity 
and  extremity.  The  acknowledgment,  however,  of  such  a 
power  in  Congress,  might  possibly  supercede  the  use  of  it, 
as  it  would  prove  a  weight  impelling  the  States  to  action. 
If  the  States  are  ever  to  possess  a  formidable  navy,  which 
may  be  serviceable  to  them  in  time  of  war,  the  power  of 
laying  embargoes  during  war  at  least,  should  be  vested  in 
Congress.  This  appears  necessary  on  many  other  accounts 
which  cannot  be  unknown  to  you,  and  I  confess  myself  at  a 
loss  to  conjecture  the  reason  of  its  omission  in  the  articles. 
If  we  are  to  have  our  great  departments  under  the  super- 
intendence of  ministers  accountable  for  their  conduct  (and 
which  was  agreed  upon  and  some  of  them  chosen  when  I  left 



Congress,  but  which  from  a  late  letter  from  Madison  will  at 
length,  I  fear,  be  lost),  it  may  be  necessary,  if  any  offences 
they  may  commit  in  the  execution  of  their  offices  shall  be 
punished  in  any  of  the  courts  now  in  being.  As  these 
officers  will  act  throughout  the  States  and  can  be  resident 
in  one  only,  there  will  be  a  difficulty  in  bringing  them  to 
trial  and  condign  punishment  without  some  special  mode 
prescribed  for  the  purpose.  In  this  business,  however,  a 
great  question  arises.  Can  Congress,  in  other  than  mili- 
tary and  maritime  laws  subject  any  citizen  to  death  or  other 
punishment  than  the  laws  of  the  State  he  belongs  to  inflict 
for  such  offenses?  I  have  given  your  excellency  much  trouble 
in  this  letter.  My  apology  is  that  I  desire  the  senti- 
ments of  gentlemen  of  respectable  abilities  belonging  to 
the  State  I  represent  in  all  very  interesting  questions,  to 
assist  my  own  judgment  and  opinion ;  and  unless  you  for- 
bid it  I  shall  take  the  same  liberty  on  future  occasions 
when  they  present  themselves. 

I  set  out  this  day  week  for  Philadelphia. 


Phila:  20  June  1781. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  your  favour  of  the  7th  inst.  which  gives  me  entire 
satisfaction  of  the  propriety  of  your  remaining  with  the 
Northern  army  and  that  it  was  out  of  your  power  from  the 
small  army  under  your  command  to  afford  any  present  suc- 
cour to  the  southern  States.  The  same  sentiment  I  find 
was  entertained  by  Governor  Jefferson,  to  whom  I  presume 



you  have  written  on  the  subject,  but  from  the  contents  of  a 
letter  I  have  just  received  (or  rather  the  delegates  of  Vir- 
ginia) from  R.  H.  Lee,  inclosing  one  to  be  forwarded  to 
you  I  expect  you  will  be  further  solicited  on  that  head,  and 
as  it  may  not  be  practicable  for  you  speedily  to  give  that 
gentleman  an  answer  by  conveyance  from  the  present  situa- 
tion of  the  country,  I  shall  as  soon  as  an  opportunity  offers 
write  to  him  upon  the  subject.     From  all  the  accounts  we 
receive  our  greatest  disadvantage  lies  in  the  greatest  supe- 
riority of  the  enemy's  horse,  which  being  increased  since 
their  advancing  into  the  country  from  the  number  of  fine 
horses  that  have  fallen  into  their  hands  to  7  or  Soo,  so  range 
about  the  country  as  to  dismay  the  people  not  a  little  and 
keep  them  in  continued  alarm  for  the  safety  of  their  fami- 
lies.    The  superiority  of  the  infantry  I  believe  consists  more 
in   the  distinction  between  regulars  and   militia  than   in 
numbers.     This  disadvantage  in  the  cavalry  cannot  be  sur- 
mounted by  the  State  for  want  of  equipments,  of  which 
they  are  very  destitute.      If  they  had  them,   the  powers 
given  by  the  Assembly  to  the  Marquis  to  seize  what  horses 
may  be  necessary,  would  soon  put  him  in   condition  to 
check  their  ravages ;  but  at  present  and  until  these  equip- 
ments can  be  furnished  the  country  must  be  greatly  exposed. 
Cannot  you  therefore  spare  Sheldon's  horse  for  this  service, 
and  also  Vanheer's  corps?     Every  assistance  in  cavalry  is 
essential,  and  these  may  I  presume  be  soon  with  the  Mar- 
quis.    If  you  think  the  last  mentioned  horse  to  be  trusted 
on  the  service,  you  will  recollect  that  a  part  of  them  are 
now  at  Head  Quarters,  or  at  least  I  am  so  informed.     The 
French  cavalry,  I  take  for  granted  from  what  you  say,  must 
remain  with  you ;  otherwise  these  being  well  mounted  and 

o  -^ 


equipped  would  be  of  more  service  than  any  other  assist- 
ance you  could  immediately  afford.  I  wish  you  to  consider 
this  matter  of  the  cavalry,  and  give  such  orders  as  you  shall 
find  convenient.  I  have  a  letter  by  express  from  Col.  Har- 
rison, dated  the  8th  at  Staunton,  to  which  place  the  Assembly 
adjourned  after  their  dispersion  and  escape  from  Charlottes- 
ville.     He  writes: 

Before  this  reaches  you  I  dare  say  you  will  have  heard  how  narrowly 
the  whole  Assembly  escaped  being  made  prisoners  by  Tarleton  at  Char- 
lottesville. They  had  not  left  the  town  an  hour  before  he  entered  at  the 
head  of  450  horse  and  mounted  infantry.  Some  stores  are  fallen  into 
their  hands,  with  three  delegates  and  several  other  gentlemen.  Amongst 
them  Mr.  Lyons,  Mr.  Kinlock,  Robert  and  William  Nelson.  They  are 
all  paroled  except  Kinlock,  and  him  they  carried  off.  Had  it  not  been 
for  the  extraordinary  exertions  and  kindness  of  a  young  gentleman  who 
discovered  their  intentions  and  got  round  them  in  the  night,  not  one  man 
of  those  in  town  would  have  escaped;  as  it  was,  so  incredulous  were 
some  of  us,  that  it  was  with  much  difficulty  they  could  be  prevailed  on 
to  adjourn. 

We  are  in  a  most  distressed  condition  from  the  sea  to  the  mountains ; 
so  many  fine  horses  have  fallen  into  the  hands  of  the  enemy  that  they 
roam  at  large  over  all  that  country,  and  the  Marquis  is  by  no  means  able 
to  check  their  progress.  He  has  power  given  him  by  the  Assembly  to 
impress  horses  wherever  he  can  find  them,  but  he  has  not  necessaries  to 
mount  the  men  when  he  gets  them.  This  being  the  case,  we  know  not 
what  course  to  take  to  preserve  the  country  from  their  ravages.  We  want 
arms  greatly  for  infantry,  but  when  we  have  them  it  is  difficult  to  find 
men  to  use  them,  owing  to  the  danger  their  families  are  in  from  the  horse. 
We  have  600  fine  men  under  Baron  Steuben,  which  he  will  not  carry 
into  action.  What  are  his  reasons  I  know  not,  but  I  can  assure  you  his 
conduct  gives  universal  disgust  and  injures  the  service  much,  the  people 
complaining,  and  with  reason,  that  they  are  dragged  from  their  families 
at  a  time  when  they  are  most  wanted  to  make  bread  for  them,  whilst  the 
soldiers  they  have  hired  at  a  very  great  expence,  lay  idle.  In  short,  my 
dear  sir,  his  conduct  does  great  mischief,  and  will  do  more  if  he  is  not 



recalled,  and  I  think  it  behooves  you  to  bring  it  about.  I  assure  you  it 
is  the  wish  and  desire  of  every  man  that  this  event  should  take  place. 
I  believe  him  a  good  officer  on  the  parade,  but  the  worst  in  every  other 
respect  in  the  American  army.  I  like  the  Marquis  much  and  so  does 
everybody  in  the  country;  but  is  he  not  too  young  for  such  a  command 
as  he  has,  and  of  such  great  consequence  to  the  American  cause,  and  this 
great  country?  Would  not  St.  Clair,  think  you,  from  his  experience,  be 
useful  here? 

We  have  now  no  Executive  in  the  State.  For  want  of  a  Senate  the 
governor  will  act  no  more,  and  the  remainder  of  the  council  will  not  get 
together.     I  hope  we  shall  set  these  matters  right  next  week. 

A  copy  of  a  letter  from  the  Marquis  of  the  3d  inst.  to 
Genl.  Greene,  intimates  that  he  was  ignorant  till  lately  that 
Genl.  Greene  had  ordered  these  levies  to  act  in  Virginia; 
but  it  does  not  appear  he  had  orders  from  Genl.  Greene 
upon  the  subject,  as  he  complains  in  the  letter  that  he  had 
not  heard  from  him  for  some  time.  Perhaps  your  interpo- 
sition may  be  necessary  upon  this  business  to  prevent  mis- 
understanding. How  far  Col.  H.'s  opinion  about  the 
Baron  requires  your  interference  you  will  judge.  I  had 
heard  some  complaints  of  that  gentleman  before  I  left  the 
State,  but  attributed  them  to  his  being  long  in  the  military 
line,  unacquainted  with  the  civil  institution,  and  disgusted 
that  his  requisitions  were  not  immediately  complied  with, 
rather  than  any  other  quality.  However,  if  he  has  dis- 
gusted the  people,  prudence  requires  he  should  not  be 
detached,  but  subject  to  the  control  of  some  superior  offi- 
cer, or  recalled.  These  matters  you  will  direct  as  you  shall 
see  fit  for  the  service.  Could  not  Genl.  Greene  be  well 
spared  from  the  south  to  take  the  command  in  Virginia? 
The  great  scene  of  action  is  there,  and  as  you  cannot  be 
present,  his  abilities  and  experience  may  be  very  useful. 
Excuse  the  haste  of  this  letter  which  I  have  been  obliged 
to  write  in  Congress. 



Phila.  3  July  17S1. 
Dear  Sir, 

Such  has  been  the  situation  of  Virginia  for  some  time 
past  we  have  but  little,  and  that  very  imperfect,  intelligence 
of  the  transactions  there.  This  may  have  been  the  case 
with  you,  and  yesterday's  post  being  the  only  one  for  some 
weeks  that  brought  us  letters.  I  enclose  one  received  from 
Col.  Carey  for  your  perusal,  knowing  that  your  acquaint- 
ance with  that  gentleman  will  readily  account  for  his  pro- 
lixity and  some  inaccuracies. 

Col.  Temple,  who  arrived  here  a  few  days  ago  to  forward 
[*]  Dragoons,  and  which  he  expected  to  meet  on  the  road, 
shewed  me  a  letter  dated  the  21st  ult.  from  the  Marquis, 
pressing  him  to  use  all  possible  dispatch  to  join  him  with 
that  corps  of  horse ;  that  the  enemy  had  left  Richmond  and 
were  [*]  down  for  Williamsburg.  It  is  many  weeks  since 
this  state  was  requested  to  equip  this  cavalry  and  send  them 
to  the  Marquis's  army,  and  we  have  been  amused  week  after 
week  that  at  least  sixty  of  them  were  ready  to  march,  and 
some  times  told  they  were  marched ;  but  such  has  been  the 
supineness  of  this  Assembly,  they  are  not  yet  equipped  and 
must  be  sent  to  Virginia  to  be  mounted,  if  money  can  be 
procured  to  pay  them  part  of  what  is  due  them  for  back 
pay.  The  militia  called  for,  to  go  to  the  southward,  will 
not  be  raised,  and  difficulties  have  been  started  to  the  300 
particular  militia  you  requested;  but  I  am  in  hopes  they 
will  be  furnished.  I  will  pardon  all  this  if  they  fill  up  their 
Continental  line,  which  they  say  is  their  design.     In  the 

*  Defaced  by  seal. 



meantime  they  escape  sending  militia  either  south  or  north, 
unless  the  300  you  asked  for  are  supplied.  Our  affairs  have 
taken  a  most  favorable  turn  to  the  south,  and  I  hope  the 
spirit  of  the  people  in  that  quarter  is  now  so  much  roused 
that  they  will  not  be  again  reduced  to  the  distressed  state 
they  were  lately  in.  Their  present  resentment  is  high,  and 
though  partly  ravaged,  the  country  yet  abounds  with  re- 
sources' which  when  properly  applied  will  make  them  for- 
midable. Could  the  enemy  but  get  a  check  by  water  in 
Virginia,  in  that  state  every  thing  would  soon  be  restored 
and  their  violence  as  much  humbled  as  lately  it  has  been 

When  you  have  perused  Col.  Carey's  history  you  may 
commit  it  to  the  flames. 


Phila:  6  August,   1781. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  received  your  favour  of  the  2d  inst.  with  the  en- 
closures, and  shall  take  proper  care  of  them. 

Mr.  Morris  setting  out  for  Head  Quarters  in  the  morn- 
ing, I  embrace  the  opportunity  to  acknowledge  the  receipt 
of  yours  of  the  10th  ult.,  and  to  thank  you  for  the  copies  of 
the  intercepted  letters.  The  originals  were  transmitted  us 
by  Dr.  Franklin.  These  shew  the  continued  delusion  and 
folly  of  the  British  ministry,  now  rendered  more  conspicu- 
ous by  our  late  successes. 

From  Carolina  by  the  last  flag  which  left  Charles  Town  on 
Thursday  last  week,  we  learn  that  the  enemy  had  abandoned 
96  and  indeed  all  their  posts  were  evacuated  but  Charles 



Town,  where  the  troops  were  near  all  arrived;  the  last  de- 
tachment from  Ireland  reduced  about  half  by  the  march  to 
relieve  96;  Lord  Rawdon  in  Charles  Town,  much  indis- 
posed but  bound  soon  for  England;  and  that  Leslie  was 
met  by  the  flag  on  board  Carrisfoot  (?)  going  to  Charles 
Town  to  take  the  command.  A  packet  was  just  arrived 
from  England,  by  which  accounts  were  received  that  the 
greatest  part  of  the  fleet  with  the  Statia  plunder  had  been 
taken  by  Admiral  la  M.  Picquet,  and  carried  into  France  — 
very  pleasing  news  if  it  prove  true. 

No  late  accounts  from  Europe  or  the  W.  Indies.  The 
Dons  seem  to  play  the  game  wholly  for  themselves,  instance 
their  avidity  for  territorial  cession  on  the  Mississippi  and  the 
exclusive  navigation  of  that  river,  and  the  late  extraordinary 
capitulation  at  Pensacela.  The  neutral  combination  has  at 
length  drawn  from  Britain  an  instruction  to  her  ships  of  war 
and  armed  vessels  not  to  interrupt  the  commerce  of  the  Bal- 
tic. We  are  told  Holland  is  disposed  to  an  alliance  with 
these  States;  it  may  be  so,  but  I  fear  she  has  a  remnant  of 
Spanish  indolence  and  inactivity  that  requires  beating  before 
she  will  rouse  to  vigorous  action,  for  as  yet  I  discover  but 
feeble  efforts.  Let  us  look  at  home  where  matters  are  more 
pleasing  from  the  successes  of  the  present  campaign,  and  if 
we  pursue  our  advantage  [it]  will  place  us  in  a  respectable 
situation  before  the  negotiators  at  the  Congress  when  they 
convene.  And  if  you  shall  be  able  to  push  the  point  at 
New  York  and  be  ultimately  crowned  with  success,  I  shall 
be  very  indifferent  about  Spanish  or  Dutch  alliances,  espe- 
cially the  first ;  as  I  confess  I  do  not  relish  their  behaviour 
to  us  on  more  occasions  than  one.     But  enough  of  this. 



We  have  had  much  debate  about  Vermont;  nothing  yet 
determined,  but  think  it  will  terminate  in  appointing  per- 
sons to  settle  with  them  the  terms  of  their  admission  into 
the  union. 

By  the  Marquis  you  will  be  informed  of  the  British  fleet 
moving  up  the  bay  the  31st  ult.  with  about  3000  troops  on 
board  destined  it  was  supposed  for  Baltimore.  They  had 
been  embarked  some  days,  and  in  the  road,  waiting  I  pre- 
sume for  intelligence.  Perhaps  the  interception  of  the 
southern  mail  afforded  them  what  they  wanted,  though  it 
is  said  a  vessel  came  in  from  New  York.  Govr.  Lee's  letter 
is  the  4th  and  the  fleet  not  then  in  sight  of  Annapolis,  which 
makes  me  suspect  they  must  have  been  detained  by  contrary 
winds,  or  put  into  Potomack.  We  shall,  if  they  are  come 
up  the  Bay,  hear  more  to  morrow.  If  we  do  before  Mr. 
Morris  sets  off,  you  shall  have  the  information. 

Mrs.  Washington  was  out  at  Col.  Bland's  when  your  let- 
ter arrived.     I  have  sent  her  letter  by  one  of  her  servants. 


Spring  Hill,  21st  May,  1782. 
Dear  Sir, 

The  friendly  visits  of  my  neighbours  and  acquaintances 
since  my  return  have  been  and  still  continue  to  occupy  my 
time,  having  not  been  free  from  company  since  the  day  after 
my  getting  home.  Of  course  I  have  thought  little  of  those 
matters  which  used,  while  in  Philadelphia,  to  employ  our 
attention,  and  have  not  yet  fixed  the  time  of  my  visit  to 
Richmond,  which  will  be  regulated  by  information  from 
there.     Our  last  accounts  (whether  true  I  know  not)  but 


your  advices  by  the  post  will  inform  you,  say  there  was  a 
House  on  Wednesday  last;  if  so,  I  shall  in  eight  or  ten 
days  pay  my  respects  to  them.  It  is  said  several  petitions 
will  be  presented  urging  a  further  emission  of  paper  cur- 
rency as  indispensably  necessary  to  supply  the  scarcity  of 
specie.  Some  through  folly,  others  from  wicked  acts  may 
countenance  this  measure,  but  I  cannot  believe  there  can 
be  found  in  the  Assembly  a  majority  of  those  characters 
until  the  fatal  adoption  of  the  proposition  shall  convince 
me  of  my  mistake.  It  is  certain  that  specie  is  either  very 
scarce,  or,  if  in  the  country,  locked  up,  as  the  want  of  it  is 
universally  complained  of  by  the  planter  and  merchant.  It 
must  be  very  scarce,  or  our  commerce  very  languid,  as  I  am 
told  good  merchantable  flour  may  be  purchased  over  the 
mountains  for  ys.6(/.  pr  hundred,  and  I  know  tobacco  (upland 
too)  will  not  produce  upon  this  river  2d.  cash.  The  reason 
assigned  [is]  want  of  money  to  purchase.  Imported  articles 
in  general  100  per  cent,  higher  than  in  Philadelphia,  and  as 
great  part  of  the  goods  for  sale  come  from  that  quarter  and 
of  late  from  N.  York,  then  it  is  easy  to  account  for  the  drain 
of  specie,  and  what  must  be  the  consequence  to  these  States 
from  such  a  ruinous  traffic  and  a  hampered  commerce. 

I  have  not  been  able  to  find  your  pamphlet  among  my 
books  and  papers.  Should  I  come  across  it,  you  may  be 
certain  proper  care  shall  be  taken  of  it,  and  conveyed  by 
the  first  safe  hand.  Did  you  not  lend  it  to  Mr.  Lee  or  Col. 
Bland  ?  I  think  you  had  it  from  me  sometime  I  came  away, 
and  for  the  perusal  of  one  of  those  gentlemen.  Pray,  my 
friend,  let  me  have  the  Revolutionist  from  No.  4.  I  have 
it  to  that  number.  The  April  packet  from  England  may 
be  daily  expected  at  New  York.     By  her  we  may  probably 


hear  the  result  of  the  proceedings  in  consequence  of  Genl. 
Conway's  motion.*  I  hear  little  of  recruiting  our  line.  The 
business,  they  say,  is  at  a  stand  for  want  of  money,  as  indeed 
is  almost  every  other  public  exertion.  Some  military  men 
say  they  could  recruit  our  line  if  they  had  a  specie  bounty 
to  offer.  This  cannot  be  furnished  until  the  taxes  bring  it 
in,  and  then,  if  at  all,  will  not  be  productive  until  October. 
Virginia  will,  therefore,  this  summer  have  few  men  in  the 
field,  unless  for  the  spur  of  the  occasion.  Perhaps  the  As- 
sembly may  think  it  necessary  to  order  out  a  body  for  the 

Mrs.  Jones  begs  her  compliments  to  the  ladies  and  joins 
me  in  the  same  to  Col.  Bland  and  yourself.  J 

On  25th  February  Conway  had  made  a  motion  in  the 
House  of  Commons  against  continuing  the  war  against  the 
States.  It  was  defeated  by  a  majority  of  one  vote.  Five 
days  later  an  address  to  the  King  of  the  same  purport  passed 
the  House  by  a  majority  of  nineteen. 

*On  the  25ll>  February  Conway  had  made  a  motion  in  the  House  of  Commons 
against  continuing  the  war  against  the  States.  It  was  defeated  by  a  majority  of  one 
vote.  Five  days  later  an  address  to  the  King  of  the  same  purport  passed  the  House 
by  a  majority  of  nineteen. 

f  Torn  by  seal. 

J  "At  present  all  my  colleagues  have  left  Congress  except  Col.  Bland,  and  it  is  a 
crisis  which  calls  for  a  full  representation  from  every  State." — Madison  to  Madison, 
May  20,  1782. 



Spring  Hill,  25  June  1782 
Dear  Sir, 

Your  favour  of  the  4th  instant,  and  the  packet  of  news- 
papers by  Mr.  Webb,  went  to  Richmond  and  were  returned 
to  Fredericksburg,  where  I  received  them  the  last  week; 
but  no  letter  from  you  that  post.  From  Richmond  I  had 
written  you  a  long  letter,  and,  getting  home  in  time  for  the 
post  at  Fredericksburg,  added  a  short  one  of  some  other 
matters  that  occurred  after  my  getting  home.  These  let- 
ters, I  am  told  last  night,  have  been  intercepted  near  Onion's 
works  in  Maryland,  and  conveyed  (probably)  to  Sir  Guy 
Carleton  before  this;  and  you  will  I  expect  have  an  oppor- 
tunity of  reading  them  in  the  royal  Gazette  soon,  to  which 
I  must  refer  you  for  their  contents,  having  no  copy  and  not 
well  recollecting  the  whole.  I  fear  there  are  some  observa- 
tions I  could  wish  not  to  be  public.  If  any  such,  they  must 
relate  to  some  transactions  of  the  Assembly  or  individual 
members,  but  I  think  none  of  them  very  reprehensible, 
though  known  to  the  parties.  I  was  particular  respecting 
the  petition  you  mentioned  to  have  been  communicated  to 
the  minister,  and  this  may  induce  a  publication.  I  men- 
tioned the  continuation  of  the  old  delegates  by  a  vote,  but 
which  I  afterwards  found  to  be  a  mistake,  the  vote  being 
postponed  until  the  bill  had  passed  repealing  the  law  that 
rendered  yourself  and  J.  J.  ineligible.  The  allowance  8 
dollars  per  day;  no  directions  given  for  the  settlement  of 
the  time  past,  although  the  sense  of  the  House  asked  by  the 
auditors  respecting  the  daily  allowance.  Jefferson,  Mason, 
Randolph,  Lee  and  Walker,  have  been  appointed  to  state 



the  title  of  Virginia  to  western  territory  —  Committee  to 
draw  instructions  for  delegates  respecting  western  territory. 

C.  Boneouski  [?]  had  not  reached  Richmond  when  I  left 
it.  [I]  hear  since  he  was  there,  but  not  likely  to  succeed. 
This  day's  post  will  I  expect  communicate  the  result  of  his 

In  the  intercepted  letter  I  transmitted  you  a  bill  of  Mr. 
Ross's  in  Whitesides  in  my  favor  for  two  hundred  and  some 
dollars,  to  pay  M.  C.  Griffin,  or  if  he  was  not  in  immedi- 
ate want,  a  Messrs.  Butler  &  Co.,  which  Mr.  Solomon  could 
inform  you  of.  I  that  week  received  a  line  from  my  friend 
Griffin  requesting  a  remittance  of  the  money.  I  have  wrote 
to  day  to  Mr.  Ross  to  renew  the  draft  and  forward  it  to  me, 
and  it  shall  go  forward  as  soon  as  I  receive  it.  Pray  pre- 
sent my  compliments  to  Mr.  Griffin  and  acquaint  him  with 
the  circumstance.  I  have  not  yet  concluded  on  my  return 
to  Philadelphia,  but  think  I  shall  do  it  at  least  for  the  fall, 
if  I  can  prevail  upon  Mrs.  Jones  to  accompany  me  with 
Joe.  She  is  now  up  in  Orange  on  a  visit  to  her  father.  If 
I  visit  Philadelphia,  it  will  be  about  the  middle  or  twentieth 
next  month.  You  will  therefore  be  so  obliging  as  to  in- 
quire about  a  lodging  furnished,  with  two  lodging  rooms, 
servant's  room,  and  two  entertaining  rooms  and  the  use  of 
the  kitchen;  or  a  convenient  house  furnished,  that  if  I 
come  up  you  may  be  able  to  engage  me  one  upon  as  mode- 
rate terms  as  you  can.  As  soon  as  I  make  up  my  mind 
upon  the  journey,  you  shall  be  informed.  Mr.  Lee  has  I 
expect  joined  you,  as  he  was  to  set  out  in  a  few  days  after 
me  leaving  him  in  Richmond.  Pray  make  my  compliments 
to  Col.  Bland,  and  Mr.  Lee,  if  present. 



Fredericksburg,  ist  July  1782. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  no  letter  from  you  by  this  post.  Expecting  to 
receive  from  Mr.  Ross  a  duplicate  of  the  bill  which  fell 
into  the  hands  of  the  robbers  and  forward  it  to  you  this 
week,  I  came  to  town  to-day,  but  have  no  letter  from  him. 
Col.  Monroe  writes  me  he  promised  to  send  it.  My  friend 
Griffin  will,  therefore,  be  obliged  to  wait  longer  than  I  in- 
tended and  hoped  he  would.  Mr.  Ross  was  also  to  have 
sent  me  a  further  draft  on  Philadelphia  for  my  present  sup- 
ply if  I  went  forward,  which  it  was  my  intention  to  do 
about  the  middle  of  this  month  or  the  20th  at  further. 

Be  kind  enough  to  have  the  inclosed  advertisement  in- 
serted twice  or  thrice  in  the  Packet,  and  inform  Mr.  Solo- 
mon of  it;  that  in  case  Cyrus  is  apprehended  he  may 
receive  him  and  have  him  confined  until  I  come  up  or  give 
directions  about  him.  He  was  seen  in  the  city  since  my 

I  must  refer  you  to  our  friend  Randolph  for  the  news  of 
Richmond,  who  is  on  the  spot  and  can  give  it  you  truly. 
We  have  a  report  here  that  a  large  fleet  had  passed  the 
capes,  steering  eastward,  and  it  is  said  to  be  French ;  but 
the  story  is  so  vague  I  regard  it  not.  Mr.  Henry  and  Col. 
Lee  have  left  the  Assembly,  which  is  still  sitting.  Some- 
thing has  been  done  for  recruiting  the  army,  but  what,  I 
cannot  certainly  inform  you.  It  is  expected  it  will  bring 
men  into  the  field.  We  heard  great  complaints  before  I 
left  Philadelphia  of  the  scarcity  of  money  in  this  State. 
They  were  well  founded  and  increase  every  day.     If  there 

is  not 


is  not  a  real  scarcity,  those  who  possess  the  money  lock  it 
up,  which  produces  all  the  inconveniences  of  a  scarcity. 
Should  I  pay  you  a  visit,  I  shall  find  it  difficult  to  procure 
cash  sufficient  for  my  expenses. 


Spring  Hill,  8th  July  1782 
Dear  Sir, 

I  intended  when  I  left  Richmond  to  set  out  for  Philadel- 
phia about  the  middle  of  this  month,  but  from  a  manoeuvre 
of  Mr.  Ross's  in  settling  the  balance  due  from  Mr.  Brax- 
ton, and  which  had  by  the  Executive  been  ordered  to  me, 
I  am  disappointed  of  the  means  necessary  for  the  journey 
and  am  left  to  my  own  resources,  which  I  am  determined 
shall  not  be  applied  to  [the]  public  any  further  than  is  un- 
avoidable—  I  mean  in  the  line  of  my  appointment  to  Con- 
gress. When  I  shall  be  properly  furnished  and  I  see  a 
prospect  of  continued  supply,  I  may  perhaps  revisit  Phila- 
delphia. At  present  it  depends  on  Mr.  Ross,  who  instead 
of  furnishing  me  money  or  bills  as  promised  has  settled  Mr. 
Braxton's  balance  of  about  ^"200  by  transmitting  me  your 
order  on  me  given  to  Whiteside  for  the  money  I  procured 
before  I  left  Philadelphia,  and  which  the  Governor  and 
also  your  letter  informed  was  paid.  This  order  I  expect 
was  taken  by  Mr.  Whiteside  as  a  voucher  to  transmit  to 
Mr.  Ross.  The  disappointment,  however,  considering  the 
violent  heat  of  the  weather,  proves  agreeable  on  that  ac- 
count, though  I  could  have  wished  to  have  gone  northward 
before  the  commencement  of  the  sickly  season.      I  have 



never  heard  from  Mr.  Solomon*  whether  the  wagonners  de- 
livered him  the  tobacco  they  carried  from  here. 

The  French  army  are  on  their  march.  The  Legion  came 
over  to  Falmouth  yesterday,  and  the  infantry  are  expected 
to  be  there  next  Thursday.  Ct.  Rochambeau  on  his  way, 
quartered  at  old  Mr.  Hunter's  the  night  before  last.  Mrs. 
Bland  was  a  few  days  past  at  Col.  Dangerford,  on  her  way 
to  Philadelphia.  She  intended  Dr.  Lee  should  have  es- 
corted her,  but  the  Dr.  missing  her  letter  occasioned  a  dis- 
appointment. When  I  saw  her  she  was  in  doubt  when  she 
should  proceed  and  by  whom  be  attended. 

One  of  the  ships  sent  for  the  tobacco  I  am  told  has  been 
seized  and  will  be  proceeded  against  in  the  admiralty 
court  —  the  cause,  having  on  board  a  quantity  of  goods 
which  was  sold  or  offered  for  sale  to  some  of  the  inhabit- 
ants. I  believe  they  came  well  provided  for  such  a  traffic, 
but  this  step  will  probably  suspend  all  further  commercial 

If  Mr.  Ross  puts  me  in  a  situation  to  proceed  you  shall 
be  informed.  In  the  meantime  you  will  not  omit  your  in- 
quiries about  a  lodging  should  I  have  occasion  for  one. 
We  have  had  a  great  drought,  and  the  hottest  weather  for 
the  time  of  the  year  I  ever  experienced.  Our  crops  of 
small  grain  [are]  short  and  not  so  good  as  usual.  Ran- 
dolph I  understand  will  be  up  in  the  fall. 

*Hayne  Solomon,  described  by  Madison  as  a  "Jew  broker." 



Fredericksburg,  i 6th  July,  1782. 

*  *  The  French  army  have  all  passed  Rappahannock 
at  Falmouth.  The  last  division  will  move  to-morrow  from 
that  place.  Their  progress  through  this  part  of  the  country 
furnishes  some  of  the  inhabitants  with  cash  to  pay  the  taxes. 
About  500  convalescents  remain  at  York.  I  expected  Mr. 
Lee  would  have  been  with  you  some  time  past,  but  hear  by 
Col.  Monroe  he  only  left  Chantilly  about  ten  days  ago. 


Spring  Hill,  22d  July,  1782. 
Dear  Sir, 

The  reason  why  Williamsburg  and  its  neighbourhood 
were  mentioned  as  the  place  supposed  to  be  attended  to 
be  alluded  to  by  the  correspondent  of  a  certain  gentleman, 
proceeded  from  my  mentioning  to  Mr.  H-d-y  what  had 
been  communicated,  and  his  observing  that  he  supposed  it 
proceeded  from  a  report  that  had  been  circulated  of  a  peti- 
tion set  on  foot  in  Williamsburg,  praying  the  Legislature  to 
accept  any  reasonable  terms  that  should  be  offered,  but  which 
had  been  suppressed  upon  Ct.  Ro-h-b-u's  sending  of  his 
aids  to  remonstrate  to  the  parties  on  the  imprudence  of  the 
measure,  which  suspended  all  further  proceedings  in  the 
matter.  This  Mr.  H.  mentioned  as  a  report  he  had  heard, 
but  doubted  its  truth.  I  asked  some  other  gentlemen  if  they 
had  heard  any  thing  of  it,  and  wished  to  know  if  there  was 
any  foundation  for  the  report,  supposing  what  had  been  com- 
municated must  have  proceeded  from  this  report.     I  was  the 



more  desirous  to  learn  the  truth,  that,  if  it  was  a  misrepre- 
sentation of  the  character  of  the  people,  these  might  not  bear 
the  aspersion.  But  my  inquiries  served  only  to  convince 
me  the  report  respecting  the  petition  in  Williamsburg  was 
groundless;  and  I  imagine  the  people  there  suspected  the 
intelligence  communicated  might  proceed  from  the  above 
misrepresentation,  and  thinking  themselves  in  some  measure 
injured  by  the  report,  they  took  up  the  matter  in  the  man- 
ner the  paper  I  enclosed  you  exhibits.  They  supposed  your 
communication  to  me  was  local,  as  I  mentioned  the  matter 
as  from  you,  but  in  general  terms  in  the  manner  you  stated ; 
and  it  was  the  previous  report  only  that  fixed  it  on  Williams- 
burg and  its  neighborhood  was  groundless,  and  my  inquiries 
lead  me  to  suspect  no  other  part  of  the  country  as  manifest- 
ing a  disposition  to  precipitate  matters. 

We  have  some  agreeable  reports  from  our  quarter  since 
the  last  post.  Your  letters,  which  I  expect  by  the  post  to- 
day, will  I  hope  confirm  them.  The  evacuation  of  Charles 
Town,  a  successful  attack  of  the  Dutch  upon  a  British  con- 
voy in  the  Baltic,  and  the  accession  of  the  7th  state  of  the 
provinces  to  the  treaty  with  the  States  of  America.  The 
first  and  last  are  probable,  and  have  been  expected ;  and  I 
am  not  disposed  to  discredit  the  other,  especially  when  I 
reflect  on  the  bravery  of  the  Dutch  in  the  few  conflicts  they 
have  had  with  the  British  since  the  commencement  of  hos- 

*  *  Have  you  heard  any  thing  of  Cyrus  ?  Should  he 
be  apprehended  let  him  be  confined  in  prison  until  I  come 
up,  unless  an  opportunity  present  itself  of  shipping  him  for 
the  W.  Indies,  where  if  I  recover  him  I  mean  he  shall  be 
transported  and  sold. 



Philada,  27th  February,  1783. 
Dear  Sir, 

Your  favors  of  the  14th  December  last  and  the  11th  inst. 
have  been  duly  received.  A  series  of  ill-health  through  the 
fall  and  the  greatest  part  of  the  winter,  and  which  until 
very  lately  rendered  my  attendance  in  Congress  seldom 
and  very  irregular,  must  be  my  apology  for  suffering  the 
first  to  remain  so  long  unanswered. 

Congress  have  been  for  some  time  past  almost  wholly 
employed  in  devising  some  general  and  adequate  funds  for 
paying  the  interest  and,  in  time,  sinking  the  principal,  of 
the  public  debt,  as  well  as  to  provide  for  future  loans, 
should  the  continuance  of  the  war  render  borrowing  nec- 
essary. Difficulties,  apparently  insurmountable,  presented 
themselves  in  almost  every  stage  of  the  business,  owing  to 
the  different  circumstances  of  the  several  States,  and  the 
necessity  that  the  subjects  selected  for  taxation  to  form  the 
funds  should  operate  throughout  them  all,  generally  and 
equally,  or  nearly  so,  to  make  them  acceptable.  After 
opening  and  discussing  a  variety  of  questions,  no  object 
has  been  yet  discovered,  to  which  so  few  objections  lie,  as 
the  impost  duty  formerly  recommended  to  the  States,  and 
which,  with  some  alterations  from  the  former  plan  to  obvi- 
ate the  objections  that  have  been  raised,  has  been  agreed 
to  in  a  Committee  of  the  Whole,  and  will  I  think  be  finally 
adopted.  What  this  duty  when  granted  by  the  States  will 
amount  to  annually  is  very  uncertain.  In  time  of  peace 
there  can  be  no  doubt  but  it  will  be  considerable,  and  for 
years  prove  an  increasing  fund;  but  it  is  thought  by  no 
means  adequate  to  the  payment  of  the  interest  and  sinking 



the  principal  of  the  public  debt.  Other  means  have,  there- 
fore, been  considered  in  aid  of  the  impost  duty — land, 
polls,  salt,  wine,  spirits,  tea,  &c.  These  last  being  what 
are  called  luxuries  it  is  thought  may  bear  a  small  tax  in 
addition  to  the  impost  duty.  I  fear  at  present  that  few  of 
these  will  go  down,  and  that  we  shall  be  obliged  at  last  to 
rest  the  payment  of  the  public  debt  upon  the  mode  pre- 
scribed by  the  Confederation  —  (requisitions,  proportioned 
on  the  States  according  to  the  value  of  land,  buildings, 
&c.  —  a  plan  for  obtaining  which  scale  of  proportion  has 
been  digested  and  agreed  upon  in  Congress,  and  will  im- 
mediately go  on  to  the  States,)  and  the  produce  of  the  5  per 
cent,  duty,  if  granted.  A  small  poll  tax,  did  not  the  Con- 
stitution of  Maryland  stand  in  the  way,  might  probably 
succeed,  as  it  would  operate  more  equally  perhaps  than 
any  other,  and  may  be  adopted,  allowing  Maryland  to 
substitute  some  other  adequate  and  productive  fund  in  its 
room.  A  short  time  will  bring  to  a  conclusion  our  efforts 
on  this  business,  which  I  am  in  hopes  will  terminate  in  the 
adoption  of  such  measures  as  may  be  acceptable  to  the 
States,  and  produce  the  granting  such  funds  as  will  restore 
public  credit,  give  value  to  the  great  mass  of  depreciated 
certificates,  and  enable  Congress  to  render  to  every  class 
of  the  public  creditors  ample  justice.  Congress  have  the 
purest  intentions  towards  the  public  creditors,  and  will  use 
their  best  exertions  in  obtaining  from  the  States  the  means 
to  do  them  speedy  and  complete  justice.  Such  is  their 
opinion  of  the  merit  and  services  of  the  army,  that  did  it 
not  wound  the  sense  of  justice,  they  want  not  the  inclina- 
tion to  give  them  the  preference  to  any  other  class  of  cred- 
itors.    But  equity  and  sound  policy  forbid  discriminations. 



One  ground  of  discontent  in  the  army,  and  on  which  they 
found  the  opinion  that  justice  is  not  intended  to  be  done 
to  them,  is  the  delay  in  complying  with  their  requests. 
But  with  those  acquainted  with  the  deliberations  of  public 
bodies,  and  especially  if  so  mixed  a  body  as  that  of  Con- 
gress, allowances  will  be  made  for  slow  determination. 
Every  class  of  public  creditors  must  know  the  inability  of 
Congress  to  pay  their  demands,  unless  furnished  with  the 
means  by  the  several  States,  and  the  exertions  of  that  body 
have  not  been  wanting  heretofore  to  obtain  the  means, 
though  they  have  not  produced  the  desired  effect.  The 
measures  now  digesting  will,  there  is  good  reason  to  ex- 
pect, prove  more  efficacious  for  obvious  reasons. 

Reports  are  freely  circulated  here  that  there  are  danger- 
ous combinations  in  the  army,  and  within  a  few  days  past 
it  has  been  said  that  they  are  about  to  declare  that  they 
will  not  disband  until  their  demands  are  complied  with.  I 
trust  these  reports  are  not  well  founded,  and  that  the  army 
will  exercise  awhile  longer  at  least,  that  patient  forbearance 
which  hath  hitherto  so  honourably  distinguished  them.  To 
you  it  must  be  unnecessary  to  observe  that  when  all  confi- 
dence between  the  civil  and  military  authority  is  lost,  by 
intemperate  conduct  or  an  assumption  of  improper  power, 
especially  by  the  military  body,  the  Rubicon  is  passed,  and 
to  retreat  will  be  very  difficult  from  the  fears  and  jealousies 
that  will  unadvoidably  subsist  between  the  two  bodies.  To 
avoid  therefore  the  adoption  by  the  army  of  any  hasty  and 
rash  measure,  should  employ  the  attention  and  draw  forth 
the  exertions  of  every  worthy  officer  in  it;  for  from  these 
alone  can  opposition  be  expected.  The  ambition  of  some, 
and  the  pressure  of  distress  in  others,  may  produce  danger- 



ous  combinations,  founded  on  the  pretence  that  justice  is 
delayed,  and  will  be  refused  to  them.  The  pretext  is  plau- 
sible and  ensnaring,  and  may  draw  into  engagements  the 
unsuspecting,  honest  soldier,  from  which  it  will  be  difficult 
to  extricate  himself,  even  when  he  sees  the  dangers  they 
lead  to.  If  there  are  men  in  the  army  who  harbour  wicked 
designs,  and  are  determined  to  blow  the  coals  of  discord, 
they  will  gradually  endeavour  to  hurt  the  reputation  of 
those  averse  to  their  projects,  and  by  sinister  practices  les- 
sen their  weight  and  influence  among  the  soldiery.  I  have 
lately  heard  there  are  those  who  are  abandoned  enough  to 
use  these  arts  to  lessen  your  popularity*  in  the  army  in 
hopes  ultimately  the  weight  of  your  opposition  will  prove 
no  obstacle  to  their  ambitious  designs.  If  this  be  true, 
and  they  are  likely  to  succeed  I  own  it  will  prove  a  bad 
prognostic  of  the  future  and  I  shall  be  among  the  number 
of  those  who  entertain  fears  of  the  army  and  doubt  that 
peace  will  not  be  followed  by  its  usual  blessings  to  America. 
Whether  to  temporize,  or  oppose  with  steady  unremitting 
firmness  what  is  supposed  to  be  in  agitation  of  dangerous 
tendency,  or  that  may  be  agitated,  must  be  left  to  your 
own  sense  of  propriety  and  better  judgment. 

With  respect  to  the  business  of  Vermont,  I  think  you 
need  not  be  uneasy  from  apprehensions  that  the  army  or 
any  part  of  them  employed  to  enforce  a  compliance  with 
the  act  of  the  5th  of  December  last,  should  the  people  of 
Vermont  refuse  a  compliance  with  that  demand,  at  least 
for  some  time  to  come  if  ever.  To  go  into  detail  upon 
this  matter  would  be  prolix  and  rather  improper  for  the 

*  Washington  has  written  over  this  the  word  "reputation." 


scope  of  a  letter.     It  cannot  be  denied  that  the  act  of 
Congress  of  the  of  August  opened  the  prospect  to 

Vermont  of  an  acknowledgement  of  her  independence  and 
admission  into  the  union.  Although  it  gave  ground  of 
hope,  it  was  not  conclusive,  and  the  legislature  of  Vermont 
absolutely  rejecting  the  offer,  and  recommending  to  the 
people  an  inviolable  adherence  to  their  union  and  en- 
croachments on  the  neighboring  States,  (and  which,  as 
well  as  other  unwarrantable  acts  they  have  unjustly  con- 
cealed from  the  public  in  their  remonstrance)  released 
Congress  from  their  offer,  and  left  them  at  liberty  after- 
wards to  accept  or  refuse  as  they  saw  fit,  when  Vermont, 
repenting  of  her  conduct  at  a  future  period,  complied.  A 
particular  state  of  things  produced  the  act  of  Congress,  a 
change  of  circumstances  afterwards  dictated  the  delay  in 
determining  on  their  proposition,  and  the  report  of  a  com- 
mittee to  whom  it  was  referred.  The  report  authorizes 
observations  I  decline  to  make.  This  proceeding  in  Con- 
gress they  stile  a  violation  of  the  compact  entered  into 
with  them.  There  has  always  been  a  strong  opposition  to 
the  claims  of  Vermont  and  their  admission  into  the  union. 
Virginia  has  generally  been  among  the  number  of  her  op- 
ponents, not  so  much  perhaps  upon  the  question  of  inde- 
pendence, as  the  impolicy  of  her  admission  into  the  union 
while  several  very  important  questions  of  local  concern 
remained  undetermined;  and  until  these  great  points  are 
settled,  the  consent  of  Virginia  I  expect  will  be  withheld, 
and  if  before  obtained,  it  will  be  a  sacrifice  of  her  opinion 
to  the  peace  and  common  weal  of  the  United  States.  If 
Vermont  confines  herself  to  the  limits  assigned  her,  and 
ceases  to  encroach  upon  and  disturb  the  quiet  of  the  ad- 

joining  States,  at  the  same  time  avoiding  combinations  or 
acts  hostile  to  the  U.  States,  she  may  be  at  rest  within  her 
limits,  and  by  patient  waiting  the  convenient  time  may  ere 
long  be  admitted  to  the  privileges  of  union.  The  influence 
Vermont  has  gained  in  the  army  and  in  some  of  the  States 
that  espouse  her  cause,  do  little  credit  to  the  parties  con- 
cerned, and  to  this  influence  is  in  a  great  measure  to  be 
ascribed  the  variable,  indecisive  conduct  of  Congress  re- 
specting the  claims  of  that  people.  The  remonstrance 
states  the  receipt  of  official  letters  recommending  a  com- 
pliance with  the  act  of  Congress,  and  intimates  yours  to  be 
of  the  number,  and  that  these  communications  influenced 
them  to  comply.  The  assertion  is  wrong  as  to  yours,  and 
may  be  equally  false  as  to  others,  and  is  one  proof  among 
a  variety  of  others  of  the  disingenuity  and  want  of  can- 
dour in  Vermont.  It  exhibits  also  very  little  respect  to 
this  body,  when  they  ascribe  their  compliance  to  other 
motives  than  the  recommendation  of  Congress. 

Seven  States  have  voted  5  years'  whole  pay  as  the  com- 
mutation for  the  half  pay  to  the  officers;  but  the  resolution 
has  not  passed  the  House  being  postponed  for  the  present 
from  an  opinion  prevalent  with  many  that  the  consent  of 
nine  States  is  necessary  to  give  it  validity.  Delaware  and 
Georgia  are  absent,  were  they  represented  probably  the 
vote  would  be  sufficient. 

That  we  shall  have  peace  soon  is  almost  reduced  to  a  cer- 
tainty, but  my  fears  are  it  will  not  be  attended  with  those 
blessings  generally  expected.  There  are  so  many  great 
questions  very  interesting  to  particular  States  unsettled, 
which  require  speedy  determination  to  preserve  quiet,  that 
it  is  difficult  to  avoid  uneasy  impressions  for  their  conse- 


quences.  The  present  conjunction  perhaps,  above  all 
others  America  has  experienced,  calls  for  good  dispositions 
in  the  States,  and  moderation  and  wisdom  in  their  coun- 
cils.    May  the  spirit  of  union  govern  them. 


Phila:  6  May,  1783 
Dear  Sir, 

We  have  at  length  got  through  the  plan  of  funds  to  be 
recommended  to  the  States  for  their  adoption.  It  has  been 
the  most  difficult  and  perplexing  discussion  of  any  that  has 
engaged  the  attention  of  this  body  for  some  time.  The 
various  objects  to  be  combined  and  the  different  interests 
to  be  reconciled  to  make  the  system  palatable  to  the  States, 
were  a  work  not  easily  or  speedily  to  be  effected ;  and  al- 
though it  was  the  wish  of  many  to  settle  the  plan  upon  clear 
and  unquestioned  principles  of  finance,  yet  such  were  the 
prejudices  of  some  States  and  of  some  individuals,  and 
such  their  jealousies,  we  were  obliged  to  take  a  middle 
course  with  respect  to  its  duration,  and  the  appointment  of 
collectors,  or  hazard  ultimately  the  loss  of  the  measure. 
As  it  stands  I  believe  it  will  answer  the  purposes  intended, 
if  the  States  will  grant  their  concurrence.  A  copy  will  be 
transmitted  to  you  for  your  and  the  army's  information. 

As  the  state  of  our  finances  at  present  is  such  as  to  make 
it  difficult  for  the  officer  now  at  the  head  of  that  depart- 
ment, much  more  so  for  any  new  hand  who  might  succeed 
him  to  form  the  necessary  arrangements  for  obtaining 
money  sufficient  for  disbanding  the  army,  Mr.  Morris  has 
agreed  to  act  until  that  business  is  accomplished,  and  will 

I  hope 


I  hope  be  able  to  effect  it  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  army. 
But  from  appearances  the  business  of  disbanding  will  be 
more  distant  than  many  at  first  apprehended,  if  that  meas- 
ure, as  it  seems  to  be  proper  it  should,  goes  hand  in  hand 
with  the  evacuation  of  our  country  by  the  British  forces. 
By  this  time  you  are  better  able  to  judge  of  the  views  and 
designs  of  Sir  G.  Carleton,  or  of  those  who  direct  his 
movements,  as  I  presume  the  intended  interview  took  place, 
thougti  I  confess  I  thought  there  was  indelicacy  in  the  man- 
ner of  that  gentleman's  mentioning  his  proposed  attend- 
ants. In  every  thing  else,  but  that  of  evacuation  (and 
they  may  be  doing  all  they  can  in  that  for  any  thing  I 
know)  they  seem  to  act  with  fairness  and  liberality;  and  I 
should  be  sorry  to  find  them  in  that,  or  any  other  instance, 
practising  the  old  game  of  deception.  We  have  reports 
something  of  this  sort  appearing  in  their  conduct  respect- 
ing the  negros  in  their  possession  claimed  by  our  citizens. 
These  relations  come  from  men  of  character,  and  until  the 
contrary  is  ascertained  of  what  they  assert,  credit  will  be 
given  to  these  reports.  No  proclamations  can  authorize  a 
refusal  of  property  to  those  who  claim  under  the  article  of 
the  treaty,  and  establish  their  right  by  satisfactory  proof. 
Col.  F.  Thornton,  of  Machodack,  about  two  years  ago  lost 
many  of  his  negros  who  went  on  board  some  of  the  British 
ships  of  war  up  Potomack.  He  wrote  to  me  the  other  day 
about  them.  These  I  believe  are  not  sanctioned  by  proc- 
lamation, and  yet  I  suspect  if  the  old  gentleman  was  to 
send  a  person  to  claim  them,  his  labors  would  be  lost.  If 
what  we  are  told  respecting  the  conduct  of  those  in  power 
in  N.  York  concerning  the  claimed  property  of  the  Ameri- 
can citizens  be  true,  it  will  prove  an  effectual  bar  to  the 



restoration  of  confiscated  estates,  had  there  been  a  disposi- 
tion in  the  States  before  to  render  them.  I  wished  to  have 
seen  the  treaty  faithfully  executed  on  both  sides,  but  where 
arts  and  prevarication  take  place  on  our  side,  they  are  apt 
to  prevail  on  the  other.  I  proceed  immediately  to  Vir- 
ginia in  order  to  attend  the  Assembly  now  convening,  and 
shall  thank  you  for  any  information  respecting  these  mat- 
ters you  can  properly  communicate,  that  the  truth  may  be 
known  and  misrepresentations,  if  any  prevail,  removed. 
If  anything  occurs  to  you  which  you  do  not  choose  to 
communicate  directly  to  the  Executive  with  respect  to  the 
arrangements  necessary  to  be  made  on  a  peace,  and  shall 
confide  them  to  me,  proper  attention  shall  be  paid  to  your 


Richmond,  25  May,  1783. 
Dear  Sir, 

After  resting  at  home  two  days  I  set  out  for  this  place, 
where  I  arrived  on  Tuesday  last,  and  took  my  seat  in  the 
House  some  days  before  my  colleague,  who  made  his  appear- 
ance for  the  first  time  yesterday.  My  arrival  was  season- 
able with  respect  to  a  bill  then  before  the  House  for  post- 
poning the  collection  of  the  taxes  for  the  ease  of  the  people 
until  December  next,  that,  as  it  was  said  by  Mr.  H — y  who 
supported  the  measure,  they  might  enjoy  a  short  respite 
from  bearing  the  burthen  of  taxes  —  a  kind  of  holiday  to 
rejoice  more  cheerfully  on  the  glorious  termination  of  the 
war.  This  bill  was  by  order  to  be  considered  that  day  in 
a  committee  of  the  whole,  and  I  was  in  time  to  give  such 
information  to  the  committee  as  to  induce  them  to  come  to 


no  conclusion  then,  but  to  rise  and  ask  leave  to  sit  again, 
that  they  might  have  an  opportunity  before  they  determined 
the  question,  to  hear  the  contents  of  the  proceedings  rela- 
tive to  that  subject  which  might  be  daily  expected  from 
Congress.  A  bill  which  was  called  by  some  an  excellent 
bill,  was  also  before  the  House  and  has  since  passed  the 
delegates.  Its  object  is  the  rendering  members  of  Congress 
in  future  ineligible  to  the  Legislature.  I  expect  it  will  also 
obtain  the  assent  of  the  Senate.  You  will  be  under  no  dif- 
ficulty in  discovering  the  policy  of  this  bill.  It  was  pro- 
posed in  the  Committee  of  the  House  to  reduce  the  number 
to  three,  but  the  question  was  determined  in  the  negative. 
The  laws  against  the  importation  of  British  merchandise 
are  repealed,  and  their  vessels  have  been  permitted  to  land 
their  cargoes.  A  revision  of  the  salaries  of  the  officers  of 
the  government  was  under  consideration  of  a  committee 
yesterday.  A  small  majority  continued  the  1000/  pr  ann. 
to  the  governor;  the  privy  councillors  reduced  to  2400/. 
The  judges  of  the  Court  (^.Chancery  could  in  the  Com- 
mittee be  raised  to  only  400  each.  Whether  as  much  will 
be  allowed  the  judges  of  the  General  Court  and  of  the 
Admiralty  show  some  doubt,  especially  the  latter,  as  J — h 
J — hn — n  and  his  adherents  are  for  reductions.  The  plan 
of  Congress  for  obtaining  funds  from  the  States  was  laid 
before  the  House  and  read  the  day  before  yesterday.  This 
system  appears  to  me  at  present  to  have  more  friends  than 
enemies,  and  I  think  the  former  will  increase,  the  latter 
diminish.  I  may  however  be  mistaken  in  my  conjecture, 
and  the  result  of  our  deliberations  on  it  may  prove  that  I 
am  so.  For  you  are  to  learn  how  fickle  and  variable  the 
conduct  of  this  body  has  been  in  this  business.  As  a  fur- 


ther  proof  of  it,  I  will  only  mention  that  when  I  came  here 
I  found  a  bill  had  been  ordered  to  re-enact  the  5  pr  ct. 
Some,  R.  H.  L.  and  his  adherents,  are  opposed  to  the  meas- 
ure; others,  are  opposed  in  part,  disliking  the  clause  de- 
claring the  act  irrevocable,  and  that  the  State  is  not  to  have 
credit  for  the  surplus  of  tax  beyond  her  quota  of  the  an- 
nual demand,  if  there  should  be  a  surplus.  These  are  a 
kind  of  neutrals  on  the  whole,  which  each  side  hopes  to 
gain.  They  express  their  wish  to  support  the  measure,  but 
these  objects  repel  them.  The  chief  of  these  I  have  yet 
found  out  are  J.  T— yl— r  and  G— e  N— 1— s.  These  are 
also  strong  advocates  for  a  revision  of  the  scale  for  loan 
office  certificates.  For  the  measure,  P.  H— y,  the  Sp— k— r, 
and  several  other  respectable  members. 

That  part  of  the  delegates'  letter  as  respected  the  treaty 
of  commerce  with  Great  Britain,  was  referred  to  the  Com- 
mittee on  Trade,  with  instructions  to  make  a  speedy  report, 
which  was  done  yesterday  morning  as  an  instruction  to  our 
delegates  in  Congress.  It  pajposed  only  entering  into  a 
treaty  upon  liberal  and  generous  principles,  reserving  a 
right  to  give  bounties  on  tonnage,  &c.  The  report  not 
pleasing  the  House,  a  debate  ensued,  which  terminated  in 
a  of  it  to  a  committee  of  the  whole,  into  which 

the  House  immediately  resolved.  A  large  field  was  then 
opened  and  great  commercial  knowledge,  or  rather  a  want 
of  it,  displayed.  Finding  the  business  taking  the  turn  it 
did,  and  likely  to  be  delayed  and  at  last,  perhaps,  produce 
instructions  rather  hurtful  than  useful,  I  took  the  liberty 
to  recommend  a  short  instruction  to  the  purport  of  that 
you  will  receive.  I  did  this  from  a  knowledge  that  some- 
thing similar  was  the  object  of  Congress  and  the  best  that 



at  present  and  speedily  could  be  given.  A  general  concur- 
rence ensued,  the  other  motions  withdrawn,  and  the  one 
sent  you  passed  immediately  and  unanimously. 

The  officers  of  our  line  and  of  Genl.  Clark's  regiment 
have  presented  memorials  stating  that  they  understand  the 
lands  on  the  Cumberland  reserved  for  the  officers  have  been 
great  part  of  it  (the  best  of  the  lands)  taken  up  by  others ; 
that  it  was  greatly  short  of  the  quantity  necessary  to  answer 
the  purpose,  and  requesting  a  district  of  country  on  the  N. 
Wr  of  the  Ohio  to  be  assigned  them.  There  appears  a  gen- 
eral disposition  to  gratify  them.  I  could  wish  if  anything 
is,  or  is  meant  to  be  done  in  Congress  respecting  our  ces- 
sion, we  should  be  informed  of  it  without  delay. 

Sir  Guy  Carleton's  conduct  respecting  the  negro  property 
is  considered  by  many  here  as  a  departure  from  the  provis- 
ional articles,  and  will  be  made  use  of  to  justify  a  delay  in 
paying  the  British  debts. 

The  treasurer  informs  me  a  remittance  to  the  delegates 
has  been  made  since  I  came  away  of  ^iooo ;  also  of  ^200 
to  yourself  on  account  of  the  balance  due.  Until  an  ac- 
count is  returned  to  him  of  the  distribution  of  the  sums 
remitted,  our  account  cannot  be  closed.  You  will  therefore 
attend  to  this.  Pray  make  my  compliment  to  the  gentle- 
men of  our  delegation  and  the  ladies  of  your  family. 

P.  S.  No  letter  from  you  this  post.  The  notion  of  a  con- 
vention seems  for  the  present  to  be  laid  aside.  My  seal 
and  letter  for  the  president  of  the  college  are  committed  to 
the  care  of  Mr.  Wythe,  who  takes  his  departure  for  Will- 
iamsburg to-day,  being  the  last  of  the  chancery  session. 



Richmond,  31  May,  1783. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  should  have  been  uneasy  on  account  of  your  health  had 
I  not  heard  letters  were  received  from  you  by  the  last  post, 
as  I  had  none  myself  this  or  the  last  week.  If  you  wrote  as 
I  suppose  you  did,  the  letters  must  have  either  miscarried  or 
been  stopt  at  Fredericksburg.  We  have  not  yet  been  in  a 
Committee  on  the  papers  from  Congress,  and  I  begin  to 
fear  the  opposition  will  be  more  powerful  than  the  last  week 
I  apprehended.  Individual  and  local  considerations  ap- 
pear to  me  to  be  too  general  and  so  fixed  as  to  afford  but 
small  consolation  to  those  who  wish  the  policy  of  the  State 
to  be  governed  by  more  enlarged  and  liberal  principles.  I 
do  not,  however,  yet  despair  of  the  Assembly's  adopting  the 
plan  recommended  by  Congress  for  establishing  funds  to 
discharge  the  national  debt ;  although  a  fact  mentioned  to 
me  yesterday  evening  (that  P.  H.  was  deserting  the  measure) 
alarms  my  fears.  Since  my  last,  the  bill  for  postponing  to 
the  20th  of  November  next  the  making  distress  for  the  taxes 
has  passed  the  delegates  by  a  majority  of  13,  and  was  the 
day  before  yesterday  assented  to  by  the  Senate.  Hurtful 
and  dangerous  as  this  step  will  I  fear  prove,  it  was  warmly 
espoused  by  Mr.  H — y,  opposed  by  his  antagonist,  and 
every  effort  made  to  fix  the  day  to  an  earlier  period,  but  in 
vain.  It  is  true  the  people  are  in  many  places  distressed 
for  Indian  corn.  Tobacco,  flour  and  hemp  have  greatly 
increased  in  their  price,  while  imported  articles  have  con- 
siderably decreased.  Yet  such  was  the  rage  for  giving  ease 
to  the  people,  nothing  could  be  offered  sufficiently  forcible 
to  prevent  the  suspension  taking  place. 


The  memorial  of  the  officers  of  the  Virginia  line  has  been 
reported  by  the  committee  reasonable,  and  the  several  res- 
olutions reported  by  the  committee  in  consequence  stand 
referred  to  the  Committee  of  the  Whole  on  the  state  of  the 
Commonwealth.  This  proceeding  is  repugnant  to  the  ces- 
sion of  the  lands  beyond  the  Ohio,  and  giving  a  preference 
to  the  officers  of  our  line  to  those  of  other  States,  will  excite 
discontents  in  the  Army,  as  well  as  involve  us  in  contro- 
versy with  Congress.  These  obstacles,  if  they  shall  not 
ultimately  defeat,  will  at  least  delay  our  determination. 
Whatever  is  meant  to  be  done  respecting  the  cession  should 
be  hastened,  and  the  result  communicated  as  soon  as  pos- 

A  voluminous  tobacco  bill  has  taken  up  great  part  of  this 
week.  We  got  rid  of  it  yesterday,  and  have  sent  it  to  the 
Senate.  A  bill  to  repeal  an  act  of  the  last  session  "to  pre- 
vent intercourse  with  and  the  admission  of  British  subjects 
into  this  State,"  and  another  bill  in  consequence  to  repeal 
the  law  declaring  who  shall  be  deemed  citizens,  are  before 
the  House.  The  two  great  leaders  of  the  House  are  upon 
these  bills  united,  both  concurring  in  the  repeal  of  the  former 
and  opposing  the  passage  of  the  latter,  but  I  think  upon  dif- 
ferent principles.  The  one,  P.  H.,  conceiving  it  the  true 
interest  of  the  State  to  admit  all  classes  of  persons  without 
distinction;  of  the  other,  not  only  perhaps  for  the  same 
reason,  but  for  others  also,  and  in  particular,  that  he  thinks 
the  articles  of  the  treaty  preclude  us  from  discrimination. 
The  citizen  bill  may  come  under  consideration  to  day.  The 
advocates  for  it  are  disposed  to  exclude  all  natives  who  have 
left  the  country  since  April  '75,  all  who,  having  taken  the 
oath  of  allegiance  to  the  States  or  held  offices  under  either 


from  that  period,  have  gone  over  to  the  enemy.  These 
matters  are  premature  and  I  could  have  wished  them  to  have 
been  delayed  to  a  future  day.  They  may  probably  be  yet 

Sir  Guy  Carleton's  conduct  respecting  the  negros  is  con- 
sidered here  as  evasive  of  the  article  of  the  treaty,  and 
confirms  in  their  opinions,  if  it  does  not  increase  the  num- 
ber opposed  to  the  payment  of  British  debts.  Time  for 
payment  and  deduction  of  the  interest  during  the  war,  seem 
to  be  generally  the  sentiment,  and  to  be  desired  by  many  of 
these  who  are  supposed  to  be  most  attached  to  the  British 

The  day  before  yesterday  we  were  informed  that  about 
ioo  of  Baylor's  regiment  of  cavalry  were  on  their  way  in 
North  Carolina  to  this  State,  without  any  officer  above  sub- 
alterns to  command  them.  The  reasons  assigned  by  them 
for  their  conduct  [are]  want  of  provision  for  themselves  and 
horses.  I  suspect  the  true  ground  of  their  desertion  to  be 
the  order  for  their  remaining  when  the  infantry  were  to 
march  to  this  State,  which  I  think  took  place  before  I  left 
Philadelphia.  That  they  might  not  disturb  the  inhabitants 
in  their  route  by  plunder  and  probably  occasion  the  shed- 
ding of  blood  in  consequence,  General  Morgan,  who  was 
here  with  some  other  officers,  was  sent  to  take  the  command 
of  them  and  conduct  them  to  Winchester. 

Pray  inform  me  what  has  been  done  respecting  the  Indians 
since  I  left  Congress.  Whether  any  steps  have  been  taken 
in  consequence  of  the  orders  given  the  Commander  in  chief 
concerning  them.  Tell  Mr.  Mercer  I  must  leave  him  for 
the  present  to  his  friend  Monroe  and  other  correspondents. 


The  bill  rendering  delegates  to  Congress  ineligible  in  future 
to  the  legislature  has  passed  the  Senate.  Do  you  come  in 
and  when? 


Richmond,  8  June,  1783. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  am  still  deprived  of  the  pleasure  of  hearing  from  you, 
no  letter  having  arrived  by  this  post.  Col.  Taliaferro  in- 
forms me  he  directed  Smith  to  send  forward  any  letters  for 
me  to  Fredericksburg,  where  I  suspect  they  are  stopped. 
I  shall  write  to  Smith  upon  the  subject  by  this  post.  Your 
letters  will  find  me  here  till  the  last  week,  or  at  least  the  25th 
of  this  month. 

We  have  not  yet  taken  up  the  plan  of  Congress  for  general 
revenue.  It  is  agreed  to  do  it  next  Monday  or  Tuesday. 
Mr.  R.  H.  L.  is  opposed  to  it  in  toto.  Mr.  H — y  I  under- 
stand thinks  we  ought  to  have  credit  for  the  amount  of 
the  duty,  under  an  apprehension  we  shall  consume  more 
than  our  proportion,  or,  in  other  words,  that  we  shall  by 
agreeing  to  the  impost  as  recommended  pay  more  than  our 
quota  of  the  debt.  J,  Taylor  wholly  against  the  plan. 
G.  N — 1 — s  thinks  with  H — y.  The  Speaker  is  for  it. 
B — x — n,  I  am  told  is  so  too,  but  he  has  not  said  as  much 
to  me.  The  two  first  named  being  in  the  opposition  is  what 
alarms  me.  Mr.  H — y,  I  am  told,  was  at  first  in  favor  of 
the  impost  and  had  early  in  the  session  concurred  in  bring- 
ing in  a  bill  to  revive  the  former  law,  but  has  since  changed 
his  opinion.  The  members  seem  to  be  very  much  divi- 
ded. I  wish  we  could  hear  whether  any  of  the  States  have 
adopted  it. 



Yesterday  our  delegates  to  Congress  were  elected — Jef- 
ferson, Hardy,  Mercer,  Lee,  Monroe.  Mr.  Griffin  was 
voted  for  and  had  near  fifty  votes ;  but  three  objections  were 
started  against  him  which  I  am  told  had  weight  or  were 
made  so  to  keep  him  out:  his  seat  in  the  Court  of  Appeals, 
his  residence  in  Philadelphia,  and  just  before  the  ballot  was 
taken  some  whispers  were  spread  he  was  withdrawn  for  the 
reasons  above,  which  it  is  said  lost  him  some  votes.  The 
two  first  mentioned  reasons  were  the  chief  obstacles.  One 
was  publicly  mentioned  in  the  House,  which  gave  me  an 
opportunity  of  endeavoring  at  least  to  obviate  the  objec- 
tion. My  compliments  to  Mr.  Mercer  and  inform  him  what 
he  had  heard  of  a  report  circulated  to  his  prejudice  either 
never  existed  or  has  died  away  so  as  not  to  be  mentioned 
or  even  whispered.  Mr.  Short  is  elected  to  supply  the  va- 
cancy in  the  Council. 

In  consequence  of  the  memorial  of  the  officers  of  the  Vir- 
ginia line  a  report  from  the  Committee  of  Prop  and  G:  to 
whom  it  was  referred  has  been  under  consideration.  It  was 
proposed  to  allow  our  line  the  whole  of  their  land  on  the  n. 
side  of  the  Ohio,  with  an  additional  quantity  as  a  gratuity, 
on  pretence  that  the  Cumberland  tract  was  greatly  deficient 
in  quantity  and  quality.  Also  to  bear  the  expense  of  the 
location.  This  report  was  so  repugnant  to  the  cession  to 
Congress  and  to  the  remonstrance  in  1779,  whereby  the  leg- 
islature promised  to  furnish  lands  beyond  the  Ohio  to  the 
States  wanting  lands  for  their  lines,  that  I  could  not  help 
opposing  it,  which  has  given  it  a  check  for  the  present,  and 
upon  consideration  I  am  convinced  a  great  majority  will 
disapprove  the  report.  Mr.  H — y  warmly  espoused  the  re- 
port. R.  H.  L.  when  it  was  discussed  [was]  unable  to  at- 


tend  being  somewhat  indisposed.  What  side  he  may  take 
on  the  next  discussion  of  the  report  I  cannot  learn.  Be  it 
as  it  may,  I  think  if  they  unite  in  this  business,  they  cannot 
carry  it.  Congress  having  not  accepted  the  cession,  and 
declined  to  assign  their  reasons  for  delay,  will  produce  at 
least  a  determination  fixing  the  time  when,  if  the  cession  is 
not  accepted,  it  shall  become  void,  if  not  an  immediate  re- 
vocation of  it.  I  am  not  without  hopes  this  business  may 
yet  be  concluded  so  as  to  answer  the  views  of  Congress,  and 
think  nothing  but  resentment  for  not  accepting  by  Con- 
gress, or  assigning  reasons  for  not  accepting  the  cession  of 
this  State,  will  operate  against  it.  Our  people  still  retain 
their  opinions  of  the  importance  of  this  State,  its  superiority 
in  the  Union,  and  the  very  great  exertions  and  advances  it 
has  made  in  preference  to  all  others.  These  views  are  gen- 
erally local,  not  seeing  the  necessity  or  propriety  of  general 
measures  now  the  war  is  over.  These  notions  are  great  ob- 
stacles to  the  adoption  of  the  5  per  cent  duty  as  a  general 

It  is  impossible  to  estimate  the  individual  debt  of  the 
State  with  any  precision.  By  some  computations  we  shall 
have  to  provide  for  raising  ^300,000  annually,  to  discharge 
the  interest  of  our  Continental  quota  and  State  debt.  The 
Commissioners  appointed  have  settled  as  far  as  they  were 
able  the  expence  of  the  Illinois  country.  They  have  dis- 
covered great  frauds  and  impositions,  and  reduced  the  debt 
very  considerably,  but  it  is  still  enormous.  The  accounts 
are  not  yet  returned,  so  that  I  cannot  give  you  the  balance. 
Nathan's  demand  is  referred  to  the  committee  of  the  whole. 
Strong  suspicions  prevail  against  Pollock's  integrity,  and  it 
is  said  proofs  can  be  adduced  to  show  the  injustice  of  his 



claim  upon  the  State.  In  short  the  prejudices  here  are  so 
great  against  those  who  have  demands  for  money  or  neces- 
saries furnished  on  the  public  account  to  the  westward,  that 
it  is  to  be  feared  injury  may  result  to  individuals.  At  the 
same  time  it  must  be  confessed  many  circumstances  author- 
ize a  suspicion  of  the  fairness  of  their  claims.  A  Mr.  Pol- 
lard formerly  of  N.  York,  is  just  arrived  from  Bristol.  He 
brings  papers  so  late  as  the  8th  April.  An  administration 
appears  to  have  been  then  formed  as  was  stated  in  the  packet 
of  the  last  week.  North  and  Fox  by  the  coalition  had 
lost  their  influence  and  were  generally  reprobated.  It  was 
doubted  whether  the  last  would  be  re-elected  in  Westmin- 
ster. Caermathen  was  to  go  to  France  to  put  the  finishing 
hand  to  the  treaty,  but  had  not  departed,  and  it  was  uncer- 
tain when  he  would.  The  nation  exceedingly  divided  by 
the  Whig  and  Tory  parties  about  the  place.  The  bill  for 
opening  the  commerce  with  America  had  gone  through  three 
different  modifications  and  not  likely  to  pass.* 

The  bill  declaring  who  shall  be  citizens  has  not  yet  been 
considered  in  a  Committee  of  the  Whole.  P.  H — y,  R. 
H.  L.  against  any  discrimination.  I  cannot  concur,  and 
must,  when  the  matter  comes  on  take  part  with  those  who 
are  for  some  discrimination  so  as  not  to  trench  upon  the 
treaty.  A  long  petition  from  Essex  drawn  by  M.  J.  has 
been  presented  questioning  the  right  of  Congress  to  make 
the  peace  as  it  stands,  asserting  the  4th  article  interferes  with 

*  The  text  of  these  bills  is  printed  in  the  appendix  to  "  Report  of  a  Committee  of 
the  Lords  of  the  Privy  Council  on  the  trade  of  Great  Britain  with  the  United  States, 
January,  1791.'* 



the  legislation  of  the  States.  Yesterday  a  petition  from 
Hanover  with  near  300  subscribers  was  presented,  praying 
the  refugees  may  not  be  allowed  the  right  of  citizenship. 
I  am  pretty  confident  there  is  a  majority  of  the  House  in 
favor  of  the  sentiments  of  the  last  petition.* 


Richmond,  14th  June,  1783. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  your  favour  of  the  3d  and  6th  with  the  papers  in- 
closed. Since  my  last  the  plan  of  revenue  recommended 
by  Congress  has  been  considered  in  a  Committee  of  the 
Whole,  and  the  result  contained  in  the  inclosed  resolutions, 
which  were  agreed  to  without  a  division,  the  number  ap- 
pearing in  support  of  the  plan  of  Congress  being  so  few 
as  not  to  require  it.  Mr.  B — xt — n  and  young  Mr.  Nelson 
only  supported  it.  In  the  course  of  the  debate  Mr.  R.  H. 
L.  and  Mr.  C.  M.  T.  spoke  of  Congress,  having  a  right  to 
borrow  and  make  requisitions  that  were  binding  upon  the 
States,  ought  also  to  concert  the  means  for  accomplishing 
the  end  was  reprobated  in  general  as  alarming  and  of  dan- 
gerous tendency.  In  short  some  of  the  sentiments  in  the 
letter  to  Rhode  Island,  through  argumentative  only,  oper- 
ated so  powerfully  on  peoples'  mind  here,  that  nothing 
could  induce  them  to  adopt  the  manner  recommended  by 
Congress  for  obtaining  revenue. f  If  the  5  per  cent,  is 
granted  to  be  credited  to  the  State's  quota,  which  is  the 

*  An  undated  half  leaf  laid  with  the  preceding  letter. 

f  Prepared  by  Hamilton,  and  printed  in  his  works  (Lodge's  edition),  vol.  II,  p.  3, 
and  also  in  the  Journals  of  Congress,  April  24,  1783. 



prevailing  opinion,  it  will  defeat  that  revenue,  unless  all 
the  States  consent,  and  N.  H.,  Connecticut,  Jersey  and  N. 
Carolina  never  will  I  expect  agree  to  it.  Our  people  have 
great  jealousy  of  Congress  and  the  other  States ;  think  they 
have  done  more  than  they  ought,  and  that  the  U.  S.  owe 
them  at  least  one  million  pounds.  These  notions  they  will 
not  relinquish  though  they  acknowledge  they  are  not  ready 
to  settle  the  account.  After  the  two  first  resolutions  had 
passed,  P.  H.  separated  from  R.  H.  L.  and  his  party,  and 
warmly  supported  the  granting  the  duties  to  Congress  and 
the  other  revenue  to  make  up  this  State's  quota.  I  will 
make  an  attempt  to  obtain  the  5  per  cent,  as  a  general  rev- 
enue, and  to  authorize  the  payment  of  the  other  revenue 
by  the  collectors  to  the  Continental  receiver,  instead  of  the 
State  treasurer.  If  these  can  be  effected  the  funds  will  be 
on  a  tolerable  footing  but  for  the  delay  which  a  departure 
from  the  plan  of  Congress  must  occasion. 

The  disposition  to  oblige  the  officers  of  our  lines  with 
land  beyond  the  Ohio  in  the  room  of  those  on  Cumber- 
land, which  are  said  to  be  insufficient  and  very  generally 
barren,  has  occasioned  several  leading  members  to  press  for 
withdrawing  our  cession  to  Congress,  that  no  obstacle 
might  remain  to  gratifying  the  officers.  Hitherto  we  have 
been  lucky  enough  to  delay  a  determination,  which  however 
cannot  be  many  more  days  postponed.  A.  L.*  proposed  a 
resolution  two  days  ago  to  withdraw  it;  an  amendment  was 
proposed  to  fix  a  time  (the  1st  September  next),  when  it 
should  stand  revoked  if  not  accepted  by  Congress.  The 
committee  rose  without  coming  to  a  resolution.  Something 
of  this  sort  will  I  think  ultimately  take  place.     If  a  secret 

*  Arthur  Lee. 



instruction  to  our  delegates  was  practicable  to  relax,  if 
necessary,  any  of  the  conditions,  I  should  like  it,  as  I  wish 
heartily  to  relinquish  that  country  to  the  United  States. 
The  expence  attending  that  country  I  shall  soon  know,  as 
the  Commissioners  who  have  been  sent  to  settle  the  ac- 
counts are  just  returned. 

The  proposed  alteration  for  ascertaining  the  proportions 
of  the  States,  from  the  conversations  I  have  had  with  gentle- 
men on  the  subject,  will  be  approved.  I  entertain,  how- 
ever, no  sanguine  expectation  of  anything  I  hear  in  conver- 
sation since  the  great  majority  against  the  plan  of  revenue, 
which,  from  conversation  when  I  first  arrived,  I  was  led  to 
believe  would  be  adopted.  Many  now  say  the  reading  the 
pamphlet  of  Congress  determined  them  against  the  meas- 
ure, disapproving  the  sentiments  conveyed  in  the  letter  to 
Rhode  Island. 

You  cannot  well  conceive  the  deranged  state  of  affairs 
in  this  Country.  There  is  nothing  like  system ;  confusion 
and  embarrassment  ever  attend  such  a  state  of  things. 
The  two  great  commanders  make  excellent  harangues, 
handsome  speeches  to  their  men,  but  they  want  executive 
officers,  or  should  be  more  so  themselves,  to  be  useful.  In- 
deed, so  far  as  I  am  able  to  judge  from  the  short  time  I 
have  been  here,  we  are  much  in  want  of  useful  men,  who 
do  business  as  well  as  speak  to  it.  A  Pendleton  and  Jeffer- 
son would  be  valuable  acquisitions  to  this  Assembly.  We 
want  too  a  Fitzsimons,*  or  some  men  of  his  mercantile 
knowledge  and  experience. 

The  citizen  bill  remains  in  the  situation  as  when  I  last 
wrote.     Before  we  rise,  it  is  probable  something  may  be 

*Of  Pennsylvania. 



done  in  it,  especially  if  the  definitive  treaty  arrives,  which 
it  is  probable,  as  a  ministry  has  been  formed  will  soon  take 
place.  To  divest  those  who  appeared  to  oppose  the  pay- 
ment of  the  British  debts  from  any  attempt  of  that  sort  so 
repugnant  to  the  article  of  the  treaty,  and  as  an  alternative 
less  offensive,  I  have  intimated  that  it  would  be  better  to 
give  an  instruction  to  our  commissioners  for  settling  the 
treaty  of  commerce  to  propose  a  suspension  of  payment  for 
some  years,  to  make  it  more  convenient  to  the  debtors,  and 
it  is  probable  something  may  be  done  in  that  way  as  an  in- 
struction to  our  delegates  in  Congress.  In  Committee  on 
the  State  of  the  Commonwealth  yesterday,  nothing 
in  consequence  of  the  arbitration  was  taken  up,  but  Mr. 
N — 1 — s  insisting  there  was  a  Committee  in  town  employed 
in  settling  the  accounts  against  the  public  of  the  Illinois 
country  who  could  give  information  about  that  claim  and 
show  there  had  -been  fraud  in  the  transaction,  the  Com- 
mittee rose  without  coming  to  a  conclusion.  It  is  to  be 
brought  on  again  to  day,  when  the  commissioner  (Col. 
Fleming)  is  to  be  examined.  It  is  expected  great  imposi- 
tions have  taken  place  in  Pollock's  affair,  which  is  also 
before  the  House  and  to  come  up  next  Tuesday. 
v  I  have  sold  my  chariot,  and  I  think  shall  my  phaeton ; 
in  which  case,  and  if  I  get  the  money  for  them,  I  may  spend 
two  or  three  months  this  fall  in  Philadelphia,  as  I  must  get 
a  carriage  made  there.  Of  this  you  shall  be  informed. 
Compliments  to  Bland  and  Mercer;  hope  they  will  be  con- 
tent to  receive  from  you  an  account  of  what  we  are  doing, 
if  not  otherwise  informed. 



Richmond,  21st  June,  1783. 
Dear  Sir, 

Yours  of  the  10th  I  have  duly  received  by  the  post  this 
week.  We  are  now  as  usual  putting  to  sleep  many  of  the 
bills  that  have  employed  our  time  and  attention  for  great 
part  of  this  session.  Among  them  two,  one  for  the  benefit 
of  debtors,  the  other  for  regulating  the  proceedings  in  the 
County  Courts.  These  were  thought  to  have  some  connec- 
tion and  ought  to  rest  together.  Mr.  Mason  introduced 
and  patronized  the  debtors  bill.  I  was  not  in  the  House 
when  it  was  read,  but  understand  it  allowed  all  creditors  to 
obtain  judgment,  but  suspended  execution,  [or]  rather  per- 
mitted it  for  a  fifth  of  the  debt  annually,  for  five  years,  com- 
prehending as  well  foreign  as  domestic  credits.  I  came 
into  the  House  during  the  debate  and  from  the  observations 
of  R.  H.  L.  and  those  who  opposed  the  bill,  its  principle 
was  severely  reprobated.  Mr.  Mason  and  C.  M.  T.  warmly 
supported  it  and  pronounced  it  indispensably  necessary  to 
preserve  the  people  from  ruin  and  the  country  independent. 
The  disposition  of  the  members  however  was  so  prevalent 
for  lopping  off  all  business  not  really  necessary  that  the  latter 
gentlemen  were  obliged  to  submit  to  its  being  referred  to 
the  next  session.  This  bill,  at  least  so  far  as  respected 
British  creditors,  would  have  had  more  advocates  but  for  the 
late  period  at  which  it  was  introduced,  and  because  there 
already  existed  and  will  continue  in  force  until  the  ist  of 
December  a  law  that  prohibits  suits  for  or  on  account  of 
British  subjects. 

The  bill  granting  revenue  to  Congress  to  discharge  this 
State's  quota  of  the  common  debt  was  taken  into  consider- 


ation  yesterday,  but  being  very  imperfect  was  postponed 
until  Monday  next.  My  endeavors  to  get  the  impost 
granted  as  a  general  revenue  will  be  fruitless,  so  universal  is 
the  opposition  to  giving  it  otherwise  than  to  be  credited  to 
the  State.  The  collection  too  must  be  by  the  naval  officer, 
and  by  him  paid  to  the  Continental  receiver  quarterly. 
The  land  tax  is  to  be  collected  by  the  sheriffs  and  paid  into 
the  treasury,  and  by  him  to  the  Continental  receiver — the 
deficiency,  if  any,  to  be  made  up  out  of  the  poll  tax.  If 
the  impost  was  general,  these  funds  would  be  adequate. 
Our  people  will  not  submit  the  collectors  to  be  amenable  to 
Congress.  If  both  collections  were  to  be  paid  to  the  Con- 
tinental receiver,  the  bond  given  payable  to  Congress,  and 
judgments  to  be  moved  for  by  the  Continental  receiver,  the 
revenue  could  not  be  well  diverted  to  any  other  purposes, 
and  would  answer  the  object,  and  nearly  come  up  to  the 
plan  of  Congress.  Duplicate  receipts  or  settlements  might 
be  lodged  with  the  treasurer  of  the  amount  of  the  revenues 
by  the  respective  collectors,  and  the  State  thereby  informed 
of  the  proceeds  annually,  independent  of  the  general  com- 
munication from  Congress. 

The  letter  of  the  delegates  and  the  report  of  the  commit- 
tee respecting  the  cession  have  been  read  and  referred  to  a 
Committee  of  the  Whole.  This  not  being  the  act  of  Con- 
gress a  disposition  prevails  not  to  take  it  up.  If  we  have 
time  and  the  members  patience  to  do  it,  I  shall  press  its 
being  taken  up  and  the  delegates  fully  instructed  to  close  the 
matter  with  Congress,  if  to  be  effected,  or  the  cession  [to] 
be  void  by  a  certain  day ;  and  this  I  would  have  fixed  to 
some  day  after  the  meeting  of  the  next  session.  The  ac- 
counts from  the  Illinois  are  before  the  executive  and  a  com- 

mittee  of  the  House  appointed  to  inspect  them.  They  are 
at  present  incomplete  and  any  formation  of  the  balance  must 
be  altogether  conjecture  or  I  should  mention  it. 

A  bill  has  passed  the  Delegates  establishing  funds  for  pay- 
ing the  interest  and  sinking  the  principal  of  the  debt  due 
to  our  line  of  the  army  for  pay  and  depreciation,  including 
the  State  troops.  Eight  years  are  allowed  for  extinguishing 
the  debt,  gd  on  salt,  4d  on  wine,  ^d  on  spirits,  with  some 
imposts  on  malt  liquor  and  a  duty  of  \os  per  hogshead  on 
tobacco  exported,  are  the  funds  which  are  thought  adequate 
to  pay  the  interest  and  extinguish  the  principal  in  that  time. 
The  deficiency,  if  any,  is  to  come  out  of  the  poll  tax.  We 
have  an  empty  treasury  or  so  nearly  so  as  not  to  have  suffi- 
cient to  pay  the  delegates  their  wages;  and  the  collection 
of  the  taxes  being  postponed,  I  think  the  civil  list  and  del- 
egates to  Congress  will  be  reduced  to  difficulties.  I  forgot 
to  mention  above,  that  the  report  of  the  committee  on  the 
cession  has  not  fully  removed  the  fears  of  our  people  re- 
specting Indian  purchases  and  grants  to  companies.  Their 
jealousy  of  Congress  on  that  head  is  very  strong. 

Mr  Lee  tells  me  he  sets  out  to  day  for  Philadelphia.  I 
expect  he  will  be  a  fortnight  at  least  before  he  reaches  the 
city.  I  may  spend  two  or  three  months  there  this  fall. 
The  new  arrangement  of  the  British  ministry,  one  would 
think,  cannot  last  long.  Like  oil  and  water  jumbled 
together  they  will  soon  separate.  Their  existence  will  I 
hope  be  extended  to  the  accomplishment  of  the  definitive 
treaty.  Hartley  appears  to  have  been  a  friend  to  its  con- 
clusion. Several  of  the  banished  Scotsmen  and  some  ref- 
ugees have  returned  to  this  State ;  three  or  four  to  Peters- 
burg of  the  former,  whose  presence  has  so  provoked  the 



people  of  that  neighborhood  that  they  were  to  meet  yester- 
day to  order  them  away.  The  citizen  bill  stands  the  order 
of  the  day  for  Monday.  The  opponents  of  this  bill  think 
it  premature,  as  the  definitive  treaty  has  not  appeared. 
They  also  assert  it  to  be  unwise  and  impolitic  to  refuse  the 
admission  of  these  or  any  others  disposed  to  settle  in  the 
country.  A  discrimination  will,  however,  if  the  business  is 
brought  on,  take  place,  with  respect  to  refugees  whatever 
may  be  the  fate  of  the  banished  merchants.  The  settlement 
of  this  business  is  the  more  necessary  as  there  is  a  very  se- 
vere law  in  force  against  British  subjects  and  those  who  have 
left  the  country  and  joined  them,  which  will  not  I  think  be 
repealed,  unless  the  citizen  bill  be  taken  up.  This  with  the 
revenue  bill  for  the  Continental  debt,  the  cession,  the  al- 
teration proposed  in  ascertaining  the  quota  of  each  State, 
and  Nathan's  demand,  which  is  to  come  on  next  Monday, 
are  the  principal  matters  remaining  to  be  considered,  and 
will  be  finished  in  the  course  of  the  next  week.  I  shall  leave 
Richmond  this  day  week.  Your  letters  after  the  receipt  of 
this  please  to  direct  to  Fredericksburg.  Monroe  will  send 
Mr.  Jefferson  his  letter. 


Richmond,  28th  June,  1783 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  your  favours  by  the  post  and  by  the  Secretary  of 
War.  The  day  before  yesterday  the  bill  for  granting  a 
revenue  to  Congress  upon  the  3d  reading  was  ordered  to 
lay  upon  the  table.  Taz — 11  then  moved  for  leave  to  bring 
in  another  under  a  different  title,  which  was  agreed  vto,  and 



yesterday  it  was  presented  and  on  the  first  reading  post- 
poned to  the  next  session  of  Assembly.  The  first  bill  was 
imperfectly  drawn  and  had  undergone  such  alterations  as 
to  be  thought  unfit  to  be  enacted  into  a  law.  It  granted 
the  5  per  cent  impost  and  the  duty  on  enumerated  articles, 
not  as  a  general  fund  but  to  be  carried  to  the  credit  of  the 
state  and  to  be  in  force  if  Maryland,  Pennsylvania  and 
North  Carolina  adopted  the  impost.  It  granted  the  land 
tax,  and  if  any  deficiency,  the  poll  tax,  to  furnish  the  quota 
of  this  state  of  the  1,500,000  dollars;  the  first  to  be  col- 
lected by  the  naval  officers,  the  latter  by  the  sheriffs ;  the 
whole  appropriated  to  Congress  on  account  of  this  State's 
quota  of  the  common  debt.  The  latter  bill  was  drawn  to 
grant  the  impost  duty  as  a  general  fund,  the  collection 
under  the  controul  of  the  Executive,  but  to  be  paid  to  the 
Continental  receiver  for  the  use  of  Congress.  The  reason 
of  this  bill  being  brought  before  the  House  in  that  form 
was  the  apparent  change  in  many  members  after  discussing 
the  first  bill  to  fall  in  with  the  proposition  of  Congress  ex- 
cept as  to  the  mode  [of]  collecting.  This  conciliatory  dis- 
position was  much  improved  by  the  arrival  of  a  letter  from 
Genl.  Washington  on  the  subject,  which  the  Speaker  re- 
ceived just  before  the  question  was  about  to  be  taken  on 
the  first  bill,  and  being  read  in  consequence  of  the  consent 
of  the  House  to  hear  the  letter  before  the  question  was  taken, 
had  a  good  effect.  But  two  days  alone  remaining  of  the 
time  allotted  by  the  members  for  finishing  the  business,  and 
the  fixed  determination  to  break  up  at  that  day  (Saturday) 
suspended  all  hope  of  accomplishing  any  thing  effectual 
this  season.  I  think  if  the  members  could  have  been  pre- 
vailed'on  to  continue  a  week  longer  the  business  would  have 
been  finished  nearly  to  the  wish  of  Congress. 



This  session  has  passed  over  without  doing  anything  of 
consequence.  Yesterday  I  suggested  to  the  House  an  idea 
with  respect  to  the  cession ;  to  instruct  the  delegates  to 
recede  from  the  guarantee  provided  Congress  would  agree 
to  the  other  conditions  and  limit  the  time  (some  time  in 
November  next)  when  they  should  accept,  or  the  cession 
stand  revoked.  It  will  be  vain  to  attempt  relaxing  the 
clause  respecting  the  companies.  The  other  parts  of  the 
report  of  the  last  committee  appear  to  be  agreeable  here. 
The  Secretary  of  War  yesterday  through  the  Executive  laid 
before  the  House  a  request  to  be  empowered  to  procure  for 
the  United  States  about  ten  acres  of  land  for  the  purpose 
of  establishing  a  magazine.  A  bill  is  ordered  for  the  pur- 
pose. Resolutions  are  to  be  presented  to-day  for  furnishing 
Congress  a  place  of  residence.  Williamsburg,  the  public 
buildings  and  lands,  or  a  tract  of  territory  opposite  George 
Town,  as  may  be  most  agreeable,  with  a  large  sum  to  erect 
hotels  for  the  delegates,  and  other  necessary  buildings,  will 
be  offered  in  full  sovereignty.  Liberal  as  the  offer  of  Mary- 
land has  been  our  people  seem  disposed  not  to  be  back- 
ward in  surpassing  that  liberality  where  they  think  a  lasting 
benefit  may  result  to  the  community.  I  wish  they  could 
have  seen  the  place  of  Congress  in  the  same  light  and  have 
acted  with  equal  policy  and  liberality  of  sentiment. 

This  day  closes  the  session.  I  intend  [to  go]  to  Mr. 
Randolph's  this  evening  on  my  way  home,  where  I  have 
not  yet  been.  The  heat  of  the  weather  and  this  infernal 
hole  at  this  season  of  the  year  have  almost  laid  me  up. 
Although  Virginia  may  not  grant  the  funds  for  discharging 
their  quota  of  the  common  debt  in  the  manner  desired  by 
Congress,  they  are  I  think  determined  to  furnish  ample 



revenues  for  the  purpose.  Mr  Laurens  gives  us  no  hope  of 
speedily  obtaining  the  definitive  treaty.  Nothing  has  been 
done  in  the  citizen  bill;  it  lies  over,  and  a  severe  law 
against  British  subjects  coming  into  this  country  remains  in 
force.  The  executive  may  by  a  proper  use  of  this  law 
until  the  next  session  keep  out  such  as  ought  not  to  come 
among  us.  After  getting  home  you  shall  be  informed 
when  I  shall  see  you  in  Philadelphia.  Joe  is  yet  afflicted 
with  the  spleen  and  ought  to  go  to  the  Springs  or  up  the 
country.  If  John  Dawson  will  accompany  Mrs.  Jones  and 
Joe  up  the  country,  I  do  not  know  but  I  may  visit  for  two 
or  three  months  the  city  of  Philadelphia  during  the  sickly 


Fredericksburg,  14th  July,  1783. 
Dear  Sir, 

Your  favour  of  the  30th  ult.  I  have  duly  received,  giving 
the  history  of  the  proceedings  that  brought  about  the  re- 
moval of  Congress  to  Princeton.  That  two  of  the  mem- 
bers of  the  committee  were  disposed  to  advise  the  President 
to  the  measure  which  his  inclination  encouraged  them  to 
adopt,  I  have  no  doubt ;  but  why  so  important  a  step  should 
rest  with  the  committee  and  the  president,  I  am  at  a  loss  to 
comprehend,  unless  Congress  were  so  intimidated  by  the 
conduct  of  the  soldiery  as  to  fear  mischievous  consequences 
from  their  coming  together,  and  so  left  the  business  to  the 
committee  and  the  president.  Mr.  H.'s  excuse  for  concur- 
ring in  the  measure  is  by  no  means  satisfactory.  To  be 
indifferent  in  a  matter  of  such  consequence,  or  to  yield 



oneself  up  to  the  guidance  of  others  is  a  conduct  in  my 
judgment  reprehensible  and  has  precipitated  that  body  into 
a  situation  I  apprehend  not  very  agreeable,  as  well  as  ex- 
posed them  to  censure  and  ridicule.  Although  judging  by 
the  event  is  not  a  fair  conclusion,  it  is  but  too  commonly 
the  case,  and  on  the  present  occasion  will  give  force  to  the 
censures  of  those  who  wish  to  divert  them  from  the  Execu- 
tive of  the  State,  who  from  the  report  of  the  committee 
were  jointly  blameable  for  declining  to  give  those  assur- 
ances of  support  which  the  circumstances  of  the  case  and 
the  dignity  of  government  required.  I  wish  Congress  had 
shown  more  firmness  in  their  conduct  with  respect  to  the 
soldiery;  especially  as  no  just  cause  of  personal  danger 
presented  itself,  and  had  remained  in  Philadelphia,  not- 
withstanding the  refusal  of  support  by  the  Executive,  and 
have  afterwards  taken  up  the  matter  of  indignity  and  dis- 
respect on  the  part  of  the  State  with  temper  and  coolness, 
and  have  made  that  the  ground  of  removal  to  one 

of  the  places  tendered  them  by  the  other  States.  The  pub- 
lic opinion  would  have  gone  with  them  more  generally 
than  as  the  affair  has  been  conducted.  They  are  now 
thought  to  have  been  too  timid,  at  the  same  time  that  the 
Executive  are  blamed  for  their  remissness.  To  return  to 
Philadelphia  is  I  suppose  now  out  of  the  question.  Prince- 
ton, I  presume,  cannot  long  serve  the  purpose.  Where 
then  will  you  fix?  Pray  inform  me  what  is  likely  to  be 
done  in  the  matter,  and  how  you  are  accommodated  in 
Princeton.  If  I  visit  you,  can  a  tolerable  berth  be  pro- 
cured? The  sickly  season  is  approaching  and  if  I  move  at 
all  it  will  be  in  about  a  fortnight  or  three  weeks,  especially 
if  the  treasurer  could  furnish  the  needful.     Mr.  L.  we  hear 



is  to  be  minister  for  foreign  affairs.     Heaven  smiles  upon 
us  this  year  as  the  crops  are  in  general  very  promising. 


Spring  Hill,  21s1  July,  1783 
Dear  Sir, 

I  find  mine  to  you  of  the  last  week  was  not  in  town  in 
time  for  the  mail,  which  it  seems  is  now  made  up  at  ten 
in  the  forenoon,  and  is  rather  inconvenient  for  those  of  the 
country  near  the  town,  as  they  cannot  receive  and  answer 
letters  the  same  week  unless  in  town.  My  letter  will  I 
presume  go  forward  this  week.  I  did  suppose  Congress 
would  not  again  return  to  the  city,  and  should  be  sorry  to 
hear  they  had  done  so  unless  invited,  or  some  step  taken  by 
the  Executive  to  atone  for  the  slight  put  on  that  body. 
Had  I  been  present,  I  should  have  opposed  the  removal  at 
the  time  ;  but  having  done  so  and  [for]  the  cause  assigned, 
I  should  not  consent  to  return  until  some  concession  or  act 
of  contrition  on  the  part  of  the  offenders  authorized  the 
measure.  The  act  of  the  Executive  must  be  deemed  the 
act  of  the  State  until  disclaimed  or  censured  by  the  supreme 
authority,  and  it  is  not  probable  this  will  be  the  conse- 
quence considering  the  composition  of  the  present  Assem- 
bly, unless  this  conduct  of  Mr.  D.  should  lessen  the  attach- 
ment of  some  of  his  adherents. 

I  know  not  yet  whether  I  shall  visit  Congress.  If  I  do 
I  shall  depart  hence  the  beginning  of  next  month.  I  shall 
feel  the  inconvenience  of  the  removal  in  the  want  of  some 
good  accommodations,  as  I  hoped  and  expected  to  get  at 
my  friend  Mrs.  House's,  where  if  Congress  have  returned 



or  shall  return  I  depend  upon  quarters,  of  which  the  next 
post  shall  convey  notice.  The  proclamation  of  the  Execu- 
tive has,  I  am  told,  given  offence  to  the  B.  party,  and 
threats  have  been  thrown  out  of  calling  for  the  Council 
Book  next  session  with  a  view  to  censure  the  advisers  of  the 
measure.  I  am  no  prophet  but  will  venture  to  foretell  that 
the  person  who  attempts  it  will  fail  in  his  project  and  meet 
rather  the  censure  than  applause  of  the  people.  If  the 
definitive  treaty  arrives  before  the  meeting  in  the  fall,  I 
expect  we  shall  have  a  long  and  warm  session. 


Spring  Hill,  28th  July,  17S3. 
Dear  Sir, 

Yours  of  the  7th  inst.  came  duly  to  hand.  It  is  strange 
we  have  yet  no  satisfactory  accounts  of  the  definitive  treaty. 
The  settlement  of  a  British  ministry,  I  hoped,  would  have 
speedily  brought  that  important  matter  to  a  close;  but  for 
anything  we  are  at  present  informed,  the  time  of  its  com- 
pletion is  very  uncertain.  Has  any  step  been  taken  on  our 
part  towards  a  treaty  of  commerce?  They  seem  to  have 
moved  cautiously  in  that  business.  Surely  we  shall  not  be 
precipitate  who  are,  compared  to  Britain,  but  novices,  very 
young  actors  on  the  theater  of  commerce. 

I  recollect  not  giving  any  intimations  to  your  friends  that 
it  would  be  inconvenient  for  you  to  take  part  in  the  legis- 
lative concerns  next  fall.  On  the  contrary,  I  think  I  rather 
encouraged  the  notion,  or  at  least  left  it  quite  free  for  your 
choice,  as  I  hoped  and  still  wish  it  may  suit  you  to  give  us 
your  assistance  at  that  time. 

I  hope 

O  ^ 


I  hope  such  of  the  leaders  of  the  late  mutiny  as  shall 
appear  to  be  guilty,  will  meet  the  punishment  due  to  their 
crimes.  Some  of  the  officers  of  that  line  (I  mean,  P\) 
are,  if  we  are  to  judge  from  former  transactions,  old  offend- 
ers, and  having  before  been  pardoned  for  similar  miscon- 
duct, are  the  less  entitled  to  favor  now.  It  is  to  be  re- 
gretted those  principally  concerned  have  escaped.  I  doubt 
whether  it  would  be  proper  for  Congress  to  return  to  Phila- 
delphia even  upon  an  address  to  the  citizens,  unless  couched 
in  terms  expressive  of  the  disapprobation  of  the  conduct 
of  the  executive  and  willingness  then  as  well  as  at  all  fut- 
ure times  when  properly  required  to  turn  out  in  support  of 
the  dignity  of  the  federal  government  [which  has]  (if  the 
report  of  the  committee  deserves  credit,  and  we  have  no 
reason  to  doubt  any  part  of  it)  been  grossly  disregarded  by 
the  executive  authority  of  the  State.  I  think  at  present  I 
should  reluctantly  return  upon  the  proposed  address  and  not 
willingly  until  the  Legislature  by  some  proper  resolution 
paved  the  way.  The  treasurer  still  leaves  me  in  suspense. 
Whether  to  morrow's  post  will  produce  anything  that  will 
prepare  the  way  to  my  return  I  cannot  now  inform  you. 
If  I  should  revisit  the  city  my  hopes  still  are  I  shall  see  you 
before  your  departure. 


Spring  Hill,  4th  August  1783. 
Dear  Sir, 

The  last  post  brought  me  a  letter  from  the  treasurer 
which  determines  my  visit  to  Congress.  He  informs  me 
he  has  bills  to  the  amount  of  upwards  of  twelve  hundred 



pounds  on  Philadelphia  which  he  wishes  to  apply  to  the  use 
of  the  delegation  and  had  written  to  you  and  also  to  me 
informing  us  of  it,  that  our  correspondents,  and  those  of 
the  other  gentlemen,  might  obtain  warrants  for  our  re- 
spective proportions  of  them.  He  says  he  requested  your 
answer  by  the  last  or  this  post.  I  have  desired  Col.  Mon- 
roe to  obtain  a  warrant  on  my  account.  If  not  done,  the 
other  gentlemen  will  direct  their  correspondents  to  do  the 
same  that  the  bills  may  be  forwarded  without  delay.  Should 
they  arrive  before  I  get  up,  you  will  be  pleased  to  receive 
my  proportion.  I  am  not  certain  of  the  day,  but  within  a 
week  or  ten  days  at  farthest  I  shall,  health  permitting,  set 
out.  If  Congress  should  be  returned  to  Philadelphia,  I 
require  a  room  at  Mrs.  House's;  if  at  Princeton  they  still 
remain,  your  assistance  to  procure  me  one  shall  be  thank- 
fully acknowledged.  Although  I  think  were  I  present  my 
voice  would  be  opposed  to  returning  to  the  city  for  reasons 
formerly  assigned,  yet  I  must  confess  being  in  Philadelphia 
will  best  suit  me  on  account  of  some  private  matters  I  have 
to  attend  to,  as  well  as  on  account  of  more  convenient  ac- 
commodation— an  object  of  some  consideration  to  me  in 
my  uncertain  health  and  advanced  years.  I  shall  return 
my  carriage  from  Baltimore,  that  Mrs.  Jones  and  Joe  may 
visit  the  upper  country  if  she  chooses  to  do  so,  rather  than 
hazard  continuing  during  the  sickly  season  on  Rappahan- 
nock. From  Baltimore,  I  shall  ride,  or  take  the  stage,  as 
upon  inquiry  I  shall  think  most  agreeable.  This  quarter 
affords  no  news  for  your  entertainment. 



Spring  Hill,  30th  October,  1783. 
Dear  Sir, 

After  two  or  three  interruptions  on  the  road  by  rainy 
weather,  I  arrived  here  the  23d  tolerably  well.  Two  days 
after  Mr.  Hardy  and  Monroe  called  on  me  on  their  way  to 
Philadelphia,  by  whom  you  will  receive  this.  They  hope 
to  find  Congress  in  the  city  by  the  time  they  get  up,  but  by 
your  communication  received  by  the  post  this  week  I  gave 
them  little  encouragement  to  be  so  happily  situated.  It 
gives  me  concern  to  find  such  indirect  methods  practiced 
to  carry  points,  and  though  in  the  end  George  Town  should 
be  solely  established  the  seat  of  Congress,  instead  of  their 
alternate  residence,  much  as  I  prefer  that  place,  I  should 
not  be  very  well  pleased  with  the  manner  of  its  being  ac- 

Although  the  conduct  of  Congress  with  respect  to  the 
western  country  may  call  forth  the  resentment  of  some  of 
the  Legislature  of  Virginia,  yet  I  trust  there  will  be  a  suffi- 
cient number  to  close  with  the  terms  transmitted  by  Con- 
gress, and  thereby  terminate  the  disagreeable  and  dangerous 
controversy  so  warmly  supported  by  some  of  the  States 
against  ours  on  the  right  to  that  country.  My  endeavors 
to  procure  its  passage  shall  not  be  wanting  as  I  consider  the 
ground  on  which  the  cession  is  now  placed  beneficial  to  the 
State,  and  by  proper  management  may  prove  very  much  so 
to  the  United  States. 

From  the  temper  of  the  Eastern  States  with  respect  to 
the  commutation,  if  nothing  else  operated  with  them,  I 
entertained  very  slender  hopes  of  their  adopting  the  plan 
of  Congress.     The  rejection  of  it  by  Massachusetts  was  no 



more  than  I  expected  as  well  on  that  account,  as  from  some 
other  motives  that  are  sufficiently  known  to  you.  Have 
they  laid  taxes  to  pay  their  quota  of  the  national  debt  by 
any  other  mode  than  the  one  recommended  ?  or  have  they 
in  fact  refused  the  Commissioner  appointed  to  settle  the 
public  accounts  permission  to  proceed  upon  that  business? 
Notwithstanding  these  obstacles  I  still  wish  Virginia  to 
agree  to  the  proposition  and  hope  to  find  the  Legislature 
disposed  to  do  so.  I  set  off  in  a  few  days  for  Richmond. 
Company  has  hitherto  prevented  me  since  my  arrival  from 
putting  up  the  things  you  desired  and  sending  them  to  Mr. 
Maury.  It  shall  be  done  before  I  leave  home.  Mr.  Jeffer- 
son must  be  with  you  as  the  gentlemen  here  inform  me  he 
had  gone  on  the  upper  road.  Remember  me  respectfully 
to  him  and  all  inquiring  friends,  particularly  to  the  good 
lady  of  the  house,  and  Mrs.  Trist,  if  she  is  still  with  you. 
Tell  her  Joe  says  he  remembers  and  thanks  her  for  the 
sword  she  was  so  kind  as  to  send  him.  The  vessel  on  board 
which  I  put  my  things  is  not  yet  arrived.  I  fear  she  was 
out  in  the  storm  that  happened  the  Saturday  night  and 
Sunday  morning  I  left  you. 


Richmond,  21  December,  1783 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  your  favor  by  the  post  this  week  and  have  the 
satisfaction  to  inform  you  the  Assembly  have  passed  a  law 
granting  the  impost  to  Congress.  Also  that  a  bill  has 
passed  the  delegates,  and  is  now  before  the  Senate,  accept- 
ing the  terms  stipulated  by  Congress  respecting  the  western 



lands,  and  authorizing  the  delegates  to  convey  the  claim  of 
this  State  to  the  United  States.  I  have  no  doubt  of  its 
passing  the  Senate,  though  I  fear  they  will  attempt  to  re- 
store a  clause  which  on  the  third  reading  was  struck  out  by 
the  delegates,  whereby  a  further  condition  was  annexed, 
that  a  quantity  of  land  sufficient  to  comply  with  the  resolves 
of  the  two  Houses  granting  lands  to  certain  persons,  should 
be  reserved.  The  delegates  upon  reflection  thought  it  bet- 
ter to  put  a  finishing  hand  to  this  business  than  hazard 
further  altercation  and  perhaps  the  final  settlement  of  so 
important  an  object  and  therefore  parted  (?)  from  the  clause. 
That  the  Senate,  some  of  whom  are  much  attracted  to  those 
for  whom  the  clause  provided,  might  not  restore  it  by 
amendment,  I  have  mentioned  to  a  few  of  them  as  abetter 
and  less  exceptionable  mode,  the  instructing  our  delegates 
to  move  in  Congress  for  such  an  allowance  of  land  out  of 
that  ceded  as  may  enable  the  State  to  fulfill  their  engage- 
ments. This  course  will  probably  be  taken.  We  had  passed 
a  law  empowering  the  Congress  to  prohibit  if  they  thought 
fit,  the  entry  of  British  vessels  into  our  ports,  or  to  adopt 
any  other  mode  they  preferred  to  counteract  the  designs  of 
Great  Britain  on  our  commerce,  so  long  as  they  should 
adhere  to  their  present  system.  Your  letter  to  the  Gov- 
ernor intimating  your  apprehensions  the  business  will  not 
be  speedily  done  by  Congress,  as  they  can  only  recommend. 
We  meant  by  publishing  our  resolves  on  the  subject  to  call 
the  immediate  attention  of  the  States  to  it,  that  similar 
measures  might  be  taken  by  them.  The  plan  of  counter- 
acting the  British  policy  I  could  wish  should  proceed  from 
Congress  in  consequence  of  powers  to  be  communicated 
for  that  purpose,  to  exhibit  to  that  nation  an  instance  that 



the  States  are  not  so  jealous  of  that  body  as  to  withhold 
powers  that  are  necessary  whenever  the  general  welfare 
presents  the  occasion,  and  to  convince  them  of  their  error 
that  we  cannot  in  this  business  act  in  concert.  The  trans- 
mission of  our  act  to  the  Executives  of  the  several  States 
with  request  that  their  attention  may  be  immediately  called 
to  this  great  object,  may  produce  similar  acts  on  their  part 
and  expedite  the  plan  of  opposition.  We  expected  to  rise 
to  day,  but  think  at  present  we  shall  not  accomplish  it. 

N.  B.  Mr  H — y,  who  at  first  proposed  to  instruct  the 
delegates  to  press  for  sessions  from  the  other  States,  at  length 
relinquished  the  design  for  the  reason  you  mention  —  the 
disagreeable  predicament  in  which  we  would  place  our  dele- 


Fredericksburg,  29th  December,  1783 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  the  satisfaction  to  inform  you  the  Senate  contrary 
to  my  expectation  passed  the  act  authorizing  the  Delegates 
in  Congress  to  convey  the  claim  of  Virginia  to  the  territory 
northwestward  of  the  Ohio  to  the  United  States,  without 
amendment,  and  it  will  be  transmitted  you  without  the  in- 
struction heretofore  intimated.  The  mode  adopted  for 
transferring  our  right  was  in  pursuance  and  in  conformity 
to  the  precedent  established  by  New  York  in  her  cession. 
Perhaps  an  act  vesting  the  claim  of  this  State  in  the  United 
States  might  have  been  more  proper  and  less  troublesome ; 
but  as  there  was  a  precedent,  it  was  thought  better  to  pur- 
sue that,  than  adopt  a  contrary  method.     Some  of  the 



learned  judges  (but  not  of  the  Chancery)  doubted  the  effi- 
cacy of  such  deed  of  conveyance,  as  the  Congress,  not 
being  a  corporate  body,  could  not  take  a  title  by  convey- 
ance. I  am  so  little  used  to  law  proceedings  of  late,  and 
so  incompetent  a  judge  of  difficult  cases  without  recurring 
to  books,  that  the  objection  had  not  struck  me,  and  I  do 
not  now  feel  so  strongly  as  they  appeared  to  do,  the  force 
of  the  objection  —  conceiving,  as  I  do,  the  cession  to  be  a 
conventional  act  between  sovereign  and  independent  States, 
and  not  to  be  scanned  by  the  rules  of  municipal  law.  I 
mention  this  circumstance  that  if  you  think  there  is  weight 
in  it  the  necessary  precaution  mav  be  observed. 

I  think  I  before  informed  you  we  had  granted  the  impost 
duties  with  some  conditions  similar  to  those  of  Massachu- 
setts. Another  perhaps  would  have  been  proper,  and  had 
it  occurred  in  time  would  probably  have  been  inserted  in 
the  act  for  determining  questions  of  seizures  for  small 
value  in  the  County  Courts,  rather  than  compelling  persons 
in  all  cases  to  defend  themselves  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty 
in  Williamsburg.  Should  this  in  practice  be  found  op- 
pressive, as  it  reaches  not  the  substance,  I  presume  it  may 
be  redressed.  The  completing  the  cession  and  granting 
the  impost  may  not  improperly  be  called  sacrifices  by  this 
State  to  the  common  good  of  the  Union,  and  will,  it  is  to 
be  hoped,  lessen,  if  not  wholly  suspend  the  illiberal  cen- 
sures heretofore  cast  upon  us.  Add  to  these  the  unanimity 
and  spirit  with  which  the  legislature  passed  an  act  to  em- 
power Congress  to  concert  measures  to  counteract  the 
designs  of  Great  Britain  on  our  commerce  —  all  of  them 
calculated  to  produce  harmony,  and  strengthen  the  hands 
of  the  Federal  government.     The  impost  I  assure  you  was 



with  some  a  bitter  pill,  but  finding  it  must  be  swallowed, 
they  ceased  at  length  to  make  opposition. 

Although  we  could  not  doubt  the  signing  of  the  definitive 
treaty  in  terms  almost  the  same  as  the  provisional  articles, 
yet  as  the  same  was  not  ratified  and  regularly  communi- 
cated, it  was  thought  proper  to  continue  the  law  as 
it  is  called  for  four  months,  and  from  thence  to  the  end  of 
the  next  session  of  Assembly.  It  was  strongly  contended 
this  would  be  deemed  an  infraction  of  the  treaty,  but  a 
great  majority  appeared  in  favor  of  continuing  the  law. 
From  an  opinion  we  were  undei  no  obligation  to  put  into 
a  train  of  execution  what  was  not  properly  before  us.  Pray 
inform  us  at  your  leisure  whether  any  thing  and  what  has 
been  done  respecting  the  negros  carried  away  from  New 
York  by  the  British.  What  about  the  British  debts  or  the 
interest  of  them,  as  I  think  some  instructions  were  given 
our  Commissioners  on  the  subject,  particularly  the  interest. 
Have  any  steps  been  taken,  or  proposed  to  be  taken,  to  ob- 
tain information  of  the  amount  of  the  claim  of  the  British 
creditors  on  these  States,  or  will  it  be  left  to  the  respective 
States  to  pursue  their  own  measures.  If  it  be  true  that 
three  millions  of  pounds  sterling,  the  lowest  calculation  I 
have  heard  of,  be  due  from  the  citizens  of  America  to  the 
subjects  of  Great  Britain,  and  probably  a  much  larger  sum; 
is  it  within  their  ability,  encumbered  as  they  are  with  other 
demands,  equally  just  and  pressing,  to  make  prompt  pay- 
ment? If  not,  should  not  some  negotiation  be  opened 
under  the  authority  of  Congress,  or  the  respective  States  to 
gain  knowledge  of  the  amount  of  the  debt,  and  at  what 
periods  by  installment  the  creditors  are  content  to  receive 
payment.     This  will  be  an  embarrassing  business  the  next 



session  of  Assembly,  and  is  rendered  the  more  so  as  it  in- 
volves the  payments  under  the  law  made  into  the  Treasury 
during  the  continuance  of  the  act  and  draws  into  conse- 
quence all  transactions  under  the  tender  laws.  Were  you 
in  the  Assembly  when  the  confiscation  law  passed  (I  am 
told  you  were  the  draftsman),  by  which  it  appears  to  me 
the  property  meant  to  be  confiscated  was  by  the  law  vested 
in  the  Commonwealth,  and  although  not  yet  sold,  may  still 
be  so  without  infringing  the  treaty,  as  I  conceive  the  pro- 
ceeding to  complete  or  take  inquisitions  for  the  purpose  of 
designating  the  property  cannot  be  deemed  future  confis- 
cations, and  I  learn  there  is  much  property  at  this  time  in 
the  predicament  I  mention.  In  short,  I  foresee  we  shall 
have  great  and  perplexing  questions  agitated  the  next  ses- 
sion of  Assembly  such  as  call  for  moderation  and  wisdom 
to  discuss  and  settle,  and  the  prospect  of  the  body's  pos- 
sessing abilities  equal  to  the  trust,  not  so  promising  as  I 
could  wish.  Madison's  aid  I  think  we  may  depend  on; 
perhaps  old  Mr.  G.  Mason's,  as  the  business  of  the  land 
offices  require  revision,  and  his  apprehensions  on  that  sub- 
ject, if  nothing  else,  may  draw  him  from  his  retirement. 
Upon  these  or  many  other  subjects  that  may  fall  under  our 
consideration,  I  shall  thank  you  for  your  sentiments  so  far 
as  you  think  it  either  proper  or  prudent  to  convey  them. 


Spring  Hill,  28th  February,  1784. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  yours  of  the  2d  inst.  by  Col.  Monroe's  Adam.     I 
lament  his  not  returning  accompanied  with  the  means  of 



relief,  having  heretofore  experienced  the  disagreeable  as 
well  as  disgraceful  predicament  in  which  the  gentlemen  of 
the  delegation  are  placed  for  want  of  remittances  from  the 
State.  It  is  to  be  hoped  you  have  received  the  small  sup- 
ply the  Treasurer  mentioned  to  me  he  had  lately  forwarded, 
and  that  he  will  very  soon  be  able  to  furnish  a  more  ample 
succour.  He  has  sent  me  an  order  for  what  cash  may  have 
been  collected  by  the  sheriffs  of  Spotsylvania  and  King 
George  of  the  current  taxes.  I  will  obtain  what  I  can  un- 
der this  order  and  forward  it  for  your  relief.  As  yet  the 
sheriffs  have  done  little  owing  to  the  severity  of  the  season, 
which,  instead  of  abating,  is  to-day  and  was  yesterday,  as 
cold  as  almost  any  time  of  the  winter;  and  the  river,  which 
had  opened  a  little  in  particular  places,  again  blocked  up. 

Knowing  that  instructions  had  been  given  our  Commis- 
sioners on  the  subject  of  British  debts,  and  uninformed 
what  had  been  the  issue  of  the  propositions,  I  supposed 
Congress  might  still  have  it  in  contemplation  to  move  in 
that  matter.  I  apprehended  the  British  claim  upon  Amer- 
ica was  more  than  could  be  discharged  by  prompt  payment, 
and  concluded  time  for  payment  indispensably  necessary. 
To  judge  what  time  was  necessary  a  knowledge  of  the 
amount  of  the  demand  appeared  to  me  a  pre-requisite ; 
besides  it  seemed  to  me  to  be  the  most  proper  course  to 
conduct  this  business  by  negotiation  between  the  creditors 
and  debtors  or  the  State  in  behalf  of  the  debtors,  and  that 
the  sooner  some  steps  for  this  purpose  were  adopted  the 
better.  In  consequence  of  these  reflections  I  had  prepared 
a  motion  the  last  session  of  Assembly  to  be  offered  the 
House  calculated  to  obtain  information  as  to  the  debt,  as 
well  as  to  feel  the  pulse  of  the  British  creditors  as  to  peri- 


odical  payments.  The  departure  of  some  of  the  principal 
members  and  the  thinness  of  the  House  at  the  close  of  the 
session,  deterred  me  from  offering  as  it  was  a  proposition 
of  such  importance.  I  am  well  satisfied  the  magnitude  of 
the  debt  and  the  impracticability  of  speedy  payment  will 
well  authorize  ex  parte  measures  without  subjecting  us  to 
the  imputation  of  violating  the  treaty ;  and  perhaps  them- 
selves of  equal  measures  to  all  our  creditors  the  most  eligi- 
ble. Yet  addition  of  interest  of  the  debt  during  the  war 
is  a  great  increase  of  it  if  we  are  liable  to  pay  it.  Would 
not  the  mode  of  negotiating  with  the  creditors  be  the  best 
to  get  rid  of  that  difficulty  for  it  is  very  probable  from  all 
I  can  hear  the  creditors,  at  least  many  of  them  would 
be  to  secure  the  principal  due  when  the  separation 

took  place  than  claim  interest  during  the  war.  The  debts 
contracted  within  the  State  have  near  the  whole  of  them 
been  settled,  and  mortgages  and  bonds  taken  by  the  factors 
at  the  commencement  of  the  contest;  so  that  a  small  part 
only  rests  on  simple  contract.  I  thought  with  you  and  am 
yet  inclined  to  that  opinion  (though  I  confess  I  do  not 
openly  espouse  it)  that  the  stipulations  of  the  treaty  sub- 
jected us  to  pay  the  interest.  Inclining  as  I  do  to  that 
opinion  I  yet  have  my  doubts.  Could  British  subjects  after 
the  war  claim  and  recover  their  debts  of  our  citizens?  If 
they  could  not,  how  comes  it  that  a  dead  debt  revived  by 
the  treaty  should  gather  interest  during  its  death  or  suspen- 
sion. I  speak  not  here  of  the  moral  obligation  to  pay. 
Although  I  applaud  your  sentiments  respecting  confiscated 
property  and  when  I  get  sufficient  information  of  facts  re- 
specting the  state  of  that  business,  may  be  disposed  to  be 
generous,  yet  at  present  I  own  I  feel  little  propensity  to 



be  so.  My  inquiry  respecting  the  undisposed  confiscations 
had  for  its  object  the  more  effectually  bringing  about  an 
accommodation  of  the  payment  of  the  British  debts,  and 
is  not  intended  by  me  for  any  other  purpose  unless  circum- 
stances, as  yet  unknown  to  me,  shall  alter  my  sentiments. 
I  think  the  information  from  our  Commissioners  of  the 
transactions  of  the  negotiation  gave  us  reason  to  think  the 
British  Commissioners  expect  no  fruits  from  the  recom- 
mendation of  Congress.  Old  Franklin  overpowered  them 
on  the  question  by  a  candid  offer  to  go  into  a  fair  settle- 
ment of  the  accounts,  which  was  declined.  As  soon  as  I 
receive  the  treasurers  account  of  the  confiscated  property 
I  will  inform  you  of  it.  Your  letter  to  Capt.  Hays  which 
went  to  Buchanan  in  Richmond  is  returned  by  my  servant. 
I  have  sent  it  to  Maury,  to  be  forwarded  to  Madison,  who 
will  take  care  of  it.  I  fear  you  will  be  puzzled  to  read  my 
bad  writing;  it  is  really  so  cold  I  can  scarce  hold  my  pen. 


Richmond,  30  March,  1785. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  your  favor  by  Col.  Richd.  Taylor.  The  letter  for 
the  Attorney  has  been  delivered  and  he  is  informed  when 
Mr.  Taylor  will  leave  town.  Mr.  Maier  some  time  past 
made  application  to  the  Executive,  and  laid  before  them  a 
state  of  his  case.  Although  it  was  not  altogether  satisfac- 
tory he  had  a  legal  demand  against  the  State,  yet  the  cir- 
cumstances were  in  general  so  favorable  to  his  pretensions, 
he  obtained  for  his  present  relief  ^150,  and  an  assurance 



that  his  case  would  be  laid  before  the  Assembly. *  The 
other  matter  has  not  yet  come  forward.  I  will  enquire  into 
Mr.  Maier's  situation,  and  if  I  shall  find  your  aid  necessary 
will  apply  it.  On  my  return  from  King  George  I  found  a 
letter  here  from  Monroe  to  you,  which  I  forwarded  by  way 
of  Fredericksburg  to  the  care  of  Mr.  Maury.  No  other 
has  since  appeared.  Indeed  nothing  very  important  had 
been  decided,  though  many  things  of  moment  were  depend- 
ing. J.  Adams  is  appointed  minister  to  Court  of  London, 
outvoting  R.  R.  Livingston  and  Rutledge:  Adams  8,  Liv- 
ingston 3,  Rutledge  2;  the  first  vote,  Adams  6,  Livingston 
5,  Rutledge  2.  Virginia  and  Maryland  at  first  voted  for 
L.  but  went  over  to  A.  finally.  Jefferson  it  is  expected 
will  remain  in  France.  By  a  letter  from  Short  lately  re- 
ceived by  W.  Nelson,  Jefferson  was  about  to  visit  London. 
Whether  merely  a  private  trip  or  to  meet  Adams  is  not 
mentioned ;  but  I  suppose  a  private  visit  as  Adam's  appoint- 
ment could  not  have  reached  him.  Gardoqui  is  coming  to 
America  to  adjust  matters  respecting  our  boundary  with 
Spain.  G.  W.  is  reduced  to  difficulties  respecting  his  ac- 
ceptance of  the  shares  in  the  companies.  Inclosed  you 
have  a  copy  of  the  act.  Short  writes  that  Berkeley  had 
postponed  executing  the  order  for  the  bust  until  the  return 
of  the  Marquis,  that  the  likeness  might  be  taken  more  per- 
fectly. We  have  sent  by  way  of  N.  York  to  the  care  of 
the  delegates  the  resolution  of  the  last  session,  and  the  first 
vessel  from  here  will  carry  a  duplicate.  The  president  of 
Congress  in  his  letter  of  last  week  says  they  have  reason  to 
think  the  dispute  between  the  Emperor  and  the  United 
Provinces  will  be  accommodated.     He  says  there  appears  a 

*See  Madison  to  Jefferson,  27  April,  1785.     (Madison's  Writings,  I.,  145.) 



disposition  on  the  part  of  G.  Britain  to  settle  the  difficul- 
ties between  them  and  the  U.  States  respecting  the  treaty 
and  other  matters,  if  by  our  conduct  on  this  side  the  water 
we  do  not  prevent  it.  He  says  also  measures  are  taking  and 
in  great  forwardness  for  holding  a  conference  with  the  S. 
tribes  of  Indians  for  the  purpose  of  accommodating  mat- 
ters with  them.  I  observe  by  the  treaty  the  Shawanese  are 
not  parties;  it  is  said  they  were  prevailed  on  by  British 
emissaries  not  to  attend. 

I  have  this  day  removed  to  the  house  where  Capt.  Sea- 
brook's  family  now  live  and  have  the  two  rooms  up  stairs, 
such  as  they  are,  and  the  entertaining  room  below.  He 
has  already,  and  the  rest  of  the  family  are  by  the  ist  May, 
to  remove  for  the  summer  into  the  country,  so  that  I  am  to 
occupy  the  house  until  I  leave  the  town  about  ist  July,  with 
the  furniture  in  it.  If  you  come  to  town  for  the  Court, 
which  I  think  you  said  you  intended,  I  desire  you  will  come 
here,  as  you  can  have  a  bed  and  other  accommodations, 
though  not  so  well  as  we  could  wish,  yet  so  as  to  be  tolera- 
bly comfortable.  Pray  do  not  scruple  to  give  orders  on  me 
for  the  money  I  owe  you,  as  I  can  accommodate  you. 


Richmond,  12  June,  1785. 
Dear  Sir, 

Being  from  town  when  your  order  for  the  trunk  arrived 
was  the  reason  it  was  not  then  sent.  If  an  opportunity 
offers,  it  shall  be  forwarded  as  you  desire.  In  the  mean 
time  the  precaution  of  preserving  the  cloaths  from  the 
moth  by  exposing  them  to  the  sun  has  been  attended  to 



and  shall  be  repeated.  I  know  not  whether  any  copy  of 
the  resolution  you  allude  to  has  been  officially  communi- 
cated to  Mr.  Mason.  Such  as  Beckley  copied  for  the  Execu- 
tive have  been,  so  whether  that  should  have  been  of  the 
number  I  cannot  tell  as  we  are  not  yet  favored  with  the 
Journals  by  the  printer,  and  I  cannot  inform  myself  at  the 
clerk's  office,  Mr.  Beckley  being  out  of  town.  He  will,  I 
am  told,  return  to-morrow.  If  the  attorney  has  not  sent  I 
will  contrive  you  the  copies  you  desire.  I  heard,  but  have 
only  heard,  that  Mason  and  Henderson  proceeded  to  exe- 
cute the  other  branch  of  the  business  committed  to  the 
Commissioners  without  the  attendance  or  call  for  attend- 
ance of  the  other  Commissioners.*  What  they  have  done 
has  not  come  to  my  knowledge. 

I  have  determined  to  leave  Richmond  the  first  week  of 
tne  next  month  for  King  George,  where  I  shall  stay  only  a 
few  days,  and  then  proceed  towards  the  Berkeley  Springs, 
to  return  the  beginning  of  October.  At  one  time  I  had  a 
notion  of  going  to  Rhode  Island  being  much  pressed  to  it 
by  Mrs.  Lightfoot  near  Port  Royal,  whose  husband  is  in  bad 
health  and  is  advised  to  make  a  water  trip  to  that  place, 
and  his  wife  is  determined  to  attend  him ;  but  had  I  gone, 
we  were  to  have  taken  our  route  by  land  and  meet  him 
there.  After  some  reflection  I  declined  the  northern  for 
the  western  trip,  whether  prudently  I  cannot  tell.  But  my 
little  boy  must  accompany  me,  and  I  thought  the  springs 
on  that  account  most  proper.  If  I  pass  through  Orange 
and  you  are  in  the  county,  I  shall  certainly  do  myself  the 

*  Mason  and  Henderson,  on  the  part  of  Virginia,  and  Chase  and  Jenifer,  on  the 
part  of  Maryland,  were  commissioners  to  determine  the  navigation  and  jurisdiction 
of  the  Potomac  River  below  the  falls. 



pleasure  of  seeing  you.  H — r — n  succeeded  in  Surry, 
where  he  offered  after  being  disappointed  in  Charles  City.* 
It  is  thought  there  will  be  a  struggle  for  the  chair. 

What  do  you  think  of  an  alteration  in  the  Articles  01 
Confederation  to  vest  the  Congress  with  power  to  regulate 
trade  and  collect  imposts,  to  be  credited  the  respective 
States?  The  States  having  staples  will  not  I  expect  relish 
it,  and  yet  the  necessity  of  Congress  possessing  the  power 
is  at  present  apparent.  Perhaps  a  convention  of  deputies 
from  the  several  States  for  the  purpose  of  forming  commer- 
cial regulations  similar  to  the  British  navigation  act  to  be 
carried  into  execution  by  Congress,  would  be  the  most 
likely  mode  to  obtain  success  to  the  measure,  as  well  as  col- 
lecting the  wisdom  of  the  States  on  the  subject,  which  is 
unquestionably  of  the  first  importance,  f 


Richmond,  23d  June,  1785. 
Dear  Sir, 

Mr.  Beckley  has  at  length  furnished  me  with  a  copy  of 
the  resolution  you  lately  requested  might  be  sent  to  you. 
I  confide  it  to  the  care  of  Mr.  Maury  of  Fredericksburg, 

*  "  The  late  Govr.  Harrison,  I  hear,  has  been  baffled  in  his  own  county  but  meant 
to  be  a  candidate  in  Surry,  and  in  case  of  a  rebuff  there,  to  throw  another  die  for 
the  borough  of"  Norfolk.  I  do  not  know  how  he  construes  the  doctrine  of  residence. 
It  is  surmised  that  the  machinations  of  Tyler,  who  fears  a  rivalship  for  the  chair, 
are  at  the  bottom  of  his  difficulties.  (Madison  to  Jefferson,  27  April,  1785.)  Though 
Harrison  removed  to  Surry  with  his  family,  an  attempt  was  made  to  throw  him  out, 
and  in  the  Committee  on  Privileges  an  adverse  decision  was  had  by  the  casting  vote 
of  the  chairman  ;  but  on  a  vote  in  the  House  he  retained  his  seat  by  a  very  small 
majority  —  less  than  six  votes. 

fFor  Madison's  views  on  this  subject  consult  his  letter  to  Monroe  of  7th  August, 


IO  * 


in  hopes  it  will  get  safe  and  soon  to  your  hands.  Mr.  Blair 
tells  me  a  copy  of  this  resolution  has  been  transmitted  to 
the  State  of  Maryland,  but  knows  nothing  further  of  the 
matter.  Perhaps  the  clerk  or  speaker  sent  one  to  Mr. 
Mason.  It  would  seem  necessary  something  should  be 
done  in  it  previous  to  the  meeting  of  the  Assembly.  My 
determination  is  to  be  in  King  George  by  the  8th  or  10th 
next  month,  where  I  shall  stay  a  few  days  before  I  set  out 
on  my  trip  to  Berkeley.  I  should  be  glad  to  hear  from  you 
and  if  you  mean  to  leave  Orange,  which  way  you  bend 
your  course. 


Richmond,  21st  February,  1786. 
Dear  Sir, 

Mr.  Madison  having  given  you  before  he  left  Richmond 
a  history  of  the  proceedings  of  the  Assembly  during  their 
late  session,  I  have  only  to  add  to  what  he  has  done  some 
particular  acts  passed  by  them,  a  perusal  of  which  may 
prove  more  satisfactory  than  a  partial  account  of  them. 
With  these  you  will  receive  a  small  pamphlet  entitled  "Re- 
flections, &c."  ascribed  to  Mr.  Sl.  G.  Tucker,  together  with 
the  proceedings  of  the  Convention  of  the  Protestant  Epis- 
copal Church,  held  lately  in  Philadelphia,  and  some  news- 
papers containing  a  variety  of  questions  respecting  our 
commerce,  making  in  the  whole  the  only  report  I  am  at 
present  able  to  furnish  you. 

The  act  for  establishing  certain  ports  for  foreign  vessels 
passed  some  time  ago,  commences  its  operation  the  first  of 
June  next.     It  is  imperfect,  and  an  attempt  was  made  by  a 



bill  introduced  the  last  session  to  amend  its  defects,  but 
was  lost  in  its  progress  through  the  Legislature.  The  ope- 
ration of  this  imperfect  law  it  is  to  be  feared  will  increase 
the  opposition  to  the  measure  and  work  a  repeal  the  next 
session.  I  wish  a  fair  experiment  could  be  made  to  ascer- 
tain the  advantages  or  disadvantages  of  restricting  foreign 
commerce  to  a  few  ports.  Although  its  policy  is  strongly 
opposed,  yet  I  incline  to  think  Upon  fair  experiment  the 
measure  would  prove  beneficial  and  establish  itself  from  its 
fruits.  Doubtless  it  would  greatly  aid  the  collection  of 
impost  revenue,  and  suppress  these  evasions  which  are  now 
too  generally  practised  by  the  subtile  and  interested  trader. 

A  wretched  combination  of  unimformed  members,  with- 
out an  individual  to  utter  their  objections  of  the  least  pre- 
tensions to  science  except  M — r — w — r  S — th,*  proved  too 
powerful  for  reason  and  eloquence  in  favor  of  the  bill  for 
establishing  Circuit  Courts.  Nothing,  I  think,  effectual 
has  been  done  to  counteract  the  commercial  policy  of  Brit- 
ain respecting  the  States.  Commissioners  to  meet  com- 
missioners of  other  States  have  been  appointed.  Whether 
they  will  ever  meet,  or  when  met  effect  any  good  purpose 
is  yet  in  the  womb  of  time.  Better  far  it  would  have  been 
to  confide  to  Congress  such  powers  as  were  adequate  and 
necessary  to  secure  and  protect  our  commerce  from  the 
attempts  of  monopoly  and  the  injuries  of  inequality.  If  it 
is  ever  to  be  wrested  from  the  present  engrossers  of  it,  the 
federal  power  alone  can  effect  [it]. 

Has  anything  been  done  with  Britain  respecting  com- 
merce? Are  we  to  expect  a  surrender  of  the  posts  on  the 
Lakes?     The  holding  of  them  and  declining  to  account  for 

♦Meriwether  Smith. 


the  negros  carried  from  New  York  have  served  with  our 
people  as  pretexts  for  continuing  in  force  the  law  that  pro- 
hibits British  subjects  suing  for  their  debts.  Are  we  to 
ascribe  the  reluctance  in  many  instances  and  the  absolute 
neglect  in  others,  of  the  Indian  tribes,  to  meet  and  treat 
with  our  Commissioners,  to  the  detention  of  the  posts  on 
the  Lakes,  or  to  British  and  Spanish  intrigues  with  those 

Col.  le  Maire  will  I  expect  deliver  you  this  with  its  in- 
closures.  I  wish  I  could  have  regaled  you  with  something 
more  entertaining.  You  must  accept  the  will  for  the  deed. 
Tobacco  is  still  low;  2 2s.  6d.  last  price  here.  Some  think 
this  is  owing  to  a  contract  made  with  the  Farmers  general, 
the  fulfillment  of  which  we  are  told  rests  with  R.  Morris. 
If  Mr.  Short  is  with  you,  present  him  my  compliments. 

Will  it  be  improper  to  publish  in  Paris  from  the  Virginia 
paper,  the  act  concerning  G.  W.  ?  Le  Maire  will  bear  the 
act  of  naturalisation  to  the  Marquis. 


Richmond,  30th  May,  1786. 
Dear  Sir, 

Before  the  receipt  of  your  favour  by  Maj.  Moore  I  had 
procured  from  Mr.  Beckley  copies  of  the  bill  you  wanted, 
and  you  will  receive  them  enclosed.  Something  is  indis- 
pensably necessary  to  be  done  respecting  the  Courts  ol 
Justice,  or  they  will  soon  become  grievances  instead  of 
giving  relief  for  administering  justice.  Each  of  them  is 
already  overcharged  with  business ;  the  general  court  much 
behind ;  the  Court  of  Appeals  only  trying  one  cause  in  a 



week  after  convening,  owing  it  is  said  to  the  lawyers  being 
worn  down  with  laborious  attendance  on  the  preceding 
courts  and  unable  to  prosecute  the  business.  The  Attorney 
and  Mr.  Baker,  however,  found  it  convenient  to  set  out 
the  Monday  after  the  Court  rose  for  Williamsburg,  to  de- 
fend some  client  in  the  court  of  admiralty  where  I  suppose 
the  fees  were  more  tempting  than  in  the  chancery  court. 
The  Attorney  was  indeed  in  bad  health  before  the  Court 
broke  up,  being  scarcely  able  to  speak  loud  enough  to  be 
heard,  and  was  compelled  for  want  of  voice,  which  a  severe 
cold  deprived  him  of,  to  relinquish  the  business  in  Wil- 
liamsburg before  it  was  finished,  and  since  his  return  has 
been  very  ill.  He  is  now  better,  took  the  air  in  his  chariot 
yesterday,  but  [is]  in  such  a  state  of  health  as  to  require 
much  caution  to  steer  clear  of  danger.  He  has  had  several 
blisters  on  him  and  at  this  time  can  speak  only  in  whispers. 
I  think  this  attack  will  make  him  more  cautious  in  future, 
and  not  so  freely  venture  health  for  the  sake  of  money. 
Mr.  Nicholas,  I  am  told,  is  for  district  courts  on  a  plan 
different  from  any  hitherto  proposed.  I  am  more  and 
more  disposed  to  concur  in  the  business  of  districts  upon 
some  such  plan  as  White  and  myself  in  conversation  with 
you  one  evening  concurred  in  and  for  which  purpose  he 
was  to  propose  an  amendment  to  the  bill  before  the  House. 
But  I  never  heard  further  yet. 

I  sincerely  wish  you  an  agreeable  journey  to  the  north 
when  you  undertake  it,  and  as  sincerely  wish  you  success  in 
any  speculation  you  may  make  on  the  Mohawk,  but  confess 
to  you,  though  I  am  a  stranger  to  the  land  and  its  conve- 
niences, the  remoteness  from  navigation,  the  long  winters 
and  the  present  uncertain  issue  of  what  course  the  back 



commerce  may  take  leave  the  advantages  of  holding  lands 
there  doubtful  to  an  inhabitant  of  New  York,  much  more 
so  to  a  citizen  of  Virginia.  However,  nothing  can  so  well 
clear  up  these  difficulties  as  a  visit  to  the  country  and  ob- 
taining the  best  information  the  present  state  of  things  will 
afford.  One  caution  I  will  recommend,  and  that  is  not  to 
purchase  land  from  any  person  without  first  examining  it 
or  having  it  examined  by  the  one  you  can  rely  on  for  true 
information.  I  take  it  for  granted  those  of  the  country 
know  the  value  of  property  there  as  well  perhaps  better 
than  others,  and  generally  speaking  there  are  always  men 
to  be  found  ready  to  obtain  what  we  may  call  bargains  and 
that  N.  York  have  such  men  in  it,  able  also  to  buy  I  must 
suppose,  and  should  therefore  be  backward  in  buying  what 
others  seem  not  much  to  desire.  I  offer  these  hints  with 
freedom,  not  wishing  to  prevent  your  speculations  there, 
but  to  interpose  necessary  caution  in  whatever  you  may  do. 

I  shall  see  King  George  county  next  week  and  perhaps 
visit  Alexandria  before  my  return.  We  are  about  to  look 
into  the  state  of  the  several  naval  offices  and  the  mode  of 
conducting  the  business  in  them,  which  we  think  and  I 
hope  will  have  its  use. 

The  British  Minister,  we  hear,  has  informed  Mr.  Adams 
in  answer  to  his  demand  of  the  posts,  that  America  must 
first  pay  the  debts. 


Richmond,  7  June,  1787. 
Dear  Sir, 

Since  my  return  to  Richmond,  which  place  I  left  soon 

after  the  Governor  set  out,  I  have  yours  of  the  27th  from 



Philadelphia.  Mr.  Dortman,  who  has  arrived  here  within 
a  few  days  past,  informed  us  your  information  from  New 
York  of  other  delegates  coming  forward  was  well  founded, 
as  you  had  ten  States  represented  when  he  came  away.  I 
entertain  hopes  from  the  disposition  of  the  members  con- 
vened, that  harmony  will  prevail  and  such  improvements 
of  the  federal  system  adopted  as  will  afford  us  a  prospect 
of  peace  and  happiness.  I  am,  however,  strongly  impressed 
with  fears  that  your  labours  in  Convention,  though  wisely 
conducted  and  concluded,  will  in  the  end  be  frustrated  by 
some  of  the  States  under  the  influence  of  interests  operat- 
ing for  particular  rather  than  general  welfare.  Be  this  as  it 
may,  I  cannot  doubt  but  the  meeting  in  Philadelphia  will 
(composed  as  it  is  of  the  best  and  wisest  persons  in  the 
Union)  establish  some  plan  that  will  be  generally  approved. 

The  Lieutenant-Governor  tells  me  he  does  and  shall  con- 
tinue to  write  to  the  Governor*  once  a  week  at  least.  I 
shall  do  the  same  to  you  if  I  can  furnish  any  sort  of  mate- 
rials for  a  letter  worth  communicating.  At  any  rate  I  may 
support  a  correspondence  by  enclosing  you  by  the  news- 
papers ;  if  I  can  entertain  you  with  nothing  more  interest- 

A  letter  from  Mr.  A.  Lee  which  the  Governor  has  sent 
us  intimates  the  propriety  of  proceeding  without  delay  (if 
the  Executive  have  any  money  at  their  command)  to  pur- 
chase up  Continental  securities,  which  are  now  low,  but 
which  he  seems  to  think  will  (if  the  Convention  do  any- 
thing that  will  probably  meet  the  approbation  of  the  States, 
and  the  sales  of  the  lands  by  Congress  take  place)  rapidly 
rise  in  value.     He  says  also  that  other  States  are  doing  this 

*  Edmund  Randolph. 



while  it  is  to  be  effected  on  easy  terms.  I  wish  for  infor- 
mation as  to  the  fact,  and  your  sentiments  so  far  as  you 
conjecture  respecting  the  rise  of  the  value  of  these  papers. 

We  have  forbid  any  further  advances  of  specie  to  the 
Commissioner  of  the  U.  S.  until  we  can  be  assured  the 
proportion  of  indents  will  be  admitted.  Those  on  the 
requisition  of  the  last  year  have  been  withheld,  conse- 
quently it  is  too  late  for  the  present  collection  to  furnish  a 
proportion  of  them ;  and  we  understand  the  construction 
of  the  Treasury  board  of  the  U.  S.  is  that  under  the  requi- 
sitions of  '84  and  '85,  the  indents  issued  under  each  requi- 
sition can  be  received  in  payment  of  each,  and  none  of  the 
one  be  admitted  in  the  other,  and  so  of  the  last  year,  had 
they  come  forward;  and  of  the  year  '85  none  to  be  re- 
ceived but  such  as  were  in  the  hands  of  the  State  treasurer 
the  1st  January  '87,  and  of  '86,  none  but  such  as  should 
be  in  his  hands  by  the  1st  July,  '87.  This  was  not,  I  be- 
lieve, so  understood  here  by  the  requisitions,  and  if  they 
were  so  intended,  which  may  probably  have  been  the  case, 
a  point  so  material  for  the  States  to  be  acquainted  with 
should  have  been  clearly,  and  not  doubtfully  expressed. 

We  have  letters  from  several  of  the  county  lieutenants 
of  the  Kentucky  district  of  Indian  incursions  and  depre- 
dations, many  persons  killed  and  horses  carried  off;  of  the 
families  many  of  them  in  the  frontier  coming  in,  particu- 
larly in  Jefferson.  These  letters  are  sent  to  the  delegates 
in  Congress.  We  have  authorized  measures  of  defense 
only,  well  knowing  an  adherence  to  the  militia  law  our  best 
policy  as  a  State.  But  the  measures  of  the  United  States 
should  go  further,  whenever  there  is  reason  for  it.  Our 
informations  seem  to  call  for  such  measures,  or  I  am  per- 


suaded  very  great  distress  will  attend  the  Kentucky  district. 
We  hear  nothing  of  or  from  Mr.  Butler,  or  the  commander 
of  the  troops  of  the  U.  St :  My  compliments  to  the  Gov- 
ernor. I  beg  your  excuse  as  I  really  had  forgot  your  for- 
mer request  about  the  2  books.  It  shall  be  attended  to 
now,  but  you  will  inform  me  where  they  are  to  be  sent. 


Richmond,  29  June,  1787. 
Dear  Sir, 

We  are  not  to  know  the  result  of  your  deliberations  for 
five  or  six  weeks  to  come,  as  from  accounts  your  session 
will  continue  until  some  time  in  August.  Some  of  your 
uxorious  members  will  become  impatient  from  so  long  ab- 
sence from  home.  How  does  the  Dr.  stand  it?  enjoy  him- 
self as  usual  or  cast  longing  looks  towards  Richmond. 
Mrs.  McClurg  is  and  looks  well,  and  will  I  dare  say  on  his 
return  prove  at  least  a  full  match  for  him.  Mrs.  Randolph 
and  the  children  have,  I  hope,  got  up  safe.  Present  her  if 
you  please  my  compliments.  Tell  the  governor  we  shall 
not  venture  to  speculate  in  indents  or  any  other  Continental 
securities.  Had  we  the  power  and  the  means  to  follow  a 
certain  gentleman's  advise  the  adoption  of  his  plan  would, 
with  me  at  least,  required  other  authority  to  support  it. 
We  have  directed  the  sale  of  the  tobacco  on  hand  in  the 
manner  as  you  will  see  by  the  enclosed  paper,  and  have 
some  hopes  the  price  will  be  advanced  nearly  to  the  State 
price  by  the  receipt  of  the  interest  warrants.  These  ici// 
soon  answer  the  purposes  of  specie.  I  am  told  it  has  had 
the  effect  to  appreciate  the  warrants  2^  per  cent.     The 



sudden  demand  at  Petersburg  the  last  week  for  tobacco  in 
consequence  of  many  arrivals  started  the  price  there  to 
24s.  6d.  which  had  for  some  time  stood  at  22s.  6d.  ;  here 
it  rose  from  2$s.  to  24s.  I  am  told  at  Fredericksburg  the 
price  has  got  to  22s.  6d.;  it  has  been  20s.  only.  Some 
how  it  is  kept  down  here,  and  will  I  fear  be  checked  in 

We  last  evening  had  a  letter  from  the  searcher  at  Alex- 
andria complaining  of  a  rescue  from  his  possession  of  a 
schooner  he  had  seized.  She  is  from  St  Kitts,  had  entered 
in  Maryland,  but  was  detected  in  landing  at  Alexandria 
some  rum  (the  number  of  hhd.  not  mentioned)  which  occa- 
sioned her  seizure  by  the  searcher.  The  communication 
we  have  received  shews  that  the  people  of  the  town  were 
more  disposed  to  act  in  opposition  to  law  than  support  the 
officer  in  the  execution  of  his  duty.  We  have  directed 
one  of  the  armed  boats  to  endeavour  to  recover  the  vessel 
which  we  hear  moved  towards  George  Town.  We  have 
also  called  for  the  names  of  those  who  assisted  the  captain 
and  vessel  to  escape,  and  directed  the  searcher  to  move  for 
the  penalty  against  those  who  refused  to  assist  him,  when 
summoned  by  him  to  offer  their  aid.  The  last  post  I  heard 
late  in  the  evening,  that  Mr.  Harrison  was  to  set  out  in  the 
stage  in  the  morning.  I  sent  accounts  to  him  with  the 
two  books,  requesting  he  would  convey  them  to  you. 

Will  you  send  me  the  7th  Essay  on  Finance.*  Adams 
book  is  here,  and  I  can  get  the  reading  of  it.f 

*By  Pelatiah  Webster,  a  merchant  of  Philadelphia, 
f  Defence  of  the  Constitution. 



Richmond,  6th  July,  1787. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  have  your  letter  of  the  26th  ult.  The  post  preceding 
the  arrival  of  yours  brought  me  a  letter  from  the  Governor, 
inclosing  Mr.  Wythe's  resignation,*  when  the  filling  the 
vacancy  made  by  that  Gentleman's  departure  from  Con- 
vention was  considered,  and  determined  by  the  executive 
to  be  unnecessary.  The  length  of  time  the  Convention  had 
been  sitting,  and  the  representation  of  the  State  then  at- 
tending, being  within  one  of  the  number  first  appointed, 
and  these  gentlemen  of  established  character  and  approved 
abilities,  were  considerations  that  I  believe  had  weight  and 
governed  the  determination.  Had  the  supplying  Mr. 
Wythe's  place  been  thought  'necessary,  I  have  no  doubt 
Mr.  Corbin's  well-known  abilities,  and  his  being  on  the 
spot,  would  have  pointed  him  out  to  the  executive  as  a 
proper  person.  It  is  supposed  by  some  Dr.  McClurg  will 
soon  retire.  Should  that  be  the  case,  and  the  other  gentle- 
men remain  I  am  inclined  to  think  from  what  formerly 
passed  at  the  board,  they  will  be  deemed  a  representation 
competent  to  the  great  objects  for  which  they  were  ap- 

If  the  Massachusetts  Assembly  should  pursue  such  meas- 
ures as  from  the  specimens  you  mention  there  is  reason  to 
fear  they  will,  the  example  may  probably  prove  contagious 
and  spread  into  New  Hampshire,  whereby  the  Eastern  pol- 
itics will  become  formidable,  and  from  the  principles  which 

*  "  Mr.  Wythe  left  us  yesterday,  being  called  home  by  the  serious  declension  of 
his  lady's  health." — Madison  to  Jefferson,  6  June  1787. 



appear  to  govern  them  and  the  number  of  adherents,  per- 
nicious consequences  are  to  be  apprehended. 

Tobacco  still  rises ;  the  price  now  current  will  nearly 
bring  us  what  the  State  allowed,  and  it  is  probable  by  next 
Thursday,  the  day  we  have  fixed  for  the  sale,  we  shall  find 
purchasers  giving  a  price  for  all  the  upland  tobacco  at  least 
equal  if  not  higher  than  the  State  price.  Although  the 
Treasury  board  refused  to  take  tobacco  at  the  State  price, 
we  have  been  applied  to  this  day  by  Hopkins  to  postpone 
the  sale  until  he  can  apply  to  and  be  directed  by  them  what 
to  do,  or  allow  him  to  bid  for  tobacco  to  the  amount  of  the 
bills  on  him,  which  he  says  is  about  25,000  dollars.  All 
circumstances  considered,  we  agreed  he  may  purchase  to 
the  amount  of  4,000/,  to  be  considered  as  specie,  and  to 
be  accompanied  with  the  proper  proportion  of  indents 
under  the  requisition  of  '85. 


Richmond,  23d  July,  1787. 
Dear  Sir, 

Since  my  last  to  you  I  have  been  very  much  indisposed, 
and  until  a  few  days  past  unable  to  write  or  attend  to  any 
business.  At  this  time  I  am  barely  strong  enough  to  take 
exercise.  Are  we  likely  to  have  a  happy  issue  of  your  meet- 
ing, or  will  it  pass  over  without  effect?  Finding  you  still 
continue  together  our  hopes  are  not  lost;  my  fears,  how- 
ever, I  must  confess,  are  rather  increased  than  diminished 
by  the  protraction  of  your  session,  taking  it  for  granted 
many  and  great  difficulties  have  been  encountered,  as  there 
were  many  and  great  to  remove  before  a  good  system  could 



be  established.  We  have  been  amused  with  your  either 
soon  separating  or  continuing  to  sit  until  September.  I 
have  nothing  to  tell  you  of  but  that  I  have  been  disap- 
pointed in  my  expectation  we  should  get  for  our  tobacco 
the  State  price.  The  James,  Appomattox  and  York  have 
been  sold  here;  the  two  former  at  near  the  State  price,  the 
latter  some  shillings  below  it.  A  few  both  of  Rappahan- 
nock and  Potomac  were  offered ;  they  sold  at  a  loss  of  $s 
or  6s  a  hundred.  Seeing  no  prospect  of  a  better  price  here 
for  these  tobaccos,  the  committee  of  Council,  who  attended 
the  sale  to  assist  the  treasurer  with  their  advice  postponed 
the  sale,  and  the  Rap :  tobaccos  are  to  be  sold  at  Fredericks- 
burg, the  ist  next  month  and  the  Potomack,  at  Alexandria, 
the  6th,  being  the  Monday  after  Col.  Meriwether  is  appointed 
to  do  the  business  under  the  direction  of  two  of  the  Council, 
Col.  Mathews  and  Genl.  Wood,  who  are  to  attend.  It  is 
hoped  a  better  price  will  be  obtained  by  selling  in  the  man- 
ner proposed. 

I  shall  leave  this  place  about  the  3d  of  next  month  and 
keep  on  towards  the  mountains  for  the  sake  of  health. 
Your  future  letters,  therefore,  please  to  direct  to  Freder- 

The  Virginia  Legislature,  with  a  view  to  aid  the  collec- 
tion of  taxes,  had  determined  to  take  tobacco  in  lieu  ot 
specie  in  the  payment  of  taxes  at  a  price  to  be  determined 
by  the  executive,  but  not  to  exceed  28  shillings.  This 
proposition  was  accepted  by  the  moderate  members  in  the 
hope  of  preventing  worse  measures — like  the  issue  of  more 
paper  money. 

<r  L. 

0  V.